Saturday, December 7, 2024

♫♪♫ Presenting Antonio Cordaro.... ♫♪♫





  This clip below came up on my face-book feed last wee. Just some dude in sweat pants.

I finally got a chance to search for him and found the Youtube clip above.

Damn good job IMHO




Awesome Trump Video

To see the video, click HERE


On The Webz.....










Thursday, December 5, 2024

Memes and Things



Big Country and Healthcare......





Irish adds:

I have friend of mine is dealing with this as well. His wife has UHC and they denied a needed treatment for a skin cancer removal.  Even the Dr, was shocked given her history of having issues with 'bad skin' and preemptive exams and removals.

They are appealing this as well. Could be up to 9k out of pocket depending on how it goes.

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Definitely, This Time Of Year.....


When your number comes up..........................

            It appears that is just what happened to a 64 year old Pennsylvania grandmother as she was searching for her cat. The grandmother is missing and there was a sinkhole next to her car that had just appeared. A shoe was seen about thirty feet below as authorities began their search. The woman's 5 year old granddaughter was found in the car around 3 a.m. saying her grandmother never came back.

Day Before Yesterday


My daughter-in-law saw a buck on the side of the road near where I live and sent me this picture of it. The rut is just about to start where I live and this young'un kicked it off a little early.


I have been very busy and have not hunted. The days I could go, it was too hot, etc. I got to thinking with this cold front pushing though/it being "that time" and with lows around 20F that young man might be chasing does. I got into the woods the next morning about 6:30 and walked to a ridge just above where my DIL had spotted this deer. I saw three young deer with no antlers, but no bucks. I walked out around 9 and planned to go back about 2. My son goes back to the very spot where I had been around 11:30. He had been in the woods about 30 minutes when this gentleman showed. He shot the deer less than 100 yds. In the course of 5 years, my son has killed this one and two other 8 point bucks at the same spot, same time in the season, wearing the same doe piss (I'll have to get the name). He called when he shot it and I helped him get it home and skin it. It is not a monster, but a nice deer. We didn't weigh it, but I am guessing it would go 175+lbs. He was not too shabby for a public land deer and he will eat good.


He was obviously on someone's list


UnitedHealthCare CEO, Brian Thompson was shot and killed in an apparent targeted killing. The assailant wore gloves and a mask. According to eyewitnesses, the killer walked up to Thompson and fired multiple times into his chest with a pistol. He then walked down an alley to a bicycle and made his escape. Stuff like this sets the mind to work (Big Pharma exec., markings of professional hit, etc.). Read more HERE

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

What A Find! Part 2 Reader Submission From White County Tennessee....


 From today's inbox.  J from Tennessee sent along these photos of points found a few decades ago. 








This Is Excellent!

 There are some who believe this real-time implosion taking place we are witnessing within the realms of the media, the democrat party and the Biden crime family is happening simply because Trump won the election. These same folks will continue to vote democrat. Even though those same people saw some or all of these hearings, interviews, commentaries, etc. demanding justice as the Trump tribunals were taking place, they still will not believe their "lyin' eyes". Non-redeemable guarantee to make you grin. The link is below the photograph.


Monday, December 2, 2024

"I abide by the jury decision. I will do that, and I will not pardon him." Lying Joe Biden


"Some people would climb forty feet up a pine tree to tell a lie rather than stand flat footed on the ground and tell the truth". I have known for a long time, but for those who refuse to believe or would have voted for Slow Joe or any other demonrat, here is proof that they are not to be trusted. 

What goes around comes around as the old saying goes. Joe did not realize how this would end when he postured to reporters while boldly answering a question about about whether or not the he. as President, would pardon his son right after Hunter Biden's conviction back in June. He was taking a stab at Trump but these chickens came home to roost. Joe gave DJT a huge boost and it looks like this treachery will be his legacy along with a very lengthy list of gaffs, dementia moments, etc. and the way the democrats and TPTB disgraced this senile man.