Saturday, August 5, 2017

Fostech Echo Trigger - Gen II Patented Fast Fire Trigger System


                                                                                                     (it gets real good about 5:47)

Friday, August 4, 2017

Friday Femme Fatale.....

Guard your soul....

Posting will be lite for a bit.


Let's Play "Guess The Race"

Two women trashed a Jacksonville, Florida Chick-fil-A and went on an  savage rampage because they refused to function as human beings in a normal society. 

For more on the story click HERE

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Remember this Dickie Goodman song called "Mr. Jaws"?

I think I was in the sixth grade when it debuted 42 years ago.

Peanut Butter Helped Twelve Inmates Escape From Walker County Jail

When twelve inmates escaped from the Walker County Jail, it was a big story around here. It also was a huge embarrassment for the Walker Co. Sheriff and his staff. People in the Jasper area/Walker County were upset that the jailbreak occurred around six o'clock on Sunday evening and the sheriff's office didn't post it on their FB page until after ten. The sheriff did not make a public announcement until after eight o'clock on Monday morning. The jail not only houses Walker County inmates, but it serves as a holding area for federal inmates too. Apparently, the inmates used peanut butter to alter numbers on an exterior door and "tricked" a new jail employee into electronically unlocking it. The twelve then dashed out into a semi-secure area, climbed  a razor-wire fence and ran away. If they had of played their cards right and lined up some "help" the story might have played out differently. The last one was caught yesterday down in Florida. 

Click HERE for one of the many stories

Another story

Sunday, July 30, 2017

"So, Three Japs Walk Into A BAR"

H/T Todd in Knoxville

Sometimes, even the best of cars can be trouble

H/T to Jason in Canada!

Link O'rama...Keeping Tabs On Things....

Complied and submitted by AFOI
** If this is true, McCain needs to go down as today's Benedict Arnold.
** But... but... but preppers are stupid.  That couldn't happen here!!!!
** She only knows Islam personally.  What could she know compared to the Elites who
are flooding Europe with rapefugees?
** Jesus H F*cking Christ.  This is into rope-tree-assembly territory.  I don't think a
person could have done more damage if they'd tried.
** This is dated, but... time for tar and feathers, Germany.  And Sweden.  And Norway.  And France.  And Britain.  And...
** They're getting ready.  Are you?
** The "Progressive" mask slips.  

A Very Talented Young Lady

I saw this over at Chief Nose Wetter's.