Friday, March 6, 2015

♫♫ If You've Imbibed In A Few Pints and Want Some Irish Music......♫♫

  Head over to ORBITUP's Blog and Listen 

( give it a few minutes )

I Need To Hydrate More During The Dry Winter Months...

Thanks Hiswiseangel!

♫♫ I was stealin' when I should have been buyin'.......♫♫

Friday Femme Fatale... Meeeooow.......

Zen Beer Master.....

It's The Run-Up To The Weekend.....

Phonetically They Are Pretty Close... That's About It.....

Has Anyone Else Seen or Experienced Strange, Interesting or Questionalble Things Happening?

 The post below was submitted by good buddy Leigh.
 A couple tales from two, random, ordinary citizens of he United States:

I work with two men that illustrate government over-reach . One is a story of the ever expanding surveillance state, the other of how close the death panels actually are.

First we have a man that served his country in the US Navy. A fact that he is rather proud of. As is common with old Navy guys, they tend to get nostalgic and reflect on their time in service.
One particular memory; was of a destroyed tender, off of the coast of a munition loading site, in Hawaii. This wasn't a relic of Pearl Harbor, but apparently the result of carelessness handling of explosives, that was left as a reminder. For the life of him, he couldn't remember the name of the destroyed ship. Naturally, he did what any of us would do – he Googled the name of the facility. There were numerous hits, including a web-site for the facility itself. After perusing a couple different results he entered the facility name into Google Earth to see if he could see the wreck of the vessel he had seen decades earlier. Strange???? It was showing a spot quite a distance inland. This had to be a mistake, or a satellite facility. So he physically repositioned the cursor to the spot where he remembered the wreck to be.
What he saw next raised the hair on the back of his neck. It wasn't the pixelated spot on a map that startled him, but a small light on his lap-top he suddenly noticed. He stared at it for a second before it dawned on him what it was. Minimizing the main screen confirmed what he suspected. The built in web cam had somehow managed to turn itself on, and there was his image staring back at himself.
In the four months he has owned that laptop, he has never inadvertently turned on the web cam – or have it spontaneously activate. He has no illusions as to what had happened. Big Brother had decided that it wanted to see who was looking where it is forbidden by the Party. So they reached out and touched him in a brazen show of intimidation.
He is a student of history. Not just of our own; he studies the early Europeans, the Greeks, the Romans, etc. He has studied the causes of both World Wars, and the activities during them. We have discussed the great lost civilizations of ancient times, and the decline of our Republic. He is concerned how far off of the path we have been shoved. This latest incident drives home his fears.

The other fellow went to the dentist. Pretty common, right? He thought so too; that was until he got the billing statement.
Somehow, through a glitch, it had gotten mixed up that he was supposedly on Commie-Care. The statement declared that the procedures, he had done, weren't covered due to the patient's age. That's right – a check-up and a cleaning weren't going to be covered under the Party's Glorious Insurance due to his advanced age. Kind of surprised him that he was deemed such a burden to society at the ripe old age of 58! Fortunately, they got it straightened out, and our company insurance covered the whole thing. From what he has been told, this wasn't an isolated incident.

Now we have a government that has voted itself the power to control the Internet. The people that couldn't design a health-care website, control the information flow to the whole World. What you are allowed to see will be chosen for you – to insure “fairness”, of course. Your private life will now become property of the public domain.
Wait, what???
You say you have nothing to hide, so you have nothing to fear?
Naïve fool.
You should be afraid.
Very afraid.
They have every electronic conversation you have ever been involved in.
They have your biometrics, your “meta-data”, financial data, and voting record.
The SS and KGB were rank amateurs compared to what goes on today.
Information is now a weapon.
A weapon aimed right at the base of your skull – you just don't realize it yet.

