Saturday, December 24, 2011
Twas The Night Before a Bleak Future Christmas...
I need to stop reading books and posts about TEOTWAWKI and SHTF scenarios.
I wake up in the night thinking up crap like this......
I wake up in the night thinking up crap like this......
Twas the night before Christmas, not sure of the year
Not a creature was stirring, they all lived in fear.
The stockings, well tattered, hung on the wall,
The hope of St Nicholas was a dream that is all.
The children were hunkered down in their beds,
With their loaded long guns over their heads.
And mamma in her kevlar and I in my cap,
Had just settled our brains for a short winter’s nap.
When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I flew like a flash,
Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash.
The moon on the breast of the grey leaded snow
Cast eerie shadows to objects below.
When, what to my night vision goggles should appear,
But a group of marauders, not seeming to fear.
With a beer bellied driver in the leading truck,
I knew in a moment it would take me some luck,
More rapid than wolves the bad guys they came,
I shouted to the family, “We Will Deliver them Pain!”
"Now Dan! Now Adam! Now Abel!, Now Eve!
Hurry the guns, we’ll make them leave!
To the top of the roof! to the top of the wall!
Now dash away! Dash away! Dash away all!"
As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly,
When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky.
So up to the house the marauder’s they came,
They wanted out stores , food, guns and grain.
And then, in a the moment, I heard many shouts
My Son with his AR, the shots rang out
As I fired my browning, tactically moving around,
I realized we might be holding our ground
They were dressed all in camo, mismatched I might say,
But their infrared signatures gave them away
The shots increased as the attackers pushed on
Not a creature was stirring, they all lived in fear.
The stockings, well tattered, hung on the wall,
The hope of St Nicholas was a dream that is all.
The children were hunkered down in their beds,
With their loaded long guns over their heads.
And mamma in her kevlar and I in my cap,
Had just settled our brains for a short winter’s nap.
When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I flew like a flash,
Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash.
The moon on the breast of the grey leaded snow
Cast eerie shadows to objects below.
When, what to my night vision goggles should appear,
But a group of marauders, not seeming to fear.
With a beer bellied driver in the leading truck,
I knew in a moment it would take me some luck,
More rapid than wolves the bad guys they came,
I shouted to the family, “We Will Deliver them Pain!”
"Now Dan! Now Adam! Now Abel!, Now Eve!
Hurry the guns, we’ll make them leave!
To the top of the roof! to the top of the wall!
Now dash away! Dash away! Dash away all!"
As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly,
When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky.
So up to the house the marauder’s they came,
They wanted out stores , food, guns and grain.
And then, in a the moment, I heard many shouts
My Son with his AR, the shots rang out
As I fired my browning, tactically moving around,
I realized we might be holding our ground
They were dressed all in camo, mismatched I might say,
But their infrared signatures gave them away
The shots increased as the attackers pushed on
We got a few I could see dead on the lawn
They made one last push to get to close to do harm
They made one last push to get to close to do harm
We fought them back, from taking our farm
They finally gave up, realizing it was futile
We had dealt them some damage and death that was brutal
I surveyed the compound at dawns early light
I surveyed the compound at dawns early light
We buried the bodies still doing what’s right
One of our dogs had died from a knife
He had fought to the death, he had given his life
I try to remember how it had started one day
The financial collapse killed the economy they say
Then the terrorist attacked, they were oh so skilled
Releasing the virus, millions it killed
Things started imploding the government collapsed
Things started imploding the government collapsed
People forced into violence, society lapsed
It has been quite some time since the crash and decay
But there are areas of good citizens, needless to say
As time marches on with each passing day
The sun does still rise and in a certain way
Things will get better and someday we will enjoy
What was once a great country no one can destroy
So this Christmas Day, not sure of the year
We will celebrate coming this far that is clear
Someday in the future, when the story is told
People will realize that there were some that were bold
They survived the downfall and maintained what was right
They fought to survive through long days and long nights
I would like to say to all of you who are dear
Merry Christmas and Hope for a better New Year.Santa Went Down to Georgia....
Enjoy this Great video of "Santa Went Down to Georgia" that
my blogbrother Borepatch linked over to "MERLIN'S SITE"
Its definately well worth it what a great take on the Charlie Daniels song.
my blogbrother Borepatch linked over to "MERLIN'S SITE"
Its definately well worth it what a great take on the Charlie Daniels song.
