Saturday, April 1, 2023

Go Enjoy An Afternoon Laugh...





   Tickle your funny bone here <<<<






Get Lost.



  Down this rabbit hole....



 Western Mining History<<<



Scenario... Countries Band Together and Repudiate The Dollar In Destabilization Attack... Thoughts?


  This post has made the rounds on other blogs and I have gotten some emails linking to it. 

It's good to go through the comments at other sites to see what thoughts others have on this.

YMMV on a random comment but some of the comments do link to other sites and info.


Here is the Post I am referring to: 

Operation Sand Man and Ramifications… <<<< LINK

with 4 comments

The financial news coming out as I write this, 3/30/23, is getting more and more alarming. I posted only two weeks ago, that we don’t have much time left, before the financial house of cards that the American economy is, comes tumbling down. In other words, the collapse is imminent.

I can now say with certainty that the collapse is in progress, now. The Western central banks have all pooled their resources to stop cash outflows from different banks around the Western world, to plug holes that appear, and keep the banks solvent. But it’s too much; the dam has too many cracks, too many holes, and there aren’t enough fingers available to stop the leaks.

Think about it this way; FTX collapsed, with some $30 billion and cryptocurrencies vaporized. That in turn pulled in Signature Bank, Silvergate and Silicon Valley banks, in classic bank runs. It would appear that regulators are set to limit withdrawals from banks, to prevent future bank runs. In other words, your money is safe in the bank… until you want to withdraw it.

Go read the rest if you like. 


Search hits on Duckduckgo have the attack named "Project Sandman" so try looking through these.

As always with these, YMMV. WYSIWYG. etc.

P-51 Mustang....









Thursday, March 30, 2023

When America was strong, fun, and prosperous

 I saw a similar story several years ago, but it wasn't written from this 12 year old's perspective. The last story was well received and thought this one was just as worthy. I have no way of verifying if the story is true of not, but having known of the pilot, I have no doubt about any of it. Enjoy