“Comrade, why do you have so much money in the bank? Do you not want to be a part of our glorious Peoples' Economy? You do realize that hoarding is a crime? Such selfishness is not to be tolerated in our Enlightened Society. Yet you continue to buy cigarettes, burdening our Dear Leader's, People's Heath Care. Not that it matters to you, for we see that you didn't support our Supreme Comrade's sixth glorious election to office.
Fear not Comrade, for you will no longer be a burden here in the Workers' Paradise. Nor will your removal cause additional burden to the Comrades you have betrayed.....
We bought your cure in bulk.”

TGIF.. Maybe I'll Order Pizza Delivery For Lunch...

1978 MBG Roadster For Sale..

  Check out the description of this beauty by clicking on the picture:

♫♫ Pissed Off Rednecks.. Share this far and wide!! ♫♫

I saw this at BFH's place


Thursday, March 5, 2015

Hey, Looks Like My Header Girl Dressed Business Casual.....

photographer here

Jameson Holder.....

Random Thoughts....

Stereotypes Are True I See.....

 From TMZ

Harrison Ford Crashes Plane:

A small plane piloted by Harrison Ford has crash-landed at an L.A. golf course ... but we're told the actor has survived. 
TMZ has learned ... Ford was piloting what appears to be a vintage 2-seater fighter plane Thursday ... when something went wrong and he crashed into Penmar golf course in Venice, CA.  
We're told Ford suffered multiple gashes to his head and was bleeding. Two doctors who happened to be at the golf course rushed over to treat the actor. ( my emphasis)
Emergency personnel arrived to the scene a short time later. Ford was transported to a nearby hospital. 
72-year-old Ford is a longtime aviator -- piloting planes and helicopters -- and has crashed multiple times in the past. 

Story developing ...

Meanwhile In Russia....

No Matter How Old You Are..........

Backyard Mini Metal Foundary...

1/2 Scale Guns... Working Models...Actually Shoot

Never A Good Idea To Try And Wedge In Front Of Tractor Trailers....

My son's first drink...

I was reading an article last night about fathers and sons, and memories came flooding back of the time I took my son out for his first drink.

Off we went to our local bar, which is only two blocks from the house.

I got him a Guinness Stout. He didn't like it - so I drank it. 
Then I got him a Murphy's; he didn't like it either, so I drank it.

It was the same with Beamish and O'Hara's and Kilkenny.

By the time we got down to the Irish whiskey....

I could hardly push the stroller back home

H/t to "Murray"!

Whoa: Alleged ISIS recruiter worked for Alabama website

His post under RECIPES about how to make jihad johnnycake gave it way! Real Southerns call it cornbread! ;^)

Of course, I'm joking about that part, but click here for the rest of the story.

Deep down I know that banning green tip ammo will help  us win the war against terrorism and save the lives of thousands of LEO's! Now Go, Fight, Win!

Named For Some Of Their Characteristics.....

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Humpday... Into The Shadows....

This is Cool!... FPV (First Person View ) Quadcopter Racing...

Oh Yea... We Just Need One Little "Irish Curse" Storm

Almost 9 Feet of snow has fallen................

BOSTON (AP) — Talk about gluttons for punishment: Bostonians buried beneath more than 8½ feet of snow suddenly are clamoring for a little more so they can boast of a new record.
The city is just a smidgeon over 2 inches away from setting an all-time snowfall mark. So far this winter, it’s gotten 105.5 inches, according to National Weather Service measurements taken at Logan International Airport.
The record is 107.6 inches recorded during the 1995-96 season. Records date to 1872.


Pull Up In The Boat and Set Up The Hammock.. Watch The Clouds Go By...

"Hey Ma, The Mailman is Her..arrrghnfl;fgetgf"...........

GOP leadership promises one thing to get elected and then caves on the BIGGEST ISSUE of the election,,,,,,,,

all the while subverting the United States Constitution. They should be arrested and tried for treason. Jeff Sessions is one of the few in Washington that has guts enough to call them on it. Today's headlines should read Bohner and the majority of the GOP Caves! "A Day That Will Live in Infamy" read more

As a diversion to this colossal goat mating I expect the obola administration/batfe to recant their stance on the M885 "green tip" ammo ban and the rhinos to take credit and say something like, "in order to keep .223 ammo from being banned we had to give a little on the immigration issue".  Most of us know it is ALL posturing. Sure there may be two parties in name, but their goals are one and the same. Remember this. It matter not how one votes, the end result remains constant.

