Saturday, September 17, 2011


Sunset ..9-17-11 6:41 pm...

Can You Picture The Look on the State Troopers Face........

 When something like this rolls by???

get ready for a WTF moment.. although it is China I think?

If Noah were in the United States today...

And the Lord spoke to Noah and said, "In one year, I am going to make it rain and cover the whole earth with water until all flesh is destroyed, but I want you to save the righteous people and two of every kind of living thing on earth. Therefore, I am commanding you to build an Ark."
In a flash of lightning, God delivered the specifications for an Ark.

In fear and trembling, Noah took the plans and agreed to build the ark. "Remember," said the Lord, "you must complete the Ark and bring everything aboard in one year.

Exactly one year later, fierce storm clouds covered the earth and all the seas of the earth went into a tumult. The Lord saw that Noah was sitting in his front yard weeping.
"Noah," he shouted. "Where is the Ark?"

California to Texas Translations..................

A Lot of Jobs are Moving From California to Texas

Texas has compiled a "Californian to Texan" translation guide to help in an easy transition......


Racist, Homophobe
Caucasian, Heterosexual
Arsenal of Weapons
Gun Collection
Delicate Wetlands
Undocumented Worker
Illegal Alien
Cruelty-Free Materials
Synthetic Fiber
Assault and Battery
Attitude Adjustment
Heavily Armed
Common Sense
Taxes or Your Fair Share
Coerced Theft
Commonsense Gun Control
Gun Confiscation Plot
Illegal Hazardous Explosives
Fireworks for Stump Removal
Nonviable Tissue Mass
Unborn Baby
Equal Access to Opportunity
Multicultural Community
High Crime Area
Fairness or Social Progress
Marxist Communism
Upper Class or "The Rich "
Self-Employed, Successful
Progressive, Change
Big Government Scheme
Homeless or Disadvantaged
Bums or Welfare Leeches
Sniper Rifle
Scoped Deer Rifle
Investment For the Future
New Taxes, Tax Increases, more Debt
Healthcare Reform
Socialized Medicine
Extremist, Judgmental, or Hater
Victim or Oppressed
Criminal or Lazy Good-For-Nothing
High Capacity Magazine
Standard Capacity Magazine
Religious Zealot
Reintroduced Wolves
Sheep and Deer Killers
Fair Trade Coffee
Overpriced Yuppie Coffee
Exploiters or "The Rich "
Employers or Land Owners
The Gun Lobby
NRA Members
Assault Weapon
Semi-Auto (Grandpa's M1 Carbine)
Fiscal Stimulus
New Taxes, Tax Increases, more Debt
Same Sex Marriage
Legalized Perversion
Mandated Eco-Friendly Lighting
Chinese Mercury-Laden Light Bulbs

Here's a Catchy Tune......

Friday, September 16, 2011

OH ..HOLY SHIT.....Plane crashed into crowd in Nevada


How The Largest Ships Were Built......

I found this somewhere on a web surfing expedition...... as you look at the pictures
check out the puny little humans that are building theres things :)

"The Batillus class supertankers" are the largest vessels by gross tonnage ever built. There were 4 of them, each at 555,000 metric tons DWT, constructed by France in the 1970s. A gross tonnage of Batillus is 275,276 tons. Still, if considering fully-loaded displacement, the Batillus ships don’t hold the world’s record. They are edged out by the Seawise Giant ship that serves as an oil tanker. Still, the Batillus class ships are records for tankers (with the depth of 36 meters and full load draft of 28.5 meters), and, inside this post, you can see how these largest ships were built.

A Little "THIS".... Leads to "THIS" for a Friday.......



On a serious note... it amazes me to what length people will go to save a squirrel
stuck in the tar pits in Los Angeles where I am sure there a hundreds..if not
thousands of needy humans.

Montana Bear Tragedy ....

This is a very sad story about a bear...  
Everybody should heed the warnings not to feed wildlife because they become dependent and don't forage for themselves any longer. It is such a tragedy to see what has been done to our country's wildlife.
The photo below captures a disturbing trend that is beginning to affect
U.S. wildlife.
Animals that formerly were self-sufficient are now showing signs......

Proposed Bumper Sticker...hehehhehe

From "HERE"

Osama's Life..The Backwards Edition......

Do You Want to See Impressive?

If you are in the manufacturing industry

( which is slowly moving out of this country)

and you have been around milling equipment then this

should be a pretty cool video for you .....

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Those Bastard's are Gonna Kill Kenny....

... he turned himself in to attackwatch...."HAHAHAHHAHA"

Comment for the Win!!

