Saturday, October 20, 2012

Meanwhile, It's Noon on Sunday In Australia.......

31 Things You Can Do With Beer, Besides Drink It...

It's time, gentlemen, to make beer an even bigger part of our world.

 Here are 31 new reasons to love it. 

Click the pic for the link......

Cats Made Me Laugh...

Since We Have Been Discussing The Finns Lately....

Wow this takes some serious guts finnish guy jumps dirt bike into river over trees.Crazy Finnish guy does an amazing jump with his dirt-bike.

Busy Morning...

I was up early with this stupid cold and sinus infection, curse you Furious Frenchman!

When I was up at 4:30 I noticed that The Feral Irishman had gone over the 2 Million post mark.

I wan to thank all of you that stop by this little corner of the intertubes to visit.

I have a bunch of things to get finished at work for Monday so posting will be light. I will do a 

more in depth post on the stats and on some other things that I have been talking to people about.

i.e. the election and the financial markets... we are in for a bumpy ride I think.

It's a beautiful fall day in New England....74 degrees.

I found this picture on line:

Iz Caturday Morning Already?

2,000,071 Page Views...!!!

Friday, October 19, 2012

The Feral Irishman..After Dark.."You Wear It Well"

♫♫ Green Eyed Lady...... Sugarloaf ♫♫

Bonus hit.....


Friday Night Concert Featuring "Zepparella"

H/t to Bayouwulf

Star Wars Theme Flash Mob in Germany...

Yosemite Valley mist illuminated by car headlights at nightfall

Just a nice picture I found on line.....

Peter Griffin Does His Best Obama Imitation....

Air Hockey Challenge, Keep Your Eye on The Puck...

Hmmmm ...I thought it was over 30%...?

at least that's what the media make you think.

A massive new survey published this morning reveals that only 3.4% of American adults publicly identify themselves as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender, with the highest percentage coming among the younger, less-educated non-whites.
The new Gallup Poll of more than 121,000 adults, the largest of its kind on record, wass conducted during the past four months. It finds the percentage of self-reported LGBT Americans to be much smaller than a general impression derived from their presence in popular culture and their perceived influence in liberal American politics.
The special report found 3.4% of adult Americans publicly reporting themselves as personally identifying with those categories, 92.2% saying they do not and 4.4% refusing to say or claiming not to know.



Bear Loves His Cocaine!

I'm Off To Walmart....

Is It All Smoke and Mirrors?... You Decide

During my morning insomnia routine I came across this post, about the second presidential
 debate, which was well researched and put together by
 Sundancecracker over at The Conservative Treehouse.

Go spend some time reading through it and clicking the links and vids...it's worth it.

Disclaimer... take your BP meds and put down any sharp objects.........

CNN and The Obama Administration – Weapons of Misdirection


also check out this one:

Dem Agenda Exposed – Long Islander “Kerry Ladka” and The Ideology of Flag Carrying – (Toldyaso….. /SD)




Thursday, October 18, 2012


Wally World Called ... Your Photos Are Ready*

* Post title stolen with all due respect to Woodsterman

You don't have to go to the ends of the Earth to save the rainforest.

This is a serious ad that is pretty farkin funny!

Bar Employee Has a Sense of Humor....

Ruff Dog Day......

Wirecutter and Irish.. The Family Camping Years...

WTF? this must be a new clothing style that is taking off....

This is one that I saw the other day and posted earlier in the week:

♫♫ Here is Your Morning Viking, Folk, Metal Band ♫♫

Reader Bayouwulf sent along this email:

Good evening Mr. Pissed,

You always display good taste in music.
I enjoyed the video of Opeth and thought I would toss this your way.  While they are new to me, they have been around for some time. They aren't as refined as Opeth, but that has it’s own appeal too. I especially like the first one, being that I am a Blacksmith. It also calls out to my Viking  blood. Enjoy!


Korpiklaani is the name of the band.


Click here for a list of "VIKING METAL BANDS" ( ya  I googled that to see how many there were)

 These are some pretty cool videos even if  the music isn't your taste.....enjoy :)

Who wouldn't enjoy songs with titles like:

 "The Steel", "Vodka", "Tequila" and "Wooden Pints"?

Drastic Increase In 21 Everyday Items....

WTF?   Beer is up 25%!!  Dammit...

Click the picture for the link to the list.......

Earthquake Drill... 10:18 am Today..


More than 13 million Americans are expected to clamber under desks and hide beneath tables on Thursday as they take part in the world's largest-ever earthquake drill.

Families from Los Angeles to New York will dive for cover at 10.18am in each timezone as they rehearse what to do in the event of a major quake.
Local radio stations will simulate news announcers warning that a 7.8 magnitude earthquake is about to strike, while ominous rumblings will play in the background.
The en masse rehearsal is being coordinated by Shakeout, a Californian group set up to encourage awareness among people living on the San Andreas fault, a tectonic fault line that runs along the West Coast. 


For some reason, I don't think I'll fit under my desk....


Thursday Morning....

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Feral Irishman After Dark...Random Hotties

Well Played "Bodyform"

Go to the link below and read through the post, making sure to clink on the links.

This is downright awesome and pretty damn funny too!


Opeth is a Swedish progressive metal band from Stockholm

Whatever Sport This Is ... I Like It!

Keep Your Eyes On The Overpasses In mASS and Connecticut

(CNSNews.com) - Thanks to a cash infusion from the Obama administration, motorists in Connecticut and Massachusetts may see police spotters on overpasses, looking for people who are texting while driving.
Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood announced that those two states are each getting $275,000 grants "to help them plan and conduct high-visibility anti-texting enforcement programs."


