Sunday, September 22, 2024

At Least 4 Dead / 21 Wounded


The headlines read MASS SHOOTING IN BIRMINGHAM. The headline looks sensational but it really is just one more person over the required number to be categorized as a "mass shooting". I am no longer shocked and have grown somewhat accustomed to turning on the television and checking the "count and amount" (code for number of persons shot and/or killed in Birmingham and Tuscaloosa). These shootings and killing are here every day.  As I scanned my usual haunts this morning, I immediately recognized the above photo on the cover page of FOX News national website. It was Officer Truman Fitzgerald of the BPD. He is sort of a spokesperson/damage control for these shootings. I see him on the local news often talking about killings, etc. in Birmingham. I feel as if I know him personally. He does a good job, but I do not envy him. Everyone knows it is tragic for any person to lose their life to accidents, sickness, old age, etc., but to loose someone to senseless slaughter such as this by savages is unconscionable. It happens every day all across our country and most especially in the hives. It is so unnecessary and people have grown numb to it. The newscasters in the Birmingham area are almost like robots speaking of these shootings every day. They no longer make attempts to "act" compassionate. This is the new norm.  I have stated here before the usual sequence of events is as follows and there will be: Demands from the clergy and city officials to stop the violence. Reading of the names of the victims in some civil rights park.  There will be some unity breakfasts. There may be a small march to "stop the violence" or a balloon release. There will more than likely be some gun "buy backs" and other "feel good" measures. Before any of these things occur there will probably be a retaliatory shooting as revenge for those who shot up Five Points last night. If I were betting, I would say the odds are favorable that there will be some shootings in Birmingham tonight. 

Why? Why do we as a community tolerate such things? This could be stopped via speedy trials and swift justice using public execution (hanging) as a deterrent.


Easy Like Sunday Morning....