Reichspropagandakommisar Greenwood could not be reached for comment.

US soldiers take fire from a nearby ridge. An airstrike is called in to remove the threat.

It's The Simple Things In Life....

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Stuff I Find On The Webz...Photography By Daniel Casson.....

  I happened upon one of his images during a Tumblr surfing expedition.

 After a bit of googling I found a few sites that have some awesome images linked below.

Here is a description of Daniel:

Daniel Casson is a talented landscape photographer who lives near the Peak District in the UK. With an incredible eye for composition and color, Daniel’s photos instantly make you want to go out and explore the outdoors. In this interview you’ll learn more about Daniel and how he takes such stunning landscape photos with his iPhone.


TUMBLR HERE... Lots of photos

500PX HERE...for some reason I can't enlarge the pics?  

Some samples:

Cheap Home Security Plan.....

h/t to Jeffery

An Instant Captured....

  Click on the picture for the story....


"learn it, love it, live it"

"If you’re pissed at Obama again and Socialism has you feeling all down in the dumps, then flip on this video, grab you some Liberal Tears Gun Lube, sit back, relax, and enjoy you some FREEDOM!"

What can not go on, will NOT go on. GO READ

I know we all "Preach to the choir" here but all this stuff needs to be kept in the light. Can you imagine what is still in the shadows? Taxi Hack hits another homer with this post I linked below.

According to statfinder, the readership of The Feral Irishman is up. Thanks to all who stop by. IF you are new here OR if you missed it, Go read his post "The Pig Trap" which is linked in the first sentence. You won't be disappointed. 

Stay safe.

If you have read my post The Pig Trap, you know of my absolute bewilderment at the current state of our country. Our government is utterly lawless, just making shit up as they go along, creating regulations and executive edicts to bypass the Congress and the Constitution, committing crimes in the furtherance of those goals, and nobody ever gets in trouble, unless he screwing someone he shouldn’t be, and nobody ever loses their job or goes before a judge, and most importantly, nobody seems to give a fuck. Everything is just fucking dandy, as long as we can binge-watch Girls and Entourage on HBO GO and Katy Perry’s next single doesn’t suck and that hot chick from Club Plush texts me next week…

GO READ IT ALL HERE  ( Tell him Irish sent ya) 

Then go read THE PIG TRAP

Monday, March 2, 2015

and Just Like That It Could Least The Soundtrack Will Be Cool

Mesmerizing Wave Propagation

In Prehistoric Times There Were Creatures More Feared Than The T-Rex....

I really couldn't think of a good header,

but this song does make one ponder the question of who works for whom.

Irish Mercedes Doesn't Want To Be Stolen.......


Yup, Still Monday.......


