Saturday, February 1, 2025

Philly Plane Crash From Nest Camera... Video and Sound...










Fake News


Irish had sent me this story earlier in the week with the heading "Bama Girl". It turns out the beautiful young woman left of center is an exemplary human being and not the bigoted-racist-snobby-bitch of girl the magazine knowingly and wrongfully portrayed. The latest attempt to smear Trump and the MAGA Movement. The above is the re-touched photo above showing only young white people. New York Magazine's lame attempt to criticize and shame MAGA partygoers has backfired. Story. Obviously, the writer of this story knows nothing of "rebels".

Friday, January 31, 2025

Plane Crashes in Philly

     When I first heard about this, I thought the drones had gone "weapons hot".

This isn't the first video I saw of this, but it was clearer. The video should begin at "current time" around 8:07. Continue watching and hear the reporter talking about two pieces of the plane that were not burning, etc. It is pretty interesting.


Another Short Test For FFFF.... We'll see what happens.



Thursday, January 30, 2025

Hit Job

The Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts of Montgomery, Alabama (1st capital of the Confederacy) is apparently behind this billboard sponsored by the museum showing the MAGA movement slogan pasted over one of the famous scenes of the Selma marchers crossing the Edmund Pettus Bridge (1965). It was a direct attack for  to the newly elected president and his constituents showing this is where the nation is headed IMHO. The link to the story is HERE.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

"A tiny place with nothing for these men, and to which these men offer nothing in return?"

This morning I was reading Fergus's Substack "Another Ticking Timebomb" and came across this linked story of a small town in England where nearly 4k "immigrants" have been dumped. These "guests" were a present to Buckinghamshire via Great Britain's version of  ".gov 101 introduction to social unrest". The majority of these immigrants are billeted in a hotel that is only 1/2 mile from the local elementary school. It is enough that the village is small with little to offer it's own residents, but now that the immigrants have been offloaded, the community is strained. The locals are rightfully upset as there are many of these men eerily loitering around the local school drop-off each morning and they are asking local police for what purpose. As anyone who loves their children would be, these people are justifiably concerned and are asking, "why here"? 
The statement in the heading of this post was taken from the comment section of this article. This is the same thing NGOs did here in Alabama (no telling how many other backwater communities across the U.S. got a load of "joy") when they pawned off several loads of Haitians in Alabama. Most of the communities where this occurred bristled up and put the pressure on their elected officials and got results. Of course, there were local government officials who defended these actions as .gov had "sweetened the kitty" with monies for rental properties, etc. Most of the small town councilmen and mayors who tried to defend this ludicrously just happened to own properties where the immigrants were being housed, etc. I saw a story on Fox6News out of Birmingham where in Sylacauga (I think) long paying tenants were moved out under the premise of "required repairs". Following the repairs the rent increased in some cases four fold. Naturally, this was done to facilitate the Haitians.  The dastardly characters who betrayed their own people and sold what little of honor they might have had have been ostracized by their own kith and kin and deserved worse. It was sickening to watch as they lamely attempted to defend their position to no avail. These are the only people I saw or read about who were in favor of the "immigrants" staying. 
Apparently, this exercise in social engineering is occurring and has been for several years in almost every Western country around the globe (not Poland). The statement in the title is the question I asked when this started happening here in Alabama and I still ask today. Why and what is the end game?

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Willie Jones Captured..............Again!

 Disclaimer: If you aren't familiar with the CDB song below, you are not going to get this bit of humor.                                                                                           

The only thing significant about this story is that a 40 year old cold case was solved, but in case someone would like to read it, here is the LINK. Interesting? I don't know if I was more intrigued by the fact that the murder was solved (time past/technology), or the fact that this 80 year old man was still chasing women. I suppose there is hope.  


I would imagine there are at least a few CDB fans on here who will remember this tune.

Talented Operator.......


It looks like there are still some "clingers" holding on to "wokeness"


My first thoughts upon reading this is Sterling Heights is hurting for visionary leadership within their local government.

Why would any municipality buy an overpriced, slow charging, vulnerable EV for an essential, and in this case emergency response/patrol vehicle?  Los Angeles had only one according to "fact checkers" who are denying the story about multiple EV fire trucks having to leave the fire and recharge. They claim LA has only one and the story has been distorted on social media. I don't know, but I will say one EV is one too many in cases such as these.

....and they are boasting of this 

Monday, January 27, 2025

It's Dusty In Here and I Bet It's Dusty At Your Place.....


  This all happened last August/September.....

 90 yr-old disabled AF Veteran Donald, had to pawn jewelry in order to care for his wife, recently diagnosed with dementia. His rent was recently increased, and he was so upset that he couldn’t give his wife the care she deserves, so his friend, Jenelle Marie, and 25 friends, gathered $1,300 to help him. He was overwhelmed with gratitude. She then set up a GoFundMe for him, not expecting it to go viral, but his humble story made the news. The amount raised is now at $307,000! This is such a beautiful story. Tears!

Here is the original video of the Pawn Shop encounter...

Story in PEOPLE magazine <<

It seems they have left the GOFUNDME open and are working to get legal representation to protect

Donald and the funds that have been donated by the viral campaign.


It appears this recent message was posted 10 days ago to Jenelle's TIKTOK <<

Just Rode A 3.9 Earthquake Here At Work


  Crazy, it lasted about 3-6 seconds here at work the floor and building was rumbling pretty good.


Did anyone else feel it in New England ? 

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Memes and Things

Spitfire Under Bridge