Friday, July 22, 2022

Friday Femme Fatale Farrago.....




Temperature Data...


 From:    90milesfromtyranny  via Nemo






Memes, We Have Memes... Some well needed inbox clean-up from all the contributors, thank you.







“Can I help you?” he asks.




“We Need To See Your Guns”: ATF Conducts Warrantless Search – Demands To See Man’s Legally Owned Guns 



Delaware — A small business owner with no criminal record was shocked this month when he watched a disturbing scene unfold on his Ring doorbell camera. When he checked the notification on his phone he noticed three armed men wearing tactical vests, dressed in t-shirts and blue jeans. Two of the armed men were agents with the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) and the third was a Delaware state trooper.

Knowing he had committed no crime, the business owner who wishes to remain anonymous, had no idea why these men were there so he walked out to confront them before they ever knocked. The entire interaction was recorded on his camera system.

“Can I help you?” he asks.


MORE HERE with the RING CAM video


h/t to Skip


If It Makes You Feel Better.....









"What Does The T-shirt Say?" asks Gunsmither






 Here's the video, for research purposes I have made some edits.



Tuesday, July 19, 2022

22 year old Hero fucks up 20 year old's day AND the narrative....


 22-year-old Elisjsha Dicken.

The hero who took down the mass shooter in the Greenwood, Indiana mall last night

He was legally carrying under under Indiana's Constitutional Carry law.



Chief Ison said that the gunman entered the mall through the food court entrance at 4:54 p.m. He walked directly to the food court restroom. He exited the restroom 1 hour and 2 minutes later.

He shot and killed victim Gomez outside the restroom. He pointed his rifle into the food court, where the married victims were eating dinner, and shot them to death. He then shot more rounds into the food court, striking a 22 year old female, who is recovering from a leg wound at the hospital, the chief said. A bullet fragment ricocheted off the wall, striking a 12-year-old female running away. A minor wound was treated at the hospital, where a small piece of metal jacket was removed.

The shooter was then stopped by the Good Samaritan at 5:57 p.m. He was armed with a pistol and engaged the shooter as Sapirman stood outside the restroom area firing into the food court, Ison said.

Dicken fired several times, hitting Sapirman, who tried to retreat back into the restroom but fell to the ground after being shot, said Ison. Police recovered 24 rifle rounds fired by the suspect and 10 handgun rounds fired by Dicken.



As I sit here, I'm sure the media can't wait to interview such a hero.  Pffft.....


Who am I kidding, they are digging through his social media and trash bin to find out he's a racist

bigot, homophobe and Trump supporter.  Fuck the media.

Why I Blog... re: Remdesivir


Yesterday afternoon, this comment was posted in response to my May 10th post regarding my Mom

and the hospital wanting to giver her remdesivir. 


A short ride on the Remdesivir trail of tears http://www.renewamerica.com/columns/sstone/220718

When I read this I was thinking of you, your Mom, Fem Fatal Fridays!


Over two months after I wrote that post, Anon, remembered it AND

took the time to go back, find the post and comment with the link. This is why I blog. 

There are good people out there that I may never meet in person but will still be able

to meet in the interweb community.

 I will post the link below as I feel it needs to be read and shared.

 It's interesting timing that Anon sent this. I was talking to my Mother yesterday afternoon and

  one of her friends was going on and on to her about having to get

the vaccination.

 I told her all my reasons why not to and reminded her about her stay in the hospital and 

how I told her NO to the remdesivir drug.  

I read her this column as I sat in my truck after work.


Personally, my trust about anything nowadays is about nil. 

A short ride on the Remdesivir trail of tears

 By Steve A. Stone

July 18, 2022

Dear Friends and Patriots,

I've heard a lot about Remdesivir for the past two years. The NIH treatment protocol for COVID seems to require it if a patient is hospitalized with a particular set of COVID symptoms. The literature on the drug simply states it's indicated for use if the patient is hospitalized with a COVID diagnosis. It doesn't mention any symptom at all. Evidently, symptoms don't matter. Isn't that curious?

I first became interested in the selection of Remdesivir (or Veklury, its registered trade name) when I learned it had never been subjected to drug trials. It is an experimental drug, and when you read the literature (found at: https://www.gilead.com/-/media/files/pdfs/medicines/covid-19/veklury/veklury_pi.pdf – look on page 29), that fact is clearly evident. There is a table that describes the drug trials claimed by the developer, and they're all related to treatments of people who were hospitalized with COVID since March of 2020.

