Saturday, March 3, 2012


Eve of Destruction.....

I was playing some CD's tonight with friends and this song came on....

Beauty, Red Heads... you Guys Seem To Enjoy...


Breitbart Is Here....

Seen at "Moonbattery"  linking to "IOwntheWorld".. go look.....

Bloggers are awesome....

 One of my friends sent me an email the other day with a link to a great Obama parody video

over at "PolicalClownParade".  I thought it was funny and wanted to share with my readers with

a link back to their site. 

 Well this morning I got an email and a thank you for the traffic in the form of a

a nice note and an edited banner ( that you see above) for my Blog.

I have sent a personal thank you and would also like to say "Thanks! Again"

I appreciate it.

All the bloggers I have crossed paths with are really really great people!

There are good ships,
and there are wood ships,
The ships that sail the sea.
But the best ships, are friendships,
And may they always be.

Hey Lady, Is That Breast Pump Real? Prove it!!

How much longer are we going to tolerate this??

A Hawaiian mom says she was humiliated when asked to prove her breast pump was real at an airport.
The woman says she was flagged for additional screening at the Lihue Airport Wednesday because of her electric breast feeding pump.
She claims agents told her she couldn't take the pump on the plane because the bottles in her carry-on were empty. 


The Interwebz were down for over 30 minutes.....

I had to leave the sooper seekrit lair of The Feral Irishman and walk out to the mailbox.......


Ozone created by electric cars now killing millions in the seventh largest country in the world, Mexifornia, formerly known as California. 

White minorities still trying to have English recognized as Mexifornia's third language.

Spotted Owl plague threatens northwestern United State s crops and livestock. 

Baby conceived naturally! Scientists stumped.

Couple petitions court to reinstate heterosexual marriage.

Iran still closed off; physicists estimate it will take at least 10 more years before radioactivity decreases to safe levels.

France pleads for global help after being taken over by Jamaica. No other country comes forward to help the beleaguered nation!

Castro finally dies at age 112; Cuban cigars can now be imported legally, but President Chelsea Clinton has banned all smoking.

George Z. Bush says he will run for President in 2060. 

Postal Service raises price of first class stamp to $17.89 and reduces mail delivery to Wednesdays only.

85-year $75.8 billion study: Diet and exercise is the key to weight loss.

Average weight of Americans drops to 250 lbs.

Global cooling blamed for citrus crop failure for third consecutive year in Mexifornia and Floruba.

Abortion clinics now available in every High School in United State s ..

Senate still blocking drilling in ANWR even though gas is selling for 4532 Pesos per liter and gas stations are only open on Tuesdays and Fridays.

Massachusetts executes last remaining conservative.

Supreme Court rules punishment of criminals violates their civil rights.

Average height of NBA players is now nine feet seven inches with
Only 3 illegitimate children.

New federal law requires that all nail clippers, screwdrivers, fly swatters and rolled-up newspapers must be registered by January 2060..

IRS sets lowest tax rate at 75 percent..

Floruba voters still having trouble with voting machines.

I Love This Country!

It's The Government That Scares Me!

Stop organized crime.
re-elect no one.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Friday Night Pic Dump.... A to Z... some NSFW

Magic Sweater Removal .......

Click the Pic....NSFW

I'm Selling My Business and Retiring WOOHOOO!!!!!!

Look at my luck! One in a Nigerillian chance that my new best friend Mr.., no I mean

  Barrister Rishad Bathiudeen found my feral irishman email and wants to send me 950,000.00 dollars!!! 

WOW!  I feel like Ed Macmahon just knocked on my door with balloons!!

 WOOHOO.... I am so gonna bang strippers and drink beer and
get a pet chimpanzee that plays checkers! 

Maybe I'll even pay someone to continue this blog.

I can't believe how lucky I am!!  I 'm heading to the bank in the to get all my private info including
account numbers, SS numbers, my mom's maiden name and I will email it tomorrow.

I sooooo happy,  Richard Simmons happy!!

TEL:(+226)== == == ==
 Wire Transfer of US $950,000Dollars.

Dear Friend,
I am Barrister Rishad Bathiudeen , I have a Business Proposal of certain amount of Money in  United States Dollars which I want you to handle with me.This Funds belongs to a deceased client of mine that died as a result of a heart-related condition because i was his Personal Lawyer during his life time.
My Late Customer indicated no Next of Kin with his Savings Bank during his life time because he had lost his family prior to his sudden Death.I need a trust-worthy partner to assist me in receiving this funds in a foreign Account  for further investment in his/her country,you will be required to:
(1) Assist me in claiming this sum into your Foreign Bank account.
(2) Advise on areas for potential future investment in your country.
(3) Assist me in carrying a feasibility study before actual investment.
This matter should be kept confidential between you and me and please delete this message if you are not interested,i want your Trust and Honesty as the New Beneficiary that will not betray me.

