Friday, February 11, 2022

Time For Search And Rescue? It's Been Awhile Since We've Seen 'em...



   We're are they?  You would think that with everything going on,

 the party on the right would be lambasting the party on the left from

the rooftops. Instead, pretty much bluster when they do show up 

but mostly crickets. Are they all bought off or blackmