There are 64 days until the elections. I am not a doomsday prepper or "the sky is falling" kind of man, but we could be in for some rough times in the coming months. I had rather have "things" and not need them as opposed to not having them and needing those items. It has been on my mind to post something on this subject for the last few weeks. I would hope most who stop by here are well provisioned already have enough items to sustain themselves for several months along with possessing the means to defend those items, themselves, and their families. Should Trump lose, the "peaceful demonstrators" will probably feel empowered (they are already getting away with numerous crimes without consequence, including murder) and more than likely do what they do and that is commit arson, loot, destroy property, rob and physically abuse the elderly, weak, etc. If Trump wins, the commies, anarchists, and BLM will have a colossal meltdown. Things will be very bad in the larger cities. It is possible we could see attacks on the power grid and other public utilities. There could also be a disruption in the supply systems we have grown accustomed too. We all saw the empty shelves/shortages from the panic buying after the "quarantine" and lockdown orders. The after effects of social unrest could be much worse than what we witnessed a few months ago. I came across this piece at Post Apo Vault . It is a good basic outline. The lists contained may not be for everyone and the author states that each person should tailor their preps for their own personal needs. This potential unrest would coincide with winter. That in itself is a huge consideration. What can be done to heat your home and keep your family warm? Having means to protect family and supplies is a given. Gun and ammo sales are at an all time high. While it is still possible to obtain firearms and ammo, expect to pay a premium price. Clean drinking water is essential as is food . Some people require prescription medications. Plan accordingly. Forget trying to store fuel to run a generator. Besides being noisy, it simply isn't feasible. Something to consider though is solar panels, heavy duty batteries, and an inverter. Many things can be charged or powered this way. These items are nominal in price to purchase, free for the taking, and silent. The web is chocked full of some good information (some not so good). Find what works best for your situation and don't get caught saying, "I wish I had of bought this" should the time come. I look forward to hearing any other tips or suggestions in the comments. Good luck and Godspeed.

Stockpile for Apocalypse
Our world is very fragile. One small disaster can break the balance and cause a total collapse of the World.
Do you know what you should stock for emergency scenarios?
In this post, I will show you a list of things to stockpile for an apocalypse.