Friday, December 23, 2011
Americans need to stop voting for the 'salesman'
So says Mike from New Zealand in a comment over at wirecutters blog.
Brian in Florida did a guest post at wirecutter's blog and Mike from New Zealand left
a very telling comment about his travels in the USA....
Go read "HERE" it's worth the 10 minutes of your time.
Brian in Florida did a guest post at wirecutter's blog and Mike from New Zealand left
a very telling comment about his travels in the USA....
Go read "HERE" it's worth the 10 minutes of your time.
HAL-Pacino.....NSFW Language
I Wonder How Much "Fresh From Florida" Paid....
Toooo Late For This Year....
But, I'm thinking that this might have to be something I will do next Christmas.
I have seen this at some fellow bloggers sites and it's too good to not share :)
I have seen this at some fellow bloggers sites and it's too good to not share :)
Obviously to the trained eye, it is an empty alien beer keg.
The title of this post came from a comment to this "STORY"
that I read at "TheJawaReport"
Go read the comments at the Yahoo article for some good LOL's!
that I read at "TheJawaReport"
Go read the comments at the Yahoo article for some good LOL's!
WOW...Al Franken Did NOT Vote For The NDAA Bill......
What does THAT tell you?
Yesterday, the Senate passed a bill that includes provisions on detention that I found simply unacceptable. These provisions are inconsistent with the liberties and freedoms that are at the core of the system our Founders established. And while I did in fact vote for an earlier version of the legislation, I did so with the hope that the final version would be significantly improved. That didn't happen, and so I could not support the final bill.
huffpo link if you want "HERE"
Yesterday, the Senate passed a bill that includes provisions on detention that I found simply unacceptable. These provisions are inconsistent with the liberties and freedoms that are at the core of the system our Founders established. And while I did in fact vote for an earlier version of the legislation, I did so with the hope that the final version would be significantly improved. That didn't happen, and so I could not support the final bill.
huffpo link if you want "HERE"
This Will Give You A Smile..... Enjoy !
59Year old Brenda Hewett whom has never held a hockey stick in her life makes a hole in one from the far blue line. the hole was the same size as the hockey puck. For making the hole in one she has won a brand new 2012 Ford F-150 from Frenchie's Ford in Massena, NY 13662
Go read the description under the video on youtube....
H/T to "Aceofspades"
Go read the description under the video on youtube....
H/T to "Aceofspades"
My Morning Text- " Laugh Out Loud"...
I'm at my desk and my phone beeps with a text message from "The Furious Frechman".
He is at his company where they are having a 3 hour safety meeting.
This is his text,
"Blah, blah, blah. I want to get naked with a hot chick. Just sayin."
His favorite internet girl is Kyla Cole, so being a good buddy, I sent him this:
He is at his company where they are having a 3 hour safety meeting.
This is his text,
"Blah, blah, blah. I want to get naked with a hot chick. Just sayin."
His favorite internet girl is Kyla Cole, so being a good buddy, I sent him this:
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Did You Love The Alien Movies??
I thought the original movie "Alien" was absolutely phenomenal.
I was 17 years old when I first saw it.
Back when going to the theater was the fun thing to do on the weekend.
I just saw this new trailer over at Ace of Spades and I think it will be a DEFINITE must see.
Check out "Prometheus"
"The Alien Prequel is coming"
I was 17 years old when I first saw it.
Back when going to the theater was the fun thing to do on the weekend.
I just saw this new trailer over at Ace of Spades and I think it will be a DEFINITE must see.
Check out "Prometheus"
"The Alien Prequel is coming"
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
WOW...We Have Heard About The Militarization of LEO Right?
I have no problem with taking down the dirtbags the perpetrate crimes like home invasions in this story.
What was shocking to me is seeing the State Police STOP team looking like soldiers in the military.
I am just just amazed.......
Watch this video: ( give it a minute to load)
Here is the "STORY"
What was shocking to me is seeing the State Police STOP team looking like soldiers in the military.
I am just just amazed.......
Watch this video: ( give it a minute to load)
Here is the "STORY"
A brilliant Idea.....Involving Bacon
So I'm talking to Steve aka "The Furious Frenchman" about plans for Christmas Day.
