Sunday, July 24, 2016

Cop Shoots Threatening Dog Through Fence In Front of Children at Five Year Old's Birthday Party

What the heck is wrong with a guy like this? It is a dog. The dog is behind an enclosed fence. The cop is at the wrong house to serve a two year old warrant on guy who last lived there ten years ago. After shooting the dog with his pistol, he then goes back to his car for his AR-15.  The "officer" then puts two rounds into the dog in front of the kids who watched from a window. He silently walks back to his patrol car and gets inside and drives away. I don't care for bulldogs and I know some cops that are great guys, but this is ridiculous. 

Click here for link.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Only way to comment in the link is to sign in to facebook, and I don't support my enemies. About the cop, well maybe he was scared, maybe he is a muslim, maybe he's crazy, maybe doesn't have the temperament to be a cop.

  3. The Waingro excuse always works.

    "I had to get it on, man. He was makin' a move! I had to get it on!"

    I'm sure the nice policeman meant well while he was killing a loved pet in front of its family. Besides, his chief and brethren, the Vast Majority, will back up his actions, so who cares?

  4. I didn't notice Tim. I don't have FB account either. I wasn't there and it is hard to pass judgement, but often times as we've seen some of these guys are too quick to use a gun. There would not have been a thing in the world wrong with him getting in his cruiser and simply leaving. Longbow is right too. The chief said he was sorry the dog was shot, but said the officer "feared for his safety". In a time when some people are looking for any excuse to shot a cop it seems like they would be more concerned with doing the right thing than committing controversial acts.

    1. Thanks, didn't know you posted it here or I would have attributed your site instead of your name. :)


    2. No problem. Thanks for stopping by!

  5. I followed the link and it was that site where it asked for fb login, sorry wasn't clear.

  6. I find it very difficult to get "on board" with the blue lives matter, when cops shoot family pets cuz they feel threatened. I would not have behaved rationally if this were my dog and it happened in front of me.

  7. Hi Irish,
    Funny how that goes....Cops carry Gunz and all kinds of lethal equipment on their person and a dog in a chain linked fenced and gated yard is a threat to them?? Jeez.... Like Jeffery said,"There would not have been a thing in the world wrong with him getting in his cruiser and simply leaving!!!!!" Now think about it, besides cops dealing with dogs in yards, how about your friendly neighborhood "MAILMAN!!!!!" They are not armed, deal with dogs all the time, they do now carry pepper spray, but it's really easy....if there is a dog in the yard that is aggressive, they just write,"Dog in Yard" on the mail and take it back to the post office!! Rock On!! Unfortunately that old Walt Disney movie with Tommy Kirk and Fred McMurray was from a time long ago when the world was somewhat more sane than today, now it is just gone "MAD!!" The movie, "The Shaggy Dog!!!" If there was a remake of the movie "Today" I'm sure that Tommy would get shot dead by a cop within the first few minutes!!!
    Got Gunz..........OUTLAW!!!!!!,

  8. If any cops wonder why people cheer when cops get killed, this is one reason why.

  9. A 10 year old warrant, and the cop had been to the house before and knew these people?
    Something stinks here.

  10. Fire his worthless ass and feed him to some mean dogs.


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