Saturday, December 24, 2022

New Hampshire Wind Gusts From The Storm..



Friday's storm brought powerful wind gusts to New Hampshire, knocking out power for thousands of customers.

See peak gusts by New Hampshire community in this list compiled by the National Weather Service. If you experienced an especially strong gust, please email weather@wmur.com.

  • Auburn - 45 mph
  • Berlin - 52 mph
  • Bridgewater - 40 mph
  • Bow - 49 mph
  • Campton - 45 mph
  • Concord - 51 mph
  • Claremont - 40 mph
  • Derry - 57 mph
  • Exeter - 42 mph
  • Epping - 40 mph
  • Franconia Notch - 93 mph
  • Gilford - 58 mph
  • Goffstown - 59 mph
  • Hampstead - 43 mph
  • Hampton - 41 mph
  • Hudson - 45 mph
  • Isles of Shoals - 84 mph
  • Jaffrey - 44 mph
  • Jefferson - 53 mph
  • Keene - 43 mph
  • Laconia - 47 mph
  • Londonderry - 43 mph
  • Manchester Airport - 71 mph
  • Meredith - 47 mph
  • Mount Monadnock - 52 mph
  • Mount Washington - 151 mph
  • Nashua - 45 mph
  • New Boston - 46 mph
  • Newington - 49 mph
  • Newmarket - 45 mph
  • Northfield - 45 mph
  • Piermont - 58 mph
  • Portsmouth - 51 mph
  • Raymond - 41 mph
  • Richmond - 43 mph
  • Rochester - 53 mph
  • Rye - 84 mph
  • Somersworth - 53 mph
  • Stratham - 42 mph
  • Sunapee - 60 mph
  • Temple - 46 mph
  • Warren - 48 mph
  • West Chesterfield - 41 mph
  • Whitefield - 63 mph
  • Windham - 57 mph


 Mount Washington held the record for 231MPH winds <<< 

(Notice the building is chained down )

The record was broken in Australia with  253 MPH winds according to the story at the link.

When Someone Texts or Messages You This Question...



 " Hey, how are the roads?"

Reply with this...

Friday, December 23, 2022

Friday Femme Fatale Farrago... Fondling Your Festivus With The Forthcoming Festivities.....







When You're Running Late and You Gotta Get Home For FFFF......

 H/t to Leigh








They left out the best part

 Woman with gun takes Wal Mart employee hostage. I bet the pistol used in this unlawful act was lawfully obtained and this was the perps first felonious crime (of course I'm joking). One thing I do know for certain is, this will be the last crime this criminal ever commits. Keep your powder dry and stay warm.

Borrowed from Wired Right

According To The Media....









TFIF!! Some Memes To Get You Through The Day... Share Away....


 First off, thanks to all that drop these in the inbox and thanks to all that stop by and enjoy this

corner of the interwebz.   Irish






Thursday, December 22, 2022

A PSA From Uncle Irish, There Is Still Time....




 and , or these as well....





With The Dark Winter- Polar Vortex -Winter Kill - Bomb Cyclone - Stormeggedon Descending Across The Land.....


 The Forty Five had a good post up at the wee hours of this morning.

Regarding prepping and the sharing of knowledge for dealing with this type of weather.

Start at The Forty Five and follow the link to Eaton Rapids Joe.

Some things that one may deal with in everyday life may not be experienced by others in their lifetime.

Sharing of knowledge can help.


Stay safe out there.  Irish

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

How It Should Be Handled....











The Twitter Files... Cliff Notes..

 I found this thread on Twit HERE<<

This is his synopsis of the file dump by Musk

No imagine what the other "tech" companies are doing......  Irish


What is the real story of the Twitter Files? It's a much bigger deal than many realize.

Benjamin Carlson spent hours reading the great reporting (now thousands of words in 7+ parts) by @mtaibbi, @bariweiss, and @ShellenbergerMD.

Here are 7 crucial takeaways everyone needs to know:

1. History changed because of this:

•Hunter Biden's alleged corruption censored
•Covid 19 lockdown debate stifled
•Trump silenced

You may agree with each decision. But there is no denying that halting information flow and free debate had real consequences.

2. Many things called conspiracy theories were true:

•FBI was working w Twitter and paid TW $ millions
•Blacklists & shadow bans were real
•US intel lobbied to censor accounts
•Covid-19 convo heavily manipulated
•Twitter rules changed & enforced by whim

3. Censorship is being cloaked in the language of safety:

• 'Safety, harm, violence' redefined to apply to ideas
• Opinions & info deemed 'unsafe' subject to silencing
• Jokes, memes, questions about origin of covid off limits

4. The government is policing opinion:

• FBI has 80 staff monitoring speech
• Small accounts on left and right flagged
• FBI held frequent meetings w TW
• Facebook, Youtube, and Instagram = similar?
• Private censors & police control what you say to whom.

5. Social media executives lie freely:

•Twitter execs repeatedly and publicly denied shadow bans
•In reality, bans were in place as "visibility filtering"
•Ultimately, no accountability to public

6. Free speech is controlled by a small group:

•Biggest decisions in Twitter Files made by 3-4 individuals
•Despite misgivings and doubts, once made, decisions stuck
•Now it's Musk.

One difference: his embrace of public polls to set policy.

7. The slippery slope is real:

•Staff rebellion led to Trump ban
•Staff called for more covid-19 censorship
•2021-22 saw increase of bans and 'one-offs'

This is how you get Billy Baldwin in the crosshairs.

Once you silence a president, who has a right to speak?

Bonus as steps away.

8. Musk has made enemies:

•Leaking to indy media
•Expressing opinions on Fauci
•Suspending journalist accounts

I expect his businesses will see counterattacks. Now is a good time to refocus—and let the users decide how to uphold free speech.


1. History changed
2. Conspiracy theories true
3. 'Safety' = censorship
4. Government policed ideas
5. Executives lied
6. Speech controlled by small group
7. Slippery slope is real
8. Musk must watch out


Now that this has been exposed here comes the 1/1024 cherokee to ramp up her base..



 We the people have plenty of questions for liawatha.

Monday, December 19, 2022

Sondrakistan is now SondraK'sGultch...



  Here is the link for those asking<< 


From DougM:

Please pass this along to everyone you think might be interested.

¡¡ UPDATE !!
It’s a long story and still evolving.
Perhaps Sondra and/or JR will write about it someday.
Me? I’ll just continuing to entertain myself here by pretending somebody actually sees it.
In any case, some digital anthropologist might dig it up after we’re gone.

Earthdate.. December Nineteenth Two Thousand Twenty Two.. Monday..








Sunday, December 18, 2022

President Binocchio does it again


When I was kid people would say about a habitual liar, "he'd rather climb forty feet into the top of a pine tree to tell someone a lie rather than stand flatfooted on the ground and tell the truth". This guy takes the cake going to great lengths to spin this yarn about awarding his uncle a Purple Heart. Brandon is his own worst enemy, but we lack a press that refuses to report the truth. Biden was elected to the VP position in 2008. His dad died six years before he was elected. His Uncle Frank died in 1999. That is nine years before he took office and this supposed story took place. 

Here is his latest BS story to a group of veterans:

Tis The Clearing O' The Inbox... A Multitude of Meme's to Share...





Saying Grace Before Breakfast....


 H/t to Wally via Steve..