Thursday, July 21, 2022

Calling Out The Media BS....








  1. I keep track of the weather in my area. I mean; I RECORD the weather in my area. Call me a geek; that's just what I do. People around here say "IT'S NEVER BEEN THIS HOT BEFORE!!!" Uh.. wrong... Last year was as hot as this year. July 2017 was HOTTER than this July. So was 2018... and 2016... and... Yeah; I could keep on going. Fact is, it's SUMMER. It's HOT. Heat waves HAPPEN! Droughts HAPPEN. The people who freak out about this stuff are the same ones who crap their diapers when a Starbucks closes or if they can't get a kiwi fruit 24/27/365...

  2. The Wayback Machine don't lie!

    Of course, you realize that the Climatistas are depending on The Great Unwashed Masses having the recollection of a Fruit Fly. Which isn't far from Reality, either!

    We're screwed.


  3. They lie by omission.

    They will say "It has never been hotter than 104F" without mentioning that in 2017, 2003, 1996, 1989 etc. it also reached 104F ... but it has never reached 104.1F so TECHNICALLY it is true that it has never been hotter. Must be all that glo bull warbling, eh?

    Phil B

  4. Remember that when Glaciers melt and recede in places like Greenland and the Alps they usually find some sign of human habitation that was hidden under the ice. It has been warmer in the past.

  5. ...and then there's this temp record going back millions of years, unashamedly stolen from 990 Miles from Tyranny:



  6. Where did you get this? Can't find it anywhere. Faceberg won't let me post it, calls your website spam!LOL

  7. Worst drought of my memory 2011. Hmmm 11 years ago. None are talking about El Nino and La Nina's 11 year cycle.

  8. OK, I'm going to try this again. here's record of temps over the last millions years. I'd just post the .jpg, but Blogger doesn't allow copy and paste for .jpg's.



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