Saturday, April 1, 2023

P-51 Mustang....










  1. The sight and sound of freedom. I get goosebumps every time I hear those big V-12's.

  2. Gorgeous display. 4 point roll near the beginning was perfect. Very skilled pilot, in a beautiful machine.

  3. That guy can fly. Nice demo of precision control. Nemo

  4. Starts up as a fire breathing dragon then becomes a screaming Eagle. Gives me a woody every time.

  5. i've only flown in a plane 3 times in my life. i don't like it. but, i've always been fascinated by P-51's.

  6. Growing up I read everything available on combat aviators and later became a hardcore virtual pilot. Though never a licensed pilot (in the ordinary sense), I've had the pleasure of flying a variety of aircraft over the years. Flying, not flying in. Props, jets, sailplanes, and hang gliders. Mostly the latter. But one of the highlights of my life came during the MCAS Miramar Airshow when I was invited to sit in a P51. Just sit, mind you. But what a thrill! Woo hoo!

  7. Only the Blackbird stirs my heart as much as this plane. Thanks!

  8. A number of years ago I did a second seat flight in a P-51 owned by the Collins Foundation. They do the Warbird Airshows. It was a real kick in the ass. I even got to take the controls for a few minutes. We flew over my house and my Wife got a couple of pictures of it. We did 2 barrels rolls. This Sept I and my best friend are doing a "Battle of Britain" tour in the UK and will be visiting various WWII air sites. There will be a big flight of Spits. Would love to take a ride in one of those too.

    1. All it takes to ride is money - lots of money.

  9. Oh my goodness. P-51s and a sexy woman. Not much difference to me. Imagine being 20-something back in the day and being given the keys to one of these birds...

  10. The pilots can't yank 'em around the sky like they used to 50-60 years ago because the airframes and wing roots are developing...cracks... where you DON'T want 'em. They take it easy and stay below 1.5G if they can.
    Which is a real pity, because the airshows I went to in '59 and '60 they were turnin' and burnin', it was a sight to behold!!

  11. One of the best five minutes I have spent lately.


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