Monday, August 24, 2020


Former Arizona Senator Jeff Flake joined two dozen former RHINO members of Congress in an effort termed "Republicans for Biden" just before the RNC Convention. I would imagine part of Flake's motive is revenge for Trump backing Sheriff Joe Arapio after the good sheriff saw to the arrest of Flake's son for the negligent deaths of 21 dogs in his care ('s-son,-ex-wife ) and the subsequent lawsuit. These clowns are not Republicans any more than they are demoRatz. They are the epitome of  the creatures known as "Swamp Monsters". They sold their votes for years to the highest bidders and now they are trying to sell their influence in an effort to torpedo President Trump's second run for the White House. First of all, if a person is endorsing a babbling pedophile in his dotage, they have zero credibility with me and therefore would be unable to influence me. Secondly, they are traitors to the party whose coattail they rode to victory not very long ago. They also know they are not electable and that as former members of the House and Senate they cannot lose their retirement nor their health benefits for themselves and their families. I personally believe their shenanigans will backfire. Nobody likes a Quisling.  I say to President Trump, good job and keep draining. 

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  1. Jeff Flake is a festering sack of crap. I'd like to punch that nose opf his back to the other side of his smug feces eating face!@

    1. Funny, I have the same reaction every time he opens his mouth. His last name really says it all.

  2. You misspelled DemoNratz. 8^)) Otherwise right on the money. Nemo

  3. Can you imagine a "democrats for Trump" group. Repubs, usless and disgusting but still better than the pure evil dems. What a F up country. The kids are gonna get what they deserve.

  4. Deposed Republican In Name Only, DRINO; pronounced "Drain-O".


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