Tuesday, January 28, 2025

It looks like there are still some "clingers" holding on to "wokeness"


My first thoughts upon reading this is Sterling Heights is hurting for visionary leadership within their local government.

Why would any municipality buy an overpriced, slow charging, vulnerable EV for an essential, and in this case emergency response/patrol vehicle?  Los Angeles had only one according to "fact checkers" who are denying the story about multiple EV fire trucks having to leave the fire and recharge. They claim LA has only one and the story has been distorted on social media. I don't know, but I will say one EV is one too many in cases such as these.

....and they are boasting of this 


  1. Lmao...72 percent reduction in emissions and 95 percent reduction in capability.

  2. Should just let it burn, and do not replace it. One could say the same about many legacy wokites, wefites and other parasites.

  3. 72% reduction in emissions...ain't that a coal-fired power plant I see over your shoulder?

    1. Yah we either retire coal plants or convert them to burn Nat. Gas at Yuge expense. Meanwhile, China has been bringing one new coal fired plant online every week since the beginning of the 2020's. India is also bringing coal plants online at a slightly lesser rate. So, the two countries with the largest populations are building up their electric generating infrastructure while OUR OWN GOVERNMENT IS DISMANTLING OURS to comply with some cockamamie "accord" developed in Europe by the climate change idiocracy. How's that working out for them now that someone has sabotaged one of the nat. gas pipelines used to deliver Russian gas for their electric plants, businesses and homes. These dumbasses even shut down and had started to dismantle their nuke plants all because a teen aged truant yelled at them in public. Idiots.


  4. Well it IS the land of fruits and nuts, so... Imagine if, when they were doing the OJ chase, they had to break off to recharge. There's a video out there somewhere of Trump's meeting with the LA city council and Mayor Bass. Trump absolutely scorched her. It's wonder she didn't disintegrate into a pile of ash right there on camera.

    The one good thing that has come out of the CA fires is that at least two political careers are also now a pile of ash. Bass and Newsom are toast.

    Pity it had to cost so many lives, homes and businesses to wake the people of Califruitopia up. All to save a 2.5" long fish from natural extinction and to promote an agenda that only about 4% of Americans support.

    When are we going to STOP the tail from wagging the dog?


  5. I read an interesting article a few days ago on this. Turns out that EVs, because of excessive weight, are actually "slower" than conventional vehicles at higher speeds. This the electric Chevy Blazer is a terrible choice as a pursuit vehicle. It won't be able to run down a Dodge Charger on the open road.

  6. Vancouver bc had an electric fire truck, ran out of power in minutes if it used the booster pump for water. They spent $$$ on it and its not allowed to fight fires.


  7. The General Motors Tech Center is located in the middle of Warren, Michigan...three miles from Ster ling Heights.

    I assume Sterling Heights got a real deal on the wheels. It might even be a pilot vehicle (one step closer to production than a prototype) loaned to them to gain real-world data.

  8. Down here in Mobile they started using a electric trash trucks, the cans haven't been picked up since last week. I reckon the snow & 18 degrees didn't sit well with the batteries. Don't ask where the diesel trucks are I don't know either.

  9. How long will the battery last in 0 degrees with the electric heater running to keep the cop warm?

  10. The Michigan State Police did a study about using electric pursuit vehicles. It turns out the actual range is much less than the publicized range when you floor it.

    1. Every single make, every single model, every single time. Who run barter town.

  11. Here deep in the interior of Alaska where we see months of temperatures that are anywhere from -35 to -65 and only a few hours of daylight, our government saw fit to grant us a electric school bus complete with a solar charging station.
    I forget what the actual cost was but it is safe to assume that it exceeded a quarter million when looking at the price of a electric vehicle and the solar array that was installed. So you are using batteries that don’t like the cold where it gets really cold, and the sun to charge the batteries where you see very little sun when school is in session. Now please consider that this bus must run a really big heater system to keep the students warm while hauling them to and from school. I hope this gives you all great joy as you are in the process of preparing and paying your taxes.

  12. I grew up in Sterling Heights it's definitely an auto manufacturing town.

  13. And still corona virus sub headline below the header. You can’t make this shit up.

  14. Imagine the LA police chasing OJ in one of those things and having to bail on the chase to recharge. Maybe they'd adopt a substitute on the fly tactic to keep fully or nearly fully charged cruisers rotating in and out so that they didn't lose the perp.


  15. What happens when liberals run a city: nothing works and everybody suffers except the criminal because the police cars are running on electric batteries, trash builds up and the rats/rodents and feral animals eat very well leaving disease and messes along the way. How to combat that issue..burn barrel everything that will burn, disposer to chew up food & a tip soften in water to grind up easier and not clog up. There are ways to do things better.


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