Thanks in anticipations.

NO Rishad THANK YOU !!

For The Men....Hot Girls In The Kitchen...

Great Song, "Land Down Under" by Colin Hay

For The Ladies... A Smokin Hot Kilt.....

Friday Afternoon Beauty.........

Suddenly, Out of Thin Air "Sandra Fluke " is not really a "Fluke"....

In other words, folks, you are being played. She has been an activist all along and the Dems were just waiting for the appropriate time to "PLAY HER".

Via to AceofSpades

Friday Lunch at The Water Cooler......

Your Morning Video LOL of Occupiers Eating Their Own.....

From Weasel Zippers

Proof of Global Warming..... I haz IT!

Yesterday we got 8-12 inches of snow and it was running in the 30's all day.

Last nite it got down in the 20's or so and everything froze over.

This morning I have concrete proof of global warming ,  my truck thermometer* says so!!!

Save the Polar Bears!!

Save the Seals!!

Save the Children!!

Save the Beer!!

Save ....  something~!!

*the plow is blocking the radiator ;)

If You Only Read One Thing Today...READ THIS>





Crazy conspiracy theory? Or is it so sane that you just blew your mind?

Thursday, March 1, 2012


VERY BRAVE MAN JOKES...... ( I will now duck and run)

 Just for the record.....
These were forwarded to me by one of the inside sales girls at my tool supplier...
She's in her late 20's and has a GREAT sense of humor...

Thank R. :)

How do you turn a fox into an elephant?
Marry It!

What is the difference between a battery and a woman?
A battery has a positive side.

What are the three fastest means of communication?
1) Television
2) Telephone
3) Telawoman

What should you give a woman who has everything?
A man to show her how to work it.

Why is the space between a woman's breasts and her hips called a waist?
Because you could easily fit another pair of tits in there..

I Never Saw This VERY Funny Video Last Year When It Was Out....

I got another email today, from Tom H, with a link to a new blog I will have to check out.

The name alone is pretty good.... "POLITICALCLOWNPARADE"

Back in August they did a post that had this awesomely funny vid.... enjoy!!!

Todays Quote .....

Give a man a fish and he eats for a day. Give a man a welfare check, a
forty ounce malt liquor , a crack pipe and some Air Jordan's and he votes
Democrat for a lifetime.

H/T to Tom H.

Did Breitbart Have Dirt on Obama?

Thursday Afternoon Relaxing Picture........

WTF???????????? Andrew Breitbart Passed Away???

 Link         1969-2012

A View From My Office Door This Morning.....

Teen arrested for keeping illegal weapons

I know it's the mainstream media and they tend to embellish a bit but this

story has so much FAIL it's amazing.

The kid allegedly has a bunch of illegal knives and hand weapons,

bought with Mom's credit card, and kept under a sofa in the living room.


How can a family be sooooo disconnected as to not see any of this?? 

He tried to sell them on facebook...  Story "HERE"

Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Irish Fishing Trip

Two Irishmen, Declan and Seamus were walking down a country road, when they saw a man hanging over a bridge with another mans legs in his grasp. The other man shouted up 'NOW, NOW' to his friend who promptly pulled him up. To Declan & Murphy's astonishment the man had a large fish in his arms.
Declan and Seamus decided to give this plan a try, so they walked on to the next bridge where Declan dangled Seamus over the bridge. After five minutes Seamus started to yell.....
Seamus: 'Declan, Declan PULL ME UP!!'

Camera Angle....Bird's Eye View..... Whoa....

Gunnie Origami.......

Cool Pic I found info :(

Shep Smith.. "The Banks Run The Country" Take your BP Meds......

Careful With Your Words.....Government Key Words For Monitoring Social Media

I don't know the veracity of this but I figured I would pass it along......

The Feds have been forced to release their social network monitoring manual, which contains the list of words the government watches on social media and news sites.

Earlier the Huffington Post reported on the Feds have been forced to give up their list of words they monitor on Facebook, Twitter, and comments being posted on news articles, so I compiled that list below.

