Saturday, February 12, 2022

If You Haven't Seen It, This Is The Mayor Of Boston Expecting To Taking Questions On Her Live Instagram Feed.....


 Check out the reaction. She is so removed from reality. I bet she was expecting the peasants

to grovel with accolades.....











Freedom Convoy - Speech by Canadian Army Major Stephen Chledowski





 Sent in by reader Tom. Thanks.


Friday, February 11, 2022

Friday Femme Fatale Farrago...... It's A Mad World.....








Please Enjoy This Prelude As You're Waiting For The Main Attraction.... ♫♪♫ Erja Lyytinen - Black Ocean ♫♪♫









Something That "Should" Give Ya A Smile....











An Interesting Connection Of Dots...


  Last weekend, I was following old bookmarks that were in one of my "to look at" files.

One of them was to Miles Mathis's writings.  As I was scrolling the list I found the title to

this essay, link below, interesting enough to read it.

I have heard her name mentioned about being the "new" great artist and how wonderful 

her music is. There are family members that are always listening to her songs.

Billie Eilish:
how your kids are being messed up <<<<  


The essay makes some interesting connections and draws some deep conclusions.

Fast forward to covfefe and this morning's search.

Scrolling through twitter, I see this tweet. Now, the article doesn't seem so far fetched.

Time For Search And Rescue? It's Been Awhile Since We've Seen 'em...



   We're are they?  You would think that with everything going on,

 the party on the right would be lambasting the party on the left from

the rooftops. Instead, pretty much bluster when they do show up 

but mostly crickets. Are they all bought off or blackmailed?









Wednesday, February 9, 2022



For those asking about the "Pepperidge Farm Remembers" Meme.








Everyone listed some great songs for a long drive. Here's  a few I thought of.....















 Forging Ahead........ Holy Shit!!










Tough Choices....












Sunday, February 6, 2022

More From The Freedom Truckers In Canada...






 For the record, I realize these are twitter links, for now that it how they are getting the signal out.





I Wonder What Upcoming Trouble This Portends?