Compiled and submitted by AFOI

** It's only a Conflict of Interest when it's "bad" money and interests.  File under
"Standards, Double".
** Interesting.  And I'll add... what happens when the US government and military are so focused on
domestic issues that the world collapses in chaos... and a resurgent USSR or ambitious China decide
to push the button while we're distracted?
** Comcast, et al, BUILT THE PIPES.  They, therefore, have the right to control how it is used.
** AHA!
** Quote: "The net neutrality rules don't sound so bad. And maybe they'll stay that
way. But I wouldn't bet a dime on it."  >> I wouldn't even bet one dime.  Or a
penny.  I do not trust that traitor, Barackus, to do ANYTHING except work to
undermine, weaken, and eventually destroy America.
** Quote: "It's hard to imagine something more inappropriate than this."  >> That the
thought crossed his mind?  I can see.  That he actually thought it through and still
did it?  It just shows how utterly corrupt academia has become.
** The New York Times reprises its roll as traitors all, once again advocating on the part
of America's enemy.  Rope. Tree. Journalists. Assembly.  Related:
** Bread and circuses for the masses.  What they don't know, they can't think about.  Related:
** "Standards, Double".  Another:
** Quote: "So even if Walker is utterly vindicated, it doesn't really matter..."  It will be non-stop like this from now until the
election or Walker drops out.
** Quote: "Make [Barackus] veto stuff. He hates having to take an active role. And if Harry
Reid tries to run interference even in the minority, then go nuclear. Harry already crossed
the nuclear threshold - make them pay."
** Yet they're worried about the Christians.  I call this a defensive use of Displacement.
** Video.
** SHUT UP!  They explained.  Remember, these people - Watermelons - are MISSIONARIES.
They don't care about facts, debate, logic, or civility.  They want to win BY ANY
MEANS NECESSARY.  More on that:
** I had, once, someone online thunder at me: "May God have mercy on your soul!" This
is Inquisition territory.
** VERY interesting quote from a Lerner email.  Of course, we could have an email from Lerner
saying Barackus initiated and approved her actions, and the MSM would still yawn.  Quote:
""No one will ever believe that both your hard drive and mine crashed within a week of each
other," is practically an open admission that Lerner and other members of the IRS were
engaging in a deception to conceal their correspondence from investigators. Questions to be
answered now include how high up the chain of command the malfeasance runs."  >> I wonder
what other gems are in there; I imagine a few people are sweating bullets now.
** Malignant narcissist.
** The shooter said "I targeted them because they were Jewish."  Video.  But, per Barackus,
this is just some random folks, targeting random people, at a random store.  Just imagine
if someone shot up a black-owned, black-food-centric store (whatever that means), who said
"I targeted them because they were black"... would that be passed over?  NO!  It would be
condemned - and RIGHTLY - as an act of pure, horrible racism.
** Black lives don't matter to liberals; just their votes.
** Quote: "The many verses in the Quran vilifying and demonizing Jews far outweigh the few
verses cautioning Muslims to respect the "people of the book.""
** And yet my relatives STILL say they don't see it.  Will they see it when the Molotov
cocktails splash against their houses and people yell "Jews out!"?
** IN THEIR OWN WORDS they scream they are a danger to the west.
** The people in the much-larger demonstration, those not Muslims themselves, are under the illusion
that since they are "enlightened and good people" they will be spared the slaughter.  They literally
cannot consciously grasp the nature of what they're protecting.  And - playing amateur psychologist
here... this seems to me like a case of Displacement.  As I understand it, when you are terrified
of something over which you have no control, instead of being afraid of IT, you find something you
CAN affect, and get angry at THAT.  For example, to borrow an example I read on,
you can be crossing the street with a friend and notice that a bus is speeding toward you.  You grab
your friend, screaming at them to come along before the two of you get hit... and they get angry at
you for grabbing them and being loud even though the bus is in plain sight.  Related:
** Quote: "And as far as both the Muslims and the Left are concerned, like Israel, the world would
have been a better place had Western civilization never existed and they are doing their best to
put theory into practice."  >> Again, this truly baffles me.  The Leftists ally with the Jihadists
against the West, seemingly clueless that those same Jihadists will turn on them when Western
Civilization falls.
** The UoW ASKED Walker to do what he did.  But the damage is done; millions of LIVs will now
go into the 2016 elections believing this crap.
** IRONY ALERT!  (Don't need an ID to vote for Obama, but need an ID for Obamacare.)
** Univ. of MN bans using race in description of suspects.  People are going to die because of this.
** Embedded quote: "The U.S. Air Force has a quarter of the number of fighter squadrons it did 25
years ago and two-thirds of the active duty airmen, a drop that threatens U.S. air superiority,
defense officials told lawmakers on Friday."  >> ISIS on the march, Putin nibbling Ukraine with an
eye on more, China building a base to threaten (if not outright attack) the Japanese islands, Iran
close to going nuclear... I remember back when the Cold War ended and all the Lefties were going
nuts about the "Peace Dividend" that would result from a slashed and no-longer-needed military.
I shook my head then.  I'm terrified now.
** Thou Shalt Not Question The Deity.