People in hospitals are being used as the only test subjects. There were and are no animal trials. There is no longitudinal safety data related to Remdesivir. Perhaps that's why the claims by Health Freedom advocates that it kills as many people as COVID itself aren't challenged in courts.

Everything about COVID is curious. Dr. Fauci is a prominent figure in the development of both the SARS-2 MRNA vaccines as well as the creation of patented mutations of the coronavirus that was eventually designated as COVID 19. When you pull that thread, it leads to huge financial incentives for many at NIH and the CDC to promote the use of the vaccines and boosters. The use of Remdesivir itself is curious. It was created by Gilead Sciences, first as a treatment for hepatitis C, which did not pan out. It was then tried as a treatment for Ebola, which also didn't pan out. It was most recently tried as a treatment for the Marburg virus, a hemorrhagic fever similar to Ebola. Again, it just didn't seem to work. Why was it tried for COVID? Was it a need to recoup investment costs?

My interests lead me down odd paths. I looked to see who the major investors are in Gilead Sciences. What did I find? The top four investors are: The Vanguard Group, with 8.1%, Blackrock Investments, with 6.5%, SSgA Funds Management, with 4.6%, and Capital Research & Mgt., with 4.5%. That means almost 25% of Gilead is owned by those four investment houses. When I looked a bit more, I found all of the top ten investors in Gilead to be investment houses, and that the total ownership by investment houses was 85%. (Currently available data. The actual investor roster changes daily.) Do you perceive an issue there? Is Gilead that good a financial bet?

In March 2020, Gilead applied for "orphan drug" status for Remdesivir. An "orphan drug" designation is supposed to indicate a drug's potential annual "patient base" is less than 200,000 people. Approval by the FDA allowed the company to secure 20-year patent rights in many countries, instead of the usual seven. In a strange twist of corporate fate, since getting those 20-year patent rights, Remdesivir was almost immediately incorporated into the NIH's approved COVID treatment protocol and is now administered to millions. It's also now Gilead's most profitable product. A strange twist indeed! I just wonder—how could that have happened?

Doesn't it interest you that a drug that didn't seem to work for any of the diseases it was supposedly designed for went from "orphan" status to the top selling product in Gilead's line in only one year? It interests me!

Both Vanguard and Blackrock are major players with the World Economic Forum. Connections between those organizations are highly interwoven. Is it logical to assume the WEF has something to do with Gilead's success?

I looked for links between the WEF and Gilead Sciences. I found Harald Nusser, a principal member of the WEF, shown as Gilead's current Head of Global Patient Solutions. Then, I found John Milligan, also a WEF principal member, who joined Gilead in 1990 and has been its CEO since 2016. I also found a Sep. 2021 page of the WEF website that had this statement: To date, Gilead Sciences Inc's intravenous drug remdesivir is the only approved antiviral treatment for COVID-19 in the US.

Who and what do you trust? How much trust are you willing to invest when it's proven to you there's a nexus between major investment firms and a pharmaceutical developer/manufacturer? How much trust are you willing to invest when it's proven the same pharmaceutical developer/manufacturer has been given an amazing level of preferential treatment by the government medical establishment? How much trust are you willing to invest when you know the same pharmaceutical developer/manufacturer is bound in lock step to the overlord organization promoting The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, and the Fourth Industrial Revolution? How much trust are you willing to invest when you know if you are admitted to a hospital with a COVID diagnosis you're very likely to be given Remdesivir, an experimental drug that's never proved to work for any of the diseases it was actually designed for? Do you want to be a Gilead lab rat?

I'll take my chances with hydroxychloroquine, Zinc, and Ivermectin. After doing just an hour of research on Remdesivir, I'm quite certain I want no part of it, just as I want no part of any of the so-called vaccines being administered for COVID. Of course, that means no hospital will touch me. I'm on my own. Somehow, I feel safer just knowing that.

I'll be fine. I hope you will be, too.

In Liberty,


© Steve A. Stone

Monday, July 18, 2022

Monday Meme-O sent in by Nemo....


 Share away. 

One thing I notice is the left still talks , a LOT, about Trump. He's been out of office for over a year

and a half and is living rent free in their collective psyche.

 I seldom see any Obama memes or posts about him or moose circulating the blogs.

He is the one that brought Trump. 

It will be interesting to see who Brandon summons.


Enjoy your week,