Happy Humpday... Tail End Of The Afternoon.....

Sons Of Anarchy Gag Reel/ Outtakes...

At That Moment All Was Well In The World...

CW Over at Dailytimewaster Thinks ...

 Climber Chicks are Cool

They aren't too bad but this camera man gets my vote for most daring:

Never Forget... 10/16/2012..

H/t To the Furious Frenchman

Candy Pulls A "Tommy Lewis Moment" On Romney

Reader Sporf sent me this one. I wasn't around in those days but I'm sure some of you might have been :)

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Click the pic to see the rest.......

Sleeeepy Time.....

Obama is full of shit....

I need a beer

Oh My Gawd....

I can't believe that I'm watching this tool.......

Natural Phenomena...Watch it Full Screen...

Natural Phenomena - VideoSapien from Reid Gower on Vimeo.

Humans are part of the natural order. We're risen apes that acquired language and learned to use tools. Skyscrapers and spacecraft may seem unnatural, but they're just as much a part of the natural order as beaver dams and bird nests. Boring electrical lines hint at the energy solution of a mammalian species. Open your eyes to the world you've grown accustomed to, and rejoice in the fact that you can participate in the human project.

EARTHQUAKE !!.... 4.5

I was driving so I missed it:


I must have been the harmonic motion in my last post. 

Harmonic Motion....

A periodic vibration, as of  gluteus maximus caught in fishnet, in which the motions are symmetrical about a region of equilibrium. Such a vibration may have only one frequency and amplitude or may be a combination of two or more components.


Irish and Wirecutter...Bored in The Middleschool Years...

She's Lying Out Her Ass....

Michelle Obama: ‘We Are in the Midst of a Huge Recovery’

Proud First Smurf Kill....

This Generation of Liberals and Their Educamation

Wolf Costume Would Take Furries to the Next Level.....

...or offer target practice for Wirecutter....

Hey Now... ANOTHER F*(KING Government Bankruptcy!!!

Waltham-based electric car battery maker A123 Systems, which has received hundreds of millions in state and federal funding, expects to default today on certain debt payments and could be headed for bankruptcy, according to a document the company has filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Millions more down the drain... these people should be in fucking jail!!

Ya I'm grumpy today!!


When Someone Mentions a Girl Named "Candy"...

..do you envision....


or THIS ?:

Here use this for that second picture:

Starting Off Tuesday All Wrong.....

Monday, October 15, 2012

Okay, Okay... This Post Will Make Up For That Last One....

Don't Look, I'm Tellin you... DON'T....LOOK!

Okay I told you twice, now if you choose to click on the picture I'm not responsible...

Don't do it... you know you want to but I don't recommend it... or maybe just a peek.......

now you're thinking "How bad can it be?"


 If you incur any eye damage, brain damage, loss of appetite, loss of hair, loss of libido or just plain want to run away through the woods, then you can blame HIM

Don't Buy Los Pollos Fry Batter.....


Can It All Be a Coincidence? ..You Decide

Can It All Be a Coincidence?

Warning Signs features my daily commentaries, but I will break with that and share one that is well worth your consideration:

by Don Fredrick, ©2012, blogging at The Obama Timeline

(Oct. 1, 2012) — As I noted in the introduction to my book, The Obama Timeline, a jury at a murder trial will often find the accumulated circumstantial evidence so overwhelming that a guilty verdict is obvious—even though there may be no witness to the crime. “The jurors in the Scott Peterson trial believed the collection of evidence more than they believed Scott Peterson. Among other things, the jury thought that being arrested with $15,000 in cash, recently-dyed hair, a newly-grown goatee, four cell phones, camping equipment, a map to a new girlfriend’s house, a gun, and his brother’s driver’s license certainly did not paint a picture of a grieving husband who had nothing to do with his pregnant wife’s disappearance and murder.”

In the four years I have been gathering information about—and evidence against—Barack Hussein Obama, I have encountered hundreds of coincidences that strike me as amazing. None of those coincidences, by themselves, may mean much. But taken as a whole it is almost impossible to believe they were all the result of chance. Consider the Obama-related coincidences:

Obama just happened to know 60s far-left radical revolutionary William Ayers, whose father just happened to be Thomas Ayers, who just happened to be a close friend of Obama’s communist mentor Frank Marshall Davis, who just happened to work at the communist-sympathizing Chicago Defender with Vernon Jarrett, who just happened to later become the father-in-law of Iranian-born leftist Valerie Jarrett, who Obama just happened to choose as his closest White House advisor, and who just happened to have been CEO of Habitat Company, which just happened to manage public housing in Chicago, which just happened to get millions of dollars from the Illinois state legislature, and which just happened not to properly maintain the housing—which eventually just happened to require demolition.


You Know That Farm Raised Shrimp You Love??

You won't after you go HERE and read the whole thing.....

At Ngoc Sinh Seafoods Trading & Processing Export Enterprise, a seafood exporter on Vietnam’s southern coast, workers stand on a dirty floor sorting shrimp one hot September day. There’s trash on the floor, and flies crawl over baskets of processed shrimp stacked in an unchilled room in Ca Mau.
Elsewhere in Ca Mau, Nguyen Van Hoang packs shrimp headed for the U.S. in dirty plastic tubs. He covers them in ice made with tap water that the Vietnamese Health Ministry says should be boiled before drinking because of the risk of contamination with bacteria. Vietnam ships 100 million pounds of shrimp a year to the U.S. That’s almost 8 percent of the shrimp Americans eat.


It's Milfy Monday.. A Baker's Dozen....

I Miss The Grade School Years.....