Bear with me here, its worth it:

So the story goes that a camera lens falls out of the sky and hits a woman's home, smashing thru the roof and doing an estimated $4500.00 in damages. The story is weird in itself as to where the lens came from.
There is an airport and skydiving nearby to the area so that probably explains it.
That's not the interesting part, its the amount of the repair that gets the comments.

Here's the "STORY"...

Some of the comments were saying that the bill sounds really padded, but this is in Kalifornia and here we have the comment for the win!!

from JC  who sounds like a real ball buster

"Engineering inspection 700.00
Plans 500.00
OSHA ladder permit 200.00
asbestos permit for testing the shingles 600.00
Abatement of the roof shingles 600.00
Building permit review fees 400.00
Building permit 400.00
Demolition permit 300.00
Barricade work-site per OSHA standards 400.00
Scaffolding permit per OSHA 300.00
Actual Demolition 100.00
Repair wood 200.00
Roofing permit 300.00
Repair roof 120.00
New screens 75.00
Paint 120.00
California workers comp for project 650.00
Liability insurance when the lawyers start fantasy suing 300.00
Clean up 50.00
Final inspection fee 250.00
Contractors 20% Profit and Overhead 800.00

She got a great deal, It should have cost her 6800.00 plus…..Someone must be cheating the system,, Send an Investigator in !!!!!"

scroll down thru the comments, these guys are even referenceing and busting on ATTACK WATCH.
you know that Obama is taking a hammering when the comments of a story like this are
mocking him!

Hitler goes off about ATTACKWAAAAAATCHHHHH!!!!



You Wanna See Two People with Rabbits Feet and.........

Horseshoes up their asses?.....They need to go play the lottery ASAP...

Just watch...... My words were Holy Shit!!!

Sugar Daddy ain't gonna be Happy.....

When I saw this video I immediately thought about the below scenario.....

"Oh.. Hi Honey, ( giggle giggle)  I have something to tell you...I was ahhh coming back

from the ahhh spa and I took a wrong turn and ahh your porsche got a little

wet..(teehee)... all of a sudden I just don't know what happened... (teehee)

Snookums you there??"

Did anyone else get this email about

I kinda checked it out breifly. I'm not sure what to think yet?

Have any of you seen this yet?


Here is the email:

The Feral Irishman,
My name is Chris Lyman and I am a die-hard political weenie. My grandmother was Undersecretary of the Air Force under the Carter administration (not bad for a woman in the 1970s!) and much of my formidable youth was spent arguing around a dinner table: left, right, and center. I watch two hours of political news each day and, well, it's clear: I have politics on the brain. :)
This is why I write to you today. One year ago, I co-founded a political/tech startup. The company is called and our goal is: real-time, social polling to improve the political discourse. See, the web has done a great job of giving the "little guy" a voice. But, it has done a lousy job of distilling those voices into actionable data for our politicians. They still rely on phone surveys!
So, my company has made this really cool, free plugin for publishers. It scans your articles for politicians and allows your readers to rate & discuss the people you write about. It also introduces them to older articles about the same people to drive up your engagement numbers. So, far so good! We are on about 350 sites including They have gone on record reporting saying that they see a 42% increase to time spent per article and a 71% increase to page views. The 2nd stat seems inflated, but I do not doubt the 1st one -- readers really like becoming engaged in the political process. 
The plugin is gorgeous and I have included some screenies below. I really think it's a great fit for The Feral Irishman. What do you think? 

DAMN...This is Some Talent Here.......

NOISIA VISION Teaser from NOISIA on Vimeo.

Weird Geology.... not Mashed Potatoes

I was cruising the webs last night and came across a story about Devil's Tower. It is such an
amazing landmark and a very weird geological formation. So I used the google to read more 
about it. It's pretty interesting to how they think it was "FORMED". ( and its wasn't mashed potatoes)

This is on my list of things to see someday.

How to Start an Epic Story....

After the Apocolypse.....

I know that we are going to need Ammo and Water and Food and Beer (hehehe)
but I'm starting to think that alot of people will be putting in a huge effort
to get the internets up and running again.
Not only to share pictures of funny cats and stupid videos, But to help "THIS" company get 
their message out from their bunker.

It was one of those mornings....

I started going for my morning walks again this week. According to my pedometer I havent walked since July 6th- shame on me. I do enjoy the morning at 5:30 its such a peaceful time of day. There are only a few people out and a handful of cars pass by.

The beginning of the week I was more motivated than this morning. I kinda wanted to stay in bed and sleep a little more, maybe I should have hidden in my pillow:

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Check out this AMAZING animation.......

Loom tells the story of a successful catch.

Just WOW !!

Loom from Polynoid on Vimeo.

Waiting for a Leader........well worth reading.