** Just wait until this comes to a mall near you.
** This is about the planned and deliberate destruction of America by diluting and supplanting the
native population.  Nothing less.
** Quote from Biden.  Sad part, he's right about the LIVs and welfare moochers who just want
to play games and get handouts.
** They assign a BLIND MAN to search through the emails?  How nakedly "up yours" can that get?
** Quote: "Those who advocate for this "net neutrality" plan, which is still secret, should be careful
about what they wish for: they just might get it."  >> Never mind the risks out outright suppression
of speech, which I think is a clear and present danger... even just the disruptions of service that
will happen is a problem - but it's a problem because those who supported this WILL NOT CONNECT
** ALL GOOD, but this is, IMHO, the key nugget; quote: "Liberalism fills the missing space once
inhabited by religion and the family. It provides a moral and ethical system as religion did and
the accompanying sense of purpose and its state institutions replace and supplant the family."
And another point:
** Quote: "There's also the fact that societies in decline have lower fertility rates. This has been
understood for a long time. In good times, people have more fun and that results in more babies. In
bad times, there's less fun and fewer babies. It's not just material good times or bad times either.
Periods of material wealth, but spiritual decline can push down fertility rates. Iran is the an
interesting example of a society with a very low fertility rate, despite modestly improving material
wealth."  >> Steyn is correct: Demographics is destiny.
** Quote: "CNN/government propagandists unmasked.again."  >> Rope. Tree. Journalists. Assembly.
** Strong words, and I agree.
** Quote: "Obama and members of his circle have repeatedly held forth Communist China as a
model to emulate. This will inevitably apply to wielding the new power they have seized
under the Orwellian euphemism "net neutrality.""  >> An excellent point.
** A fascinating embedded quote (with link below it): "If you're a younger scientist, you know that, if you cross Mann and the other climate mullahs,
there goes tenure, there goes funding, there goes your career: you'll be cut off like Briffa's tree rings. I've been stunned to learn of the very
real fear of retribution that pervades the climate world."

Sunday, March 1, 2015

How I Will Feel When Spring Finally Gets Here....


