Friday, March 18, 2022

♫♪♫ Another Pandora Find.. Alan Morse, First Funk ...♫♪♫ This kicks ass....... Never heard of him







Friday Femme Fatale Farrago....

 Here's a soundtrack for background music as you peruse this week's offering....


TFIF!! kinda...



  After work I was outside doing clean up in the yard. IT was beautiful today and almost hit 70.

 The air was calm and it was slightly overcast.  This was such a nice respite from winter heading 

into spring. As the sun settled into the horizon, I became aware of the fact that I wasn't alone.

Fucking mosquitos were out. Are you shitting me? There is melt off still going on and anywhere in the 

deep shade there is still hard pack snow/ ice. One fricken warm day and the blood suckers are

swarming. Kinda like politicians.....


Thursday, March 17, 2022

Irish Construction....





Paddy and Murphy are working on a building site.

Paddy says to Murphy, “I’m gonna get the day off. I’m gonna pretend I’ve gone mad!” He climbs up the rafters, hangs upside down and shouts “I’m a lightbulb, I’m a lightbulb!”

Murphy watches in amazement.

The foreman shouts: “Paddy, go home. You’ve gone mad.”

So Paddy leaves the site. Murphy starts packing his kit up to leave as well.

“Where do you think you’re going?” asks the foreman.

“Well, I can’t work in the friggin dark!” said Murphy.






Wednesday, March 16, 2022

You Know It's True.....







The Header Image Rabbit Hole...


Reader Steve sent an email the other day, inquiring about this image from the FFFF post


Dear Sir,
I enjoy viewing your website. Thank you for what you do!.
Could you please tell me what this picture is of? Where it is? You posted it on Friday March 11, 2022.

Thank you very much, Steve.


It was a cool photo that I felt would go well in the post. I actually thought it was CGI and never

gave a second thought after saving it to my set up folder. Last night, I got some time to research

a little more.  Google and Tineye didn't yeild any results. Looking at the photo a little closer 

there is some writing on the bottom. Aha!  

And... away we go....


This is the response I worked on for Steve.


Marius Kastečkas, the artist

From what I can find with some searches, he is from Lithuania and now lives in Ireland.

Here's a bunch of links you can enjoy


And Facebook

If you scroll down the facebook posts there is this one. He has a lot of other shots of it. 
 I believe that is where the image was taken.  ( I was wrong but there are some awesome shots 

of  both skelligs.  The Header image is Little Skellig.  More info at the end of the post )

skellig michael and little skellig. Maybe?? 
( As noted I couldn't match the image or find the original so I kept going )
Steve had me on a deep rabbit hole run.
 I spent more time on his, the artist's,  facebook page and finally hit pay dirt.

Here it is. 
 Dunmore Head Dingle Ireland.  
Between this and the skellig's there is some amazing images.


Dunmore head.PNG 

Here's where the skelligs are:

and here is where Dunmore Head is:

You can zoom in, along the coast and see the outcropping in the photo.,-10.4631329,3a,86.9y,263.23h,62.89t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1swzg12E4X_t_7I62r0wFk_Q!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?hl=en 


Tuesday, March 15, 2022








♫♪♫ Distant Dream... It All Starts From Pieces ♫♪♫


Phil sent this the other day.  I Like it.  It sent me down a rabbit hole of new progressive music.

There are a ton of different bands from all over the globe here. Enjoy, see you next month when

you come back.

LINK <<<<

Once In Awhile I Read Something That Totally Shocks Me..... *


BOSTON (WHDH) - The founders of the local nonprofit Violence in Boston....

Go ahead and guess before you click here<<<< .

* Not.

This Looks Like It Should Work Out Well For More De-Socialization Of Society....


 In the Health and Fitness aisle.... no less.

A couple quick thoughts came to mind when I first saw this.

WHO is behind it?

You know damn well every conversation with your AI friend is saved.

What if your AI friend convinces you to do things you shouldn't when it determines how unstable you are? 

What kind of propaganda will it espouse?

Now you don't need real friends or social interaction.

After two years of masks and lock downs and stay at home this will complete the cycle.

Talk to your AI friends, never leave home, become more socially awkward living in the basement.

This should end well........