We are bantering back and forth about what to do when he says "I want to deep fry a turkey"
and I said "That sounds like a great idea, just make sure that you use a fresh one. The frozen ones are
dangerous and you don't want to burn yourself to death".
We laughed and he said "I think you use peanut oil" and I said " Use Lard" and then I said "
"NO! better yet use bacon grease... can you imagine deep frying a turkey in bacon fat??"
I'll let you know if he even gets to the point of cooking a turkey let alone deep frying one.
After the conversation I hit the webz and what to my wondering eyes should appear but this:
We are bantering back and forth about what to do when he says "I want to deep fry a turkey"
and I said "That sounds like a great idea, just make sure that you use a fresh one. The frozen ones are
dangerous and you don't want to burn yourself to death".
We laughed and he said "I think you use peanut oil" and I said " Use Lard" and then I said "
"NO! better yet use bacon grease... can you imagine deep frying a turkey in bacon fat??"
I'll let you know if he even gets to the point of cooking a turkey let alone deep frying one.
After the conversation I hit the webz and what to my wondering eyes should appear but this:
You Just Never Know and Sometimes We Take Things For Granted...
One minute all is well, the next minute the phone rings.....
My friends mother was involved in an accident this morning due to the bad icing conditions we had. She was on a side road on the way to work and slid down a hill into a pole. The ambulance took her to the hospital as she was having back pain.
It wasn't a horrific accident but a good hit to say the least. After x-rays and some waiting in the ER they determined that she had a fractured vertebrae in her lower spine and excruciating back pain. Now comes the scary part. They have her in the ER and had given her pain meds which gave her a reaction and is now having chest pain and heart issues. My friend is on the way there with her sister. I do hope that all will be ok with Mama Ruth.... I am sad.
I will keep you posted...
UPDATE. 5:00 pm . First of all Thanks for the kind words.
Here is a picture of the crash. As you can see it wasnt too bad although it did take the light off at the base. The scary part was the reaction to the meds at the hospital. She seems to be getting better and they are keeping her overnight for observation so she will be in good hands.
My friends mother was involved in an accident this morning due to the bad icing conditions we had. She was on a side road on the way to work and slid down a hill into a pole. The ambulance took her to the hospital as she was having back pain.
It wasn't a horrific accident but a good hit to say the least. After x-rays and some waiting in the ER they determined that she had a fractured vertebrae in her lower spine and excruciating back pain. Now comes the scary part. They have her in the ER and had given her pain meds which gave her a reaction and is now having chest pain and heart issues. My friend is on the way there with her sister. I do hope that all will be ok with Mama Ruth.... I am sad.
I will keep you posted...
UPDATE. 5:00 pm . First of all Thanks for the kind words.
Here is a picture of the crash. As you can see it wasnt too bad although it did take the light off at the base. The scary part was the reaction to the meds at the hospital. She seems to be getting better and they are keeping her overnight for observation so she will be in good hands.
The Secret 10-Story Space Rocket Buried in the Swamps of Florida
I like this kind of stuff and with the power of the webz you can enjoy reading about and seeing pictures of some really neat stuff.
Check this out:
Its from a Book Called "The Forbidden Tourist"
There’s a secret in the swamp and it’s a big one. Roosting in a 180 foot-deep hole is the largest solid rocket booster ever built. When I say large, I mean big – really big: 10 stories tall and about 20 feet wide. This was a rocket that was originally intended to carry men to the moon, but it never made it out of the tomb that still conceals it.
More "HERE"
I did a little youtubing and found this video:
Check this out:
Its from a Book Called "The Forbidden Tourist"
There’s a secret in the swamp and it’s a big one. Roosting in a 180 foot-deep hole is the largest solid rocket booster ever built. When I say large, I mean big – really big: 10 stories tall and about 20 feet wide. This was a rocket that was originally intended to carry men to the moon, but it never made it out of the tomb that still conceals it.
More "HERE"

I did a little youtubing and found this video:
This is The First Season I Have Heard of The Shelf Elf.....
I guess its supposed to help keep the children under control before christmas.
I thought thats what Ritalin, Adderall, and Dexedrine were for?
Anyway.... The Midget Man of Steel has some great uses for his
I thought thats what Ritalin, Adderall, and Dexedrine were for?
Anyway.... The Midget Man of Steel has some great uses for his
We Choose To Make Christmas What It is.....