Compliled and submitted by AFOI  ( a friend of Irish)
** In many ways this can also be applied, in general, to Leftists who embrace those who
would cheerfully enslave or kill them.  And this one sentence alone is worth the price
of the time to read it: "If you do not stand up for yourself, you only encourage your
enemies to test how low you will crawl."  Related:
** Insane.  Sort-of related:
** Who is paying for all this?
** Think this thought while you read: "It doesn't matter what's true; it only matters
what people believe is true."
** Wild Bill on schools and students who believe in a diety.
** What was it Stalin said?  "Those who control the present control the past.  Those who control the past control the future."
** Pegging out on the "Yick-factor meter".
** Barackus is THE domestic enemy we've been fearing.
** Very good read.  So many people want to be taken care of... and will trade ANYTHING
to be taken care of.
** Read the whole thing, but the conclusion is spot-on.  IMHO Barackus is putting Israel into a box where
they have NO CHOICE but to attack Iran.
** They're aware of it, and yet they negotiate.  Would you play poker with someone you KNEW
was a cheat?  Related:
** Barackus doesn't care; all he cares about is Iran not going nuclear publically until he's
out of office.  And IMHO Iran has every incentive to hurry up WHILE he's in office lest a
more firm person be elected in the US.
** Walter Williams on multiculturalism.
** I think I fit more than half of these...
** More like Democrat voters in waiting.
** #11: Define and quantify what the "fair share" a person should pay is.
** What's she drinking?  Send the GOP a case or two.
** Posted before a while ago.  Worth repeating.  Straight from the mouth of someone who really
WAS in apartheid.  Related:
** The MSM; anti-Semites.  More on this libel:
** The Palestinians are experts at using a gullible media; almost as if the MSM doesn't believe
that little brown people are smart enough to fool them.  And two more:
** "Are you now, or have you ever been, a climate change skeptic?"
** It's only "dirty money" when it goes against the Narrative.
** Nuclear weapons are here to stay.  The fact that they are possible was the big hurdle.
** Make something more expensive, you get less of it.  Why is this so unclear?
** READ THIS.  And IMHO don't be surprised at a surprise "car accident".
** Good.
** The more people on the dole, the more will vote for you.
** But... but... poverty!!  Root causes!!
** Of course they'll deny it.
** Quote by Walker, which gives him cred in my book (at present): "I will always choose to
focus on what matters to the American people, not what matters to the media."
** Quote: "Most simply stated, there is no country in the Middle East that gives Arabs or other
minorities more freedom than Israel does. Arabs can own land, vote, practice their chosen religion
and speak their minds."
** The new Faith: The Church of Barackus.  And remember the real intention of the MSM: gin up
so much controversy that if Walker does run, they can refer back to their own whole-cloth
controversies and say "The 'controversial' Scott Walker".  Related:
** Quote: "Secondly, it is obvious to anyone whose head is still on their shoulders that Walker
is comparing the act of standing up to one group to the act of standing up another. Not the
groups. The action. The fortitude it takes to risk your political future, be resolute, be
uncompromising when needed, and to ignore the weaklings around you who want to cave or make
a bad deal."  >> Will I agree with Walker on 100% of things?  No, I'm sure not.  But better
someone on my side, with whom I agree, 70-80%, who FIGHTS.
** Quote: "Maybe not, but once again Republicans have made it clear they don't have the stomach for a fight."
>> They're more concerned with feathering their nests and being invited to the popular cocktail parties.
The GOP is dead, and in 2016 it will likely be a rout for the Left as the Right's base bails.  And another
quote: "It is an overreach made possible by an out-of-control administration, and its Democrat allies-both
of whom are being aided and abetted by a deer-in-the-headlights Republican Party. Whether liberty itself
can survive such a toxic mix remains to be seen."  >> I'm less concerned with the Left as I am with the
GOP.  For years - probably more than a decade - I've been carping that the GOP seems genetically unable
to grasp that the Democrat party has shifted from a principled-but-still-America-

loving party to one
wholly-owned by Socialists who want to unmake America.  More:
** Cartoon.
** And I find it deeply ironic that this video is produced overseas.
** The GOP is dead.  Cartoon that's spot-on.
** 424 MORE IRS tapes found.  Probably in boxes marked "Rose Law Firm".
** But now that they've found them, apparently there are "technical issues" with reading
them.  Uh huh.  And get this embedded quote: "But under questioning from Mr. Chaffetz, Mr.
Camus said it took him only two weeks to track down the backup tapes, and when he asked the
IRS depository for them, the workers there said they'd never been contacted by the agency
itself."  >> Let me repeat this.  The place that did the backups was never contacted by
the IRS.    Boy, I'll bet there are some gems in there if they can ever dig them out.
** Quote: "Is it too much to ask that the man in charge of a project supposedly marshaling
the best scientific evidence for the objective consideration of a highly complex and
contested phenomenon not feel that he has a religious commitment to a certain outcome?"
>> Read the quote from the now-resigned head of the IPCC just before this.  AGW is a FAITH.
** The soft bigotry of low expectations.
** Controlling the future by rewriting the past.
** Over 60% oppose net neutrality.  Stupid plebes.  Don't you know we know what's best... for US?
** Jews are the canaries in the coal mine.  When a society turns on Jews it is getting
ready to start eating its own.
** Sunnis and Shiites hate each other, but they hate Jews and America more.
** I think Barackus just hates Jews.  And loves terrorists:
** Egypt accuses Qatar of supporting terrorists; a week later Barackus meets with Qatar's emir.
Draw your own conclusions.
** MUST READ!!!   WOW!

Sunday Coffee....