 Homeland Security Manual Lists Government Key Words For Monitoring Social Media, News

Ever complain on Facebook that you were feeling “sick?” Told your friends to “watch” a certain TV show? Left a comment on a media website about government “pork?”
If you did any of those things, or tweeted about your recent vacation in “Mexico” or a shopping trip to “Target,” the Department of Homeland Security may have noticed.
In the latest revelation of how the federal government is monitoring social media and online news outlets, the Electronic Privacy Information Center has posted online a 2011 Department of Homeland Security manual that includes hundreds of key words (such as those above) and search terms used to detect possible terrorism, unfolding natural disasters and public health threats. The center, a privacy watchdog group, filed a Freedom of Information Act request and then sued to obtain the release of the documents.
The 39-page “Analyst’s Desktop Binder” used by the department’s National Operations Center includes no-brainer words like “”attack,” “epidemic” and “Al Qaeda” (with various spellings). But the list also includes words that can be interpreted as either menacing or innocent depending on the context, such as “exercise,” “drill,” “wave,” “initiative,” “relief” and “organization.”

Heres the "LINK" 

Monthly Fails of 2012.......OUCH

Webster's Noun meaning: To violate the sacredness of; profane.

....and Pavlov Rang The Bell.....


2-29-2012...Expecting The First Real Snow......

Someone Needs To Die.............

...a "Horrible Slow Death."

When You Hear Talk About Talent and Classic TV This is What They Mean..

I found this video from a comment by rhhardin over at this post at Theospark.

First of all this is just talent to come up with a skit like this...

They don't make TV like this anymore.

Secondly... Maybe this scenario was actual reason behind Ludwig van Beethoven writing his

5th symphony  back in the early 1800's?

Here, on live TV, without benefit of editing or retakes, Sid Caesar and Nanette Fabray silently mime a domestic dispute whose crescendos and valleys perfectly correspond to classical music.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


This Made Me Laugh Out Loud...

Adult theme but safe....this is FUNNY!!

Mama Excavator Rescues The Kids Stuck in a Muddy Canal....


Absolutely amazing editing... watch the whole thing to see how many of these clips you have seen.....


So Lets see we are :

"Cutting Military Healthcare Benfits"

"Cutting 100,000 Ground Force Troops"

and in the meantime we are building a 3/4 Million Dollar "Soccer Feild at Guantanamo Bay"

I know that it's pennies compared to cuts that need to be made but they need a farkin 

soccer field!>>???

Your Mouse......

Click the pic.....kinda nsfw

Death Star.....ry Night....

by ~MandiJean

Driving In Bad Weather Is TREACHEROUS....

You Never Know When  YOUR Number is Gonna Come Up.....

(Bad Crash)

Defending The Mountain Pass At McDonalds....

Beauty....Red Haired....Soul Stealer.............

I'm Applying for The TSA..

I am waiting for to hear back from Homeland Security next week and I already feel very comfortable after my interview as it relates to operating the latest and most advanced airport scanner. You move the cursor over the object being scanned to see if any plastic explosives or metal objects are being transported. In most cases, this is a relatively quick procedure, however, there are times when the scan can take several minutes. Homeland Security is seeking more good men to interview as this "sensitive job" is necessary to preserve freedom and the true American way of life. 
Try out the new scanner by clicking on the cute girl going on vacation.....

He said "Scarf"....They said "RACIST!"

 "If I was wearing this scarf over my face, I wonder what would happen,'' he said to an official as he went to pass through an X-ray scanner at Gatwick Airport.



(via ACE )


( I saw this over at BluesBlog and got it in 2 emails last night )

The food stamp program, part of the Department of Agriculture, is pleased to be distributing the greatest amount of food stamps ever.

Meanwhile, the Park Service, also part of the Department of Agriculture, asks us to "Please Do Not Feed the Animals" because the animals may grow dependent and not learn to take care of themselves.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Kate Upton Dancing..... Sweet Dreams.....

Camel Toe... The Fitness Version...

NSFW or weak the camel

Cool, Cool, Cool..Tilt shift of the Carnaval party in Rio de Janeiro

Beauty....Red Haired....Soul Stealer.............

For The Ladies...One Beefcake...

Click on the pic ladies.....

Come On You Guys....Things Could Be Worse!!

Temporary Emergency Camps Inside the United States...WHY YOU ASK???

See I do read other blogs and news during the day and most of it

it aggravating, frustrating and blood pressure raising..

Like this post over at "MADDMEDICS"

He links to this post at  "MOUNTIAN REPUBLIC"

What that hell is going on?  What is going to happen that we need to prepare these within

 72 hours of notice?

