Regarding the "Internet Friendships" meme I posted earlier. We (< see anon that is reference to community ) had anonymous leave the reply below.
Anon, I'm not quite sure how to take it since you started off with "apologies". I will though provide rebuttal to some of your statements.
Here is the comment:
Apologies but this is the craziest statement that I have ever heard! And
just goes to show that no matter what anyone says on here, the "deep
state" and globalism have won! Anytime ANYONE makes such a statement is
PROOF that they had completely LOST the understanding of what
constitutes a community! People can portray themselves as anything on
the internet and thus what you see on here IS NOT what people are!
all that's left of conservatism is ridiculous statements such as this,
then conservatism is well and truly dead! True Conservatism says: If you
cannot see it with your own eyes, hold it with your own hands, then it
is not real! The "Deep State" and Globalism would love it if the only
expression of Conservatism was rantings on a blog, then The "Deep State"
and Globalism can take control and own what is real!
and now...a reply.. *sips beer*... *logs off pornhub* (2)....
"Apologies" ( Ok, anon, so that lead off might soften the blow of my rebuttal)
but this is the craziest statement that I have ever heard! ( First off it's a meme, relax Francis. Secondly, Really?, that is quite sad given the fact that you obviously don't know what really goes on when many of us communicate outside of this interface. Oh, and you choose to post as anon. If blogger didn't allow you to post your name or nic. then you should have signed the comment with a screen name. Here's an example. Many moons ago my nic, Irish, was coined by Kenny over at Knuckledraggin. I've never met him. I've never heard his voice. I wouldn't recognize him in a line-up ( I think he may have been in a few) BUT, we have emailed and shared blog comments for many moons. He is the one that gave me the nic of "Irish". I choose not to use may real name #fuckerswatching and I need to be gainfully employed for a few more years. This blog has evolved for over a decade so I have a feeling that long time readers have an idea of my psyche. Probably more than the "boss" does.)
(This is my hobby, I make no money, my time spent here is the enjoyment I get from posting the shit I post. If someone stops by and doesn't like it, fine. IF they do, they stick around. Example, I'm sitting here right now thinking and forming the words and sentences that I 'm typing without caring whether or not anyone reads them. There are many that will. Check out the side bar. 315 followers, and how many linked blogs? Have you been here before? Do you read the comments? Did you see how many people reached out to let me know their thoughts about places I might like to live later in life? You don't know how many private emails I got and phone numbers and offers for a place to hang my hat while they showed us around. THOSE, are internet friendships. Will they last? Who knows. BUT in that moment the best will be made of it. I do know, in all honesty, my "internet friends" will probably give you a time out because you are taking away my time prepping the Friday matinee..... That will now be late and some of them are older than I and will have to go to bed.)
just goes to show that no matter what anyone says on here, the "deep
state" and globalism have won! ( Fuck that. I am a free man. They have not won. For now there are many many millions of my fellow Americans that get up everyday and have a job and family and responsibilities that we burden on a daily basis. As other's have noted, in multiple posts, below the surface there is a cold anger and we, those like minded that are readers here, are all feeling it. We go along day after day living life, incrementally being bled of our money and blood and sweat and tears just wanting to be left alone. Whatever is coming down the pike for the showdown will be epic. I will say that history has not be lost on those that come here. If / when it goes bad, which no one wants, it will be ugly.)
Anytime ANYONE makes such a statement is
PROOF that they had completely LOST the understanding of what
constitutes a community! ( What is a community? Let's see what the dictionary says... "a feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals." Fuck, if that don't define what goes on here then nothing does. Have you spent time here? IF you did you would see the constant comments and camaraderie of all the readers that visit my sooper sekrit bunker and virtual pub. I have "internet friendships" with some great people I have met by creating this blog)
People can portray themselves as anything on
the internet and thus what you see on here IS NOT what people are! ( Ok, sure, I can understand that comment to a point. Do I drink as much whiskey and beer as I portray? No. Do I eat only brisket, grilled cheese, pepperoni pizza and mac and cheese like the pictures I post? Well..... No. If I did any of those I would be 500+ lbs or dead, your pick. Do I wish I could hang out with all the fine FFF babes? Yes, but then again, at my age, they would probably drive me nuts. Is there embellishment sure. Are things adjusted or tweaked to incite emotions like laughter or sadness or shock and awe? Absolutely. Again, It's entertainment. Anon, do you watch TV or movies? How fucked up are those actors once you hear about their personal lives? I know most of my "internet friends" ain't fucked up because they ain't pretendin'. The internet has allowed communication across the globe. I have gotten emails from international followers that say they stop by to enjoy what I post. I did a somewhat lengthy post about a "friend" in Portugal. One day, out of the blue, L. from Portugal sent me a long email about how much he enjoyed the blog and how he agreed with what I posted. Since then we email and he will send me fodder to post. Have I met him? No. Would I like to someday? Yes. I bet if he reads this he will email. I will also bet that if I told him I was going to vacation in Portugal he would tell me the places to go and meet me for a beer. Again, anyone that follows a blog, for awhile, will get a "feeling" of what the blog owner is like. Scroll my sidebar or look at the commenters. I would break bread with all of them. That's why they are there. Would it turn into a great friendship? Who knows? The whole idea is you can have your "internet friends" and enjoy them and what they bring to your life when your in the ether)
all that's left of conservatism is ridiculous statements such as this,
then conservatism is well and truly dead! True Conservatism says: If you
cannot see it with your own eyes, hold it with your own hands, then it
is not real! (I found this: The conservative as conservator guards against violations of our
reverent traditions and legacy, and is, in fine, a preserver, a keeper, a
custodian of sacred things and signs and texts…)( So, I would say there are a LOT of "Conservatives" in this country by the above definition. I will also note that most readers here are conservatives, meaning "not libtards" .)
(Let's run a test and see who want doesn't want to hold things sacred, " Raise your hand if you want some transgender dude with a dick to piss next to your daughter in the high school bathroom" Comment if you do.)
The "Deep State" and Globalism would love it if the only
expression of Conservatism was rantings on a blog, then The "Deep State"
and Globalism can take control and own what is real! (The post about friendship isn't "ranting on a blog" IT's about like-mindedness, community, a sharing of what ever one wants to share. Do you know what a blog is? >" a regularly updated website or web page, typically
one run by an individual or small group, that is written in an informal
or conversational style."
INFORMAL or CONVERSATIONAL STYLE... <<< read that again. That right there is all this is.
If I was sitting in a bar and someone next to me was talking about machining to the hot chick with cleavage next to him I would probably strike up a conversation with him, not her. See, now you know a little more about Irish.)
(1) I used this to illicit a laugh as I don't own one, BUT, those in the know about Irish folklore will understand
(2) embellishment. I wasn't on pornhub it was redtube.