Brian Crampton
This 1967 true story is of an experience by a young 12 year old lad in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. It is about the vivid memory of a privately rebuilt P-51 from WWII, and its famous owner/pilot.
In the morning sun, I could not believe my eyes. There, in our little airport, sat a majestic P-51. They said it had flown in during the night from some U.S. Airport, on its way to an air show. The pilot had been tired, so he just happened to choose Kingston for his stop over. It was to take to the air very soon. I marveled at the size of the plane, dwarfing the Pipers and Canucks tied down by her. It was much larger than in the movies. She glistened in the sun like a bulwark of security from days gone by.
The pilot arrived by cab, paid the driver, and then stepped into the pilot's lounge. He was an older man; his wavy hair was gray and tossed. It looked like it might have been combed, say, around the turn of the century. His flight jacket was checked, creased and worn - it smelled old and genuine. Old Glory was prominently sewn to its shoulders. He projected a quiet air of proficiency and pride devoid of arrogance. He filed a quick flight plan to Montreal("Expo-67 Air Show") then walked across the tarmac.
After taking several minutes to perform his walk-around check, the tall, lanky man returned to the flight lounge to ask if anyone would be available to stand by with fire extinguishers while he "flashed the old bird up, just to be safe." Though only 12 at the time I was allowed to stand by with an extinguisher after brief instruction on its use -- "If you see a fire, point, then pull this lever!", he said. (I later became a firefighter, but that's another story.) The air around the exhaust manifolds shimmered like a mirror from fuel fumes as the huge prop started to rotate. One manifold, then another, and yet another barked -- I stepped back with the others. In moments the Packard -built Merlin engine came to life with a thunderous roar. Blue flames knifed from her manifolds with an arrogant snarl. I looked at the others' faces; there was no concern. I lowered the bell of my extinguisher. One of the guys signaled to walk back to the lounge. We did.
Several minutes later we could hear the pilot doing his pre-flight run-up. He'd taxied to the end of runway 19, out of sight. All went quiet for several seconds. We ran to the second story deck to see if we could catch a glimpse of the P-51 as she started down the runway. We could not. There we stood, eyes fixed to a spot half way down 19. Then a roar ripped across the field, much louder than before. Like a furious hell spawn set loose -- something mighty this way was coming. "Listen to that thing!" said the controller.
In seconds the Mustang burst into our line of sight. It's tail was already off the runway and it was moving faster than anything I'd ever seen by that point on 19. Two-thirds the way down 19 the Mustang was airborne with her gear going up. The prop tips were supersonic. We clasped our ears as the Mustang climbed hellishly fast into the circuit to be eaten up by the dog-day haze. We stood for a few moments, in stunned silence, trying to digest what we'd just seen.
The radio controller rushed by me to the radio. "Kingston tower calling Mustang?" He looked back to us as he waited for an acknowledgment. The radio crackled, "Go ahead, Kingston." "Roger, Mustang. Kingston tower would like to advise the circuit is clear for a low level pass." I stood in shock because the controller had just, more or less, asked the pilot to return for an impromptu air show! The controller looked at us. "Well, What?" He asked. "I can't let that guy go without asking. I couldn't forgive myself!"
The radio crackled once again, "Kingston, do I have permission for a low level pass, east to west, across the field?" "Roger, Mustang, the circuit is clear for an east to west pass." "Roger, Kingston, I'm coming out of 3,000 feet, stand by."
We rushed back onto the second-story deck, eyes fixed toward the eastern haze. The sound was subtle at first, a high-pitched whine, a muffled screech, a distant scream. Moments later the P-51 burst through the haze. Her airframe straining against positive G's and gravity. Her wing tips spilling contrails of condensed air, prop-tips again supersonic. The burnished bird blasted across the eastern margin of the field shredding and tearing the air. At about 500 mph and 150 yards from where we stood she passed with the old American pilot saluting. Imagine. A salute! I felt like laughing; I felt like crying; she glistened; she screamed; the building shook; my heart pounded. Then the old pilot pulled her up and rolled, and rolled, and rolled out of sight into the broken clouds and indelible into my memory.
I've never wanted to be an American more than on that day! It was a time when many nations in the world looked to America as their big brother. A steady and even-handed beacon of security who navigated difficult political water with grace and style; not unlike the old American pilot who'd just flown into my memory. He was proud, not arrogant, humble, not a braggart, old and honest, projecting an aura of America at its best.
That America will return one day! I know it will! Until that time, I'll just send off this story. Call it a loving reciprocal salute to a Country, and specially to that old American pilot: the late JIMMY STEWART (1908-1997), Actor, real WWII Hero (Commander of a US Army Air Force Bomber Wing stationed in England), and a USAF Reserves Brigadier General, who wove a wonderfully fantastic memory for a young Canadian boy that's lasted a lifetime.

Welcome To The Police State....


 This is an interesting story that will now be increasingly making the rounds.

 I had heard about this but didn't see anything until this morning.

First stop was over to the Adaptive Curmudgeon and his take on a post from 

357 Magnum.

The song and music might not be up your alley but the video is pure genius.

For The Speaker Bank, This Was Mentioned More Than Once.....











Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Nashville Police bodycam footage of yesterday's takedown of the alleged shooter


The Associated Press contributed to this report.

I'd Like To Take A Moment And Welcome All The New Visitors To The Site...



 Lately, As I have been moderating the comments on the blog, there seem to be many new "names"

showing up.  



To this little corner of the webz.


However you got here, I appreciate the fact that you take the time to add a comment to 

the posts that we present.

Thank you for stopping by, enjoy the show, fasten your seat belts, and , once in awhile, make

sure you can lock the door behind you.





A Little Help...


   I was told there was a balloon in this clip.

 I can't find it. 

Today Is Vietnam Veterans Day.... March 29th

 From the comments in an earlier post:

 March 29 is Vietnam Veterans Day. If you know or see a Nam Vet say, “Welcome Home “ a simple greeting we longed to hear but were too proud to ask for. Thanks Sez, 1st ANGLICO











Tuesday, March 28, 2023

This Is The CCTV Security Footage Of The Shooter... No Victims Are Shown


  She was Climate aware driving a Honda Fit..

From a layman's perspective, me, she seems trained ??  

 How come this was released so suddenly?

Was it to present something subliminal? What catches your eye?

Here is the video if that tweet gets deep-sixed

Breaking News From CNN.... Right On Cue...









Monday, March 27, 2023

This Would Have To Be Played On Those Speakers.....


 Thanks for all the great song suggestions. I haven't heard of some of them, so now I have

research to do... Have a great week and keep "Fighting The Good Fight"..









aaand... It's Monday...










Sunday, March 26, 2023