This is getting a bit scary  I think. GO READ BOTH

The National Responder Support Camp contract, posted on the Federal Business Opportunities website, calls on contractors to “provide all necessary supervision, professional staff, labor support, material, supplies and equipment as necessary to make a RSC within a disaster-impacted area anywhere within the CONUS (Continental United States) within 72 hours after notification.”

Why Do Men Do Irrational Things?

Recently there was a Cop on Cop shooting and suicide in Massachusetts

It has made the news everyday and lots of people are talking about it and coming up

with their own conclusions.

I was reading through the comments on the Boston Herald website and came across the following 

post.  Needless to say, I was explaining this same exact situation to my Mom last night.

She was asking "How can someone do this?" and I explained that usually that guy loses 


Then I read this today:

It sounds like someone has A SHIT TON of experience with "The System"......

Here is THE PLAN which explains the nearly foolproof way to get and keep custody of children, and to make fathers pay. There are variations which can be adapted to special circumstances, of course, but expert players have always learned the rules, and then learned to break them for even better outcomes.

FIRST, Start with the domestic abuse restraining order - Side One of the Iron Triangle.

A restraining order under Mass. General Laws Chapter 209A against the father is the hammer, the fist, which delivers the first blow in any good plan to get custody. For maximum destruction, it should be obtained in the District Court, not the Probate and Family Court, because the District Court cannot order visitation.

A Chapter 209A restraining order is obtained easily by telling the judge you feel "fear", and "you don't know what he may do". It works every time. A victim witness advocate in the court will assist you to place the correct lies on the application, and to state them for maximum impact.

Make sure to also put the children on the restraining order by claiming that the father has put the children at risk or emotionally abuses them. Just make up any old thing and the judge will buy it. Then, you instantly cut off the children from their father at the very minute the order is issued. Ah, sweet.

In a minute or two in court, the order will be issued, and The Plan is underway. Cool! Having such an order against the father is proof positive to all others, including all other courts, all your girl friends, as well as your family, (who do not understand how easy it is to get an order), that he is a vile abuser, and you are a victim.

When you go to family court later for your divorce, it will be established, by virtue of the restraining order, that he is an abuser. When he wants to visit with the children, he will only be able to get supervised visits, or even better, none at all. By doing it this way, you avoid a messy custody hearing, where the father could bring up actual facts or arguments about his love for or relationship with the kids. How ridiculous! The domestic violence card trumps everything, and drowns out his protests about not seeing the children.

There are several other important reasons you must get the restraining order in District Court, not Probate and Family Court. First, they are REALLY easy to get in District Court. Second, it separates the information about abuse from the custody determination, so the judge in the family court can't know you lied in the District Court to get the order. Divide and conquer is the name of the game. Third, the principle of "comity" operates to your advantage, which means that a second court will honor what the first one did, and rarely change it. Thus, the family court will leave the District Court order in place, because they will assume it was obtained on real and legitimate grounds. Us girls know better.

And lastly, if you go to District Court it will stay in place longer that way. Family Court has lots of hearings, where he could come in and get rid of the order, once the truth becomes known that he is a good father who has never abused his children. However, the Family court judge doesn't want to mess with amending the District Court's order, because it is just more work in an already very overloaded schedule. So, long past when the family court judge knows there is no grounds for an order - since the evidence about no abuse by the father eventually will be exposed - it is still easier to leave the District Court order in place. What a system! Works like a charm.

SECOND, Call The Mass. Dept. of Children and Families ("DCF") - The Second Side of the Iron Triangle.

Set The Wayback Machine to 2008......or so

On November 4th, 2008 millions of Americans were shocked that a man of Barack Obama's limited experience, extreme liberal positions and radical political alliances could be elected President of the United States. For many of these Americans, the explanation was rather simple... the news media, completely enamored with Obama, simply refused to do their job.

On Election day twelve Obama voters were interviewed extensively right after they voted to learn how the news media impacted their knowledge of what occurred during the campaign. These voters were chosen for their apparent intelligence/verbal abilities and willingness to express their opinions to a large audience. The rather shocking video below seeks to provide some insight into which information broke through the news media clutter and which did not.

I Got Nothing Today... So How About a Game of Chess?

School Shootings...

Farrakhan and the Race Card....

UK Government has run out of Money....

Cop Shoots Cop in Massachusetts....

Oh My Gawd the Othcars were on and who wore what....




Fuck it... This looks better than all those headlines...........

God , Ain't That The Truth.....

h/t to Theospark

Did I Miss...

Something Important on the TV last night?

.. there is nothing worth watching other than a couple shows