Monday, August 24, 2020

"My name is Anna Paulina Luna I just won my election in FL-13 by a wide margin"

Via Tony at Saratoga Flag  ( Go check out the offerings)

Air Force veteran Anna Paulina Luna has won the Republican primary in Florida’s 13th District and will go on to face two-term Rep. Charlie Crist (D) in November.

Luna prevailed in the crowded primary with 36 percent of the vote with all precincts reporting, according to The Associated Press.

The political newcomer defeated four other Republicans to win the nomination, including Amanda Makki, a lobbyist and former aide to Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Ala.)
"This November I will defeat @CharlieCrist & then I’ll help @realDonaldTrump DRAIN THE SWAMP," Luna tweeted after her win Tuesday.



  1. I hope she wins the general. It would be the right choice her district in Florida, the state, and the nation.

  2. A lot of Trumplicans are doing well in FL primaries.

    Let's see what November holds. Clearly, the Whigs are on the outs.

  3. The woman has more balls than most RINO’s and she is attractive as a bonus!

  4. I've been following her campaign for a while and i don't even live in Florida. 13th district covers Tampa Bay area and Pinnelas County. She ain't no RINO!

  5. I live in Alabama and had no idea Lisa Murkowski was one our Republican senators. I thought we were “ represented “ by Doug the Brief and Richard the silent.

  6. That is one badass looking woman. She will be a good representative of Florida.


  7. She's running against Charlie Crist (S-nake in the grass) in a district created purely to ensure victory for any person who panders to the welfare queens and felons. If she pulls off a win in the general election, Satan will be wearing a parka, come Nov. 4th.

  8. Murkowski is in Alaska, not Alabama.

  9. Somebody please speak to her about muzzle placement. If you're going to stage a picture like this, then at least do it correctly. Oh and no, I'm not against her. I just can't stand stupid stunts.

    1. Which muzzle? I see at least three there.

    2. Made me laugh! Thanks!

  10. If I was home, that would be my district and I would vote for her but, unless that's a photo of you actually serving and not just posing in your politician character please stop it

  11. Here's hoping she smacks the hell out of that snake Crist.

    And, Irish, it's "RINO", not RHINO" (unless there's something the "H" stands for that I am unaware of...)!

  12. https://libertybellesusa.com/1776/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Ig-001.jpg

  13. Hahaha, another George Santos story...way to go conservatives!


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