Saturday, March 7, 2020
Is This Something?
It will be interesting to see what happens as November looms.
Democrats are going to put this drunken hag on the ticket as VP nominee. If Biden is elected, they won’t Epstein him. It’ll simply “suggested” he step down for the “good of the nation.” And hello, Madame President. #MarkMyWords— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) March 7, 2020
You know damn well she'll be on her way when the time is right......
Oh Carol Part Deux... For Those Playing At Home
From what I can gather, her name is Crystal Driggers. These images were from 2010 or earlier.
She was a model on the Sports by Brooks website. One of the other girls is Denise Milani <<
The other is Natasha ( Milani? )
More here. <<<
Friday, March 6, 2020
Oh Carol
I'm not sure who this Carol is or when her birthday was, but Happy Birthday Carol. Make sure to check out the "short one" at .30
♫♫ Hmmm, what's this? Irish Squints and reads the youtube link.........♫♫
So, I have music playing in the background as I sip some of the devil's brew and work on my Friday Femme Fatale post. As I glance down the sidebar of youtube videos I see the words "Pink Floyd" and "Mongolia" in the same sentence.
Yes, Mongolia. Ok, so the only thing I know about mongolia is that Ghenghis Khan was from there and he was a bad ass.
Khan.... hey, that's not Ghenghis, that's Ricardo Montalban
Anyway, thanks for sticking with my thoughts so far.
I won't make you read too much anymore.
Check these guys out. If you're a Floyd fan you will appreciate how much practice must have gone into this performance. While your at it, take a moment to realize that the music of Pink Floyd speaks to many of us around the planet.
ps: I think Boilerdoc will enjoy the background singers.
Enjoy this and appreciate their performance. I have so far.
Open Thread For Comments On Coronavirus... .ETA Live tracking info
We don't get tens of thousands of hits a day here at the super sekrit bunker but there many. many like minded followers that stop by to visit for various reasons. You are scattered around the country and the globe.
Here is the last month totals by country:
Some of you comment on posts and many lurk and some will send a PM by email ( on the side bar).
If you scroll through "My Blog List", there are links to some great people that are much more knowledgeable than your humble host. If you like, post a comment ( they are moderated so please understand I will get to them as soon as I can) or send us an email with thoughts/observations/opinions on this virus?
If you like make note of your state or country so fellow readers can get an idea of what is happening in your area. In the past this medium wasn't available to our ancestors so let's use it.
Feel free to email or embed links that you feel would help others and please don't take it personal if I don't get a chance to respond to any emails that we get. This blog is one of my hobbies outside their is still the day to day work that needs to be done.
Stay safe.... Prepare for the worst...Hope for the best.
Some live tracking sites sent in the comments
The Empty Dock Video, Containers, Volume Of Shipments.. My Reaction?..."Holy Shit"
Last night's surfing had me looking at statistics on shipping. The truck driver video (posted below had tweaked my curiosity). Using some different google-fu searchs and limited time I came up with some interesting data.
Here are a couple screen shots and links for you to peruse if you're interested.
From "The Port Of Los Angeles Facts and Figures" <<
I get 9.3 million divided by 82 cranes = 113,000 containers.
24/7/365 is 8760 hours. Each crane unloads 13 containers per hour every hour a year.
Holy shit.
Here is a link to PORT PERFORMANCE <<<
Check out some of these numbers:
I had to look up TEU
The twenty-foot equivalent unit (often TEU or teu) is an inexact unit of cargo capacity often used to describe the capacity of container ships and container terminals.[1] It is based on the volume of a 20-foot-long (6.1 m) intermodal container, a standard-sized metal box which can be easily transferred between different modes of transportation, such as ships, trains and trucks.[1]
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Not Many Containers Left On The Shipping Docks...
Sent in by reader AP. in the Toronto area.
This female trucker gives a first hand account of an empty shipping dock.
Today In History: Elvis Presley made his television debut on The Louisiana Hayride March 5, 1955
No, this isn't that clip. This is about nine years later from the movie Viva Las Vegas. If you have seen it, you will remember it. If you haven't, watch it. You'll have a hard time getting the image of Ann Margret out of your head. She was truly a talented beauty. Oh, Happy Anniversary E.
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
Who What When Where Why and How.. An Theoretical Explanation of the Coronavirus. LINK FIXED
3/4/20 link fixed to Harvard2thebighouse,my apologies.
I found this over at THEBURNINGPLATFORM and felt it was worth posting.
For the next 30 minutes, take a bike tour, in the rain, around Pittsburgh as this guy talks about the coronavirus.
"JC on a bike" references this blog >> HARVARD2THEBIGHOUSE<< if you want to read the post.
Here's the video discussing and explaining his theory based on the above blog of the coronavirus
Well, it can't always be titties and beer. Nashville Hit Hard By Early Morning Storms: Death Toll Currently At 25
Read more Here.
Also, we are under a tornado watch as I type this and parts of central Alabama were hit by a couple of tornado touchdowns a few of hours ago. Damage reports are just now being posted. I was watching the local news as the storms tracked across Chilton and Hale counties (among others). Radar was showing debris fields in the air. This is a t tell-tale sign that the twisters were on the ground. As you can see in the photos, there is no doubt about that.

Here is some of the damage from central Alabama. Link
Monday, March 2, 2020
Here in northwest Alabama we had 22.5" of rain in January and 15.25" in February. It is pouring this morning and parts of Alabama are forecast to receive over 5" of the liquid sunshine this week.
While I was never a huge Carpenters fan, this song does come to mind this rainy Monday morning.
Sunday, March 1, 2020
I've never owned an Army Colt, but I'd love to have one of the 7 1/2" models like Marshall Matt Dillion carried on the long running TV show, Gunsmoke..
Gunsmoke was and is one of my all time favorite television shows. So, when I came across this article the other day titled Gunsmoke's Gun for Hire, I thought I'd share it here.

For those interested, the story can be read by clicking HERE.
What The Actual Fuck?
This guy needs to be arrested or beaten or both.
— ⭐️SpicyWengz⭐️ Consultancy (@SpicyWengz) February 29, 2020
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