I have watched both debates so far and no-one in particular had given me
the feeling that they would make a GREAT President. I have reservations
about all the candidates and feel that it would be better served if they
all agreed to work together and take a position in the government
that focused on their strengths. I know that's a pipe dream, but
never the less it would make for a government that might actually
be able to accomplish what most of us want.

"TL asks some serious questions...."

TL starts:

If you are like me, you are waiting patiently (or impatiently) for a leader, a true leader. What we seek is someone, anyone who can galvanize the American spirit and bring to the fore the lost principles that in their absence have left America rudderless in this new age. We have been mis-lead for a long time, by all political parties, who in the end are not capable of leading a free nation.

Drive Recklessly.......

Wait for it... wait for it......

STFU..... Biotch.....

You know that's what Mister Fergus the cat said:


Mel Gibson Wanna-be Loses it............

Road Rage Aussie Style...


Christina Hendricks, Smendricks..... rule 5

Theres some posts on the web at some of my favorite blogs. One is

my Blogfather and the other is North. They both like Christina Hendricks

and Jay wants her to play Wonder Woman

Well here is MY choice for Wonder Woman.....

Meet Diosa Canales, a Venezuelan model

Do YOU want moar!??

Okay I'll Play too.....

I found this meme over at my "BLOGFATHERS PLACE" you can follow the

links there to see where it started.....

You’re about to get eaten by the zombie hordes. You’ve prepared, but there are more than you every possibly imagined. Sorry.

As you load your last mag into your chosen weapon, what song comes up your MP3 player/IPOD?

THIS would be mine:

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Long Day.... Now I have to Worry About....

...the Thought Police...

"The One' has launched a website where people( lemmings) can alert

the messiahs minions to "ATTACKS AND SMEARS"

Are you fornicating serious?  .... The only thing thinner than Obama's resume is his skin!!!

Ruins of Detroit.... Stark Images

Amazing Pictures to say the least.

Click "here"

h/t to AceofSpades

Jenga Dog.....

Ok..This Vid is going Viral... anyone here read lips??

If you do read lips,
Please don't read the comments or go the the youtube page.
Just post what you think she is saying.

Tuesday Campaign Pic*.....

* "JayG's Meme"

An old West Virginia Hillbilly saying......

..that works for today's politics....

"You cannot get the water to clear up
until you get the pigs out of the creek."

Monday, September 12, 2011

What's in Your Ipod?

I just got back from a walk. According to my pedometer I havent been out since July 6th and I'm kicking myself in the ass for that. Back in the spring I was walking 6 days a week and sometimes twice aday. The usual time was 45 minutes to an hour. Anyway I havent listened to my ipod in 2 months so it was great to hear some of the songs on it.

I just sat down and here are the next ten random songs:

All Along the Watchtower...Jimi Hendricks
Wishing you were here.... Chicago
Hey Joe..Jimi Hendricks
Pay My Rent..David Gilmour
Below the Radar ..Particle
I won't be Home Tonight .. Tony Carey
Where is My Love... Blackfeild
Save a Prayer ...Duran Duran
Free.... Vast
So Far Away... Carole King

What's in Your Ipod??

Lettuce on Your Hot Dog?...

Well, now that you mention it.....


A big rig loaded with 35,000 pounds of beer has flipped on its side and is leaking.

The tractor trailer flipped on its side after the driver failed to make a turn while exiting Interstate 80 at Truxel Avenue, according to police.


Unlike this accident that caused the loss of hundreds....

Wish You Were Here - released September 12th, 1975.

PLEASE SIT BACK AND ENJOY THE WHOLE ALBUM............................................

Popsicle is Sour..... Random Pic so Far Today...

A Wal-mart Shopper That is A-OK!!!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Falling Man....

Do you remember this photograph? In the United States, people have taken pains to banish it from the record of September 11, 2001. The story behind it, though, and the search for the man pictured in it, are our most intimate connection to the horror of that day.

I read the start to this story "HERE" at Ace's

Then follow the links to "ESQUIRE" for a very good article written back in 2009

And from 2 days ago..the epilogue story in "ESQUIRE"

I keep coming back to the thought of ...MY GOD.. how horrible and desperate the situation must
have been to be forced to choose jumping and free falling to your death vs. being suffocated or burned to
death in the building.  My thoughts also go to the many brave rescuers that ran TO the buildings and started
climbing the stairs knowing that they were probably going to their deaths.

Sad Sad Day... even 10 Years later.

Many many others also chose to jump as well:

The Road from 9/11 to Obama........

"The yellow brick road to Obama was paved with febrile insanity."

I suck at writing....

SO I will let the professionals handle it. These are some of the posts I have read this morning that I feel should be passed on and shared with others. Go read them,  I agree with what they say.






and I made Bacon on the grill to snack on while I read these...... 

10 Years Later..........