I Believe In Father Christmas lyrics
They said there'll be snow at christmas
They said there'll be peace on earth
But instead it just kept on raining
A veil of tears for the virgin's birth
I remember one christmas morning
A winters light and a distant choir
And the peal of a bell and that christmas tree smell
And their eyes full of tinsel and fire
They sold me a dream of christmas
They sold me a silent night
And they told me a fairy story
'till I believed in the israelite
And I believed in father christmas
And I looked at the sky with excited eyes
'till I woke with a yawn in the first light of dawn
And I saw him and through his disguise
I wish you a hopeful christmas
I wish you a brave new year
All anguish pain and sadness
Leave your heart and let your road be clear
They said there'll be snow at christmas
They said there'll be peace on earth
Hallelujah noel be it heaven or hell
The christmas you get you deserve
They said there'll be snow at christmas
They said there'll be peace on earth
But instead it just kept on raining
A veil of tears for the virgin's birth
I remember one christmas morning
A winters light and a distant choir
And the peal of a bell and that christmas tree smell
And their eyes full of tinsel and fire
They sold me a dream of christmas
They sold me a silent night
And they told me a fairy story
'till I believed in the israelite
And I believed in father christmas
And I looked at the sky with excited eyes
'till I woke with a yawn in the first light of dawn
And I saw him and through his disguise
I wish you a hopeful christmas
I wish you a brave new year
All anguish pain and sadness
Leave your heart and let your road be clear
They said there'll be snow at christmas
They said there'll be peace on earth
Hallelujah noel be it heaven or hell
The christmas you get you deserve
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Can You Imagine Walking Into Your Local Pub and Finding.......
.....David Gilmour playing all the Pink Floyd Classics acoustically?..Can you??
Be prepared to be mesmerized.......................
( Thanks to Matt at "Troublesome Times" for getting me in a Pink Floyd mood)
Be prepared to be mesmerized.......................
( Thanks to Matt at "Troublesome Times" for getting me in a Pink Floyd mood)
This Might Come In Handy Over The Next Few Days....
Enter your location to find a place to Drink.
Click "HERE" for the site.
Here is a screen shot. Type in your city and state then hit
the "find me a place to drink".
I Have a Few Questions For You....
It seems like I had a visitor today that left here and went on to visit some of my blogbuddies.
"Sick of the Status Quo" and "Soylent Green"
The questions are:
What do you prefer for site monitor? and Do you pay? and Is it worth it?
I am using free statcounter but it only covers a small window of time. I can upgrade and pay for
more info but it would only be to post stuff like this snapshot from Sick of the Status Quo.
I don't care about the stats other than its neat to see all the hits from around the world.
Especially the muslim countries, they seem to google camel toe and ass alot :) HAHAHHA
Take a look at who stopped by the when on to sick of the status quo.. TWICE!!!:
"Sick of the Status Quo" and "Soylent Green"
The questions are:
What do you prefer for site monitor? and Do you pay? and Is it worth it?
I am using free statcounter but it only covers a small window of time. I can upgrade and pay for
more info but it would only be to post stuff like this snapshot from Sick of the Status Quo.
I don't care about the stats other than its neat to see all the hits from around the world.
Especially the muslim countries, they seem to google camel toe and ass alot :) HAHAHHA
Take a look at who stopped by the when on to sick of the status quo.. TWICE!!!:
There's No Waste In Government......wait...What?
U.S. Senator Tom Coburn, M.D. (R-OK) today released a new oversight report, “Wastebook 2011” that highlights over $6.5 billion in examples of some of the most egregious ways your taxpayer dollars were wasted. This report details 100 of the countless unnecessary, duplicative and low-priority projects spread throughout the federal government.
Read More "HERE"
Read More "HERE"
Someday His Kids Will Know What TIme It Is....
Caution on volume for a few EFF Bombs.. but THIS. IS. EPIC.
Monday, December 19, 2011
This is an AWESOME Christmas Display :)
This picture below is a teaser pic...Click "HERE" to see the
rest of this awesome display!!
I found this video with the magic of Google.....
Wanna Laugh at Some Poor Bastard's Misfortune?
We've all had times when death knocks at the door. After
it's all said and done you can sometimes find the humor in it
like Blue did. Go read "THIS"
Here is a sample video:
Could This Be Coming To Amerika?
"Red Sector A"
All that we can do is just survive
All that we can do to help ourselves is stay alive
Ragged lines of ragged grey
Skeletons, they shuffle away
Shouting guards and smoking guns
Will cut down the unlucky ones
I clutch the wire fence until my fingers bleed
A wound that will not heal
A heart that cannot feel
Hoping that the horror will recede
Hoping that tomorrow we'll all be freed
Sickness to insanity
Prayer to profanity
Days and weeks and months go by
Don't feel the hunger
Too weak to cry
I hear the sound of gunfire at the prison gate
Are the liberators here?
Do I hope or do I fear?
For my father and my brother, it's too late
But I must help my mother stand up straight
Are we the last ones left alive?
Are we the only human beings to survive?
All that we can do is just survive
All that we can do to help ourselves is stay alive
Ragged lines of ragged grey
Skeletons, they shuffle away
Shouting guards and smoking guns
Will cut down the unlucky ones
I clutch the wire fence until my fingers bleed
A wound that will not heal
A heart that cannot feel
Hoping that the horror will recede
Hoping that tomorrow we'll all be freed
Sickness to insanity
Prayer to profanity
Days and weeks and months go by
Don't feel the hunger
Too weak to cry
I hear the sound of gunfire at the prison gate
Are the liberators here?
Do I hope or do I fear?
For my father and my brother, it's too late
But I must help my mother stand up straight
Are we the last ones left alive?
Are we the only human beings to survive?
Ice Water Veins and Balls of Titanium......
and a whole lot of trust in "PRISMDEFENCE"
Must See.Amazing Flying here by Pilot.
Prism Defence ( specialise in Ship Helicopter Integration, and provides a wide range of services within this realm.
In particular, Prism are responsible for the development of Ship Helicopter Operating Limits. This involves safely taking the helicopter to the edge of the envelope; that is, the point at which more extreme conditions would make the aircraft unsafe to fly.
The limits are based on a combination of environmental factors and ship motion. Operating helicopters onboard ships is extremely complex, due in part to the difficulty of landing a helicopter on a moving platform, but also due to numerous practical engineering issues.
This video shows a landing conducted by a Prism Defence Test Pilot and Flight Test Engineer during development of Ship Helicopter Operating Limits for the Lynx Mark 90B helicopter onboard the KNUD RASMUSSEN class Offshore Patrol Vessel.
Must See.Amazing Flying here by Pilot.
Prism Defence ( specialise in Ship Helicopter Integration, and provides a wide range of services within this realm.
In particular, Prism are responsible for the development of Ship Helicopter Operating Limits. This involves safely taking the helicopter to the edge of the envelope; that is, the point at which more extreme conditions would make the aircraft unsafe to fly.
The limits are based on a combination of environmental factors and ship motion. Operating helicopters onboard ships is extremely complex, due in part to the difficulty of landing a helicopter on a moving platform, but also due to numerous practical engineering issues.
This video shows a landing conducted by a Prism Defence Test Pilot and Flight Test Engineer during development of Ship Helicopter Operating Limits for the Lynx Mark 90B helicopter onboard the KNUD RASMUSSEN class Offshore Patrol Vessel.
I'm NOT Usually Paranoid or Untrusting But....
If this is the tip of the iceberg then we have some serious issues that are starting to "SURFACE"
Should I break out my tinfoil hat yet?
Busy, Busy, Busy.....
I've had alot of stuff going on recently. The days are flying by, between helping friends, and trying to finish year-end orders at work, I have been slacking a bit here at the blog. Needless to say there have been alot of interesting things that I have been reading at all the other sites so I am at least keeping up with current events. I'll be back to my usual stuff soon so keep checking back.
Here is an Awwwww pic for the morning :
Here is an Awwwww pic for the morning :
Sunday, December 18, 2011
When Seconds Count......
This is a VERY smart and lucky girl......
A 13-year-old girl was at home as two men pilfered her family’s belongings. Her quick thinking and calm demeanor kept her safe during the frightening encounter.
Read the article so see how long it took "COPS" to get there.
A 13-year-old girl was at home as two men pilfered her family’s belongings. Her quick thinking and calm demeanor kept her safe during the frightening encounter.
Read the article so see how long it took "COPS" to get there.
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