Saturday, October 26, 2019

Paybacks would be double

Girl coats toilet paper down with pepper spray to prank boyfriend. It is a cruel "joke", but I had to laugh. 


Tuesday, October 22, 2019

This Past Sunday I Finally Gave Up On The Drudgereport

    Sunday morning coffee usually involves some computer time checking out the news and surfing my sidebar of fellow bloggers before getting the day started. I had noted, as well as many others, that Drudge was leaning more and more negative on Trump with the headlines and linked stories. Once and for all I cleared the site from links and bookmarks. 

    Many others have already dumped drudge. I guess it took me a bit longer. 

Obviously there are many aggregate sites out there and they are vying for the big spot light.

Hours can be lost going down rabbit holes on any of these sites so most are a quick peruse for something that catches my eye.

Here are a few of the others that are in my "news links" bookmarks



 Bad Blue ,




Any others that you can recommend?


It's Twosday!! All Natural, No Fillers or Additives....just nsfw