Friday, January 31, 2025

Plane Crashes in Philly

     When I first heard about this, I thought the drones had gone "weapons hot".

This isn't the first video I saw of this, but it was clearer. The video should begin at "current time" around 8:07. Continue watching and hear the reporter talking about two pieces of the plane that were not burning, etc. It is pretty interesting.



  1. Next on the schedule:

    Oil refinery explosion, head on collision of Amtrak and freight trains, riots in Portland (again), fires at 3 food processing plants. All Trump's fault.

  2. I've listened a couple hours of coverage of the event on two networks. None of the "experts" brought in to comment on the tragedy have addressed the airplane being ON FIRE as it's falling out of the sky. The engines on this aircraft are located at the rear of the plane near the elevator and tail assembly. One of the engines blowing up, taking the tail assembly off the plane or rendering it inoperable may account for the fiery descent straight into the ground. IMHO. I'm not a pilot and I DON'T play one TV. I'm just spitballin' like everyone else.


  3. Nothing about that looks like a plane to except that it began in the sky. Best shot begins at 1:04

  4. The aircraft was NOT on fire. What you are seeing is the glare from the clouds due to the landing/rec lights. Notice that the “fire” goes out as it comes out of the clouds at 500 feet or so.

  5. That aircraft is not on fire in the descent. You are seeing the glare from the landing/rec lights on the clouds. The “fire” goes out when it comes out of the clouds at 500 feet or so.

  6. Is it possible that this could have been a despondent pilot committing suicide by plane? Wouldn't be the first time.

  7. If you play it at 1/2 speed from t=5:27, you can see a small flae streeking downward, followed by the main explosion quite a distance to the right of the impact point of the small light, with a short delay.

    Also, there sppears to be a flash prior to the light streak, …like a small explosion.

    For some reason it starts a bit before I want it too, but it’s close.

  8. There were others, including a near miss of a passenger jet with a helicopter in DC the previous day.

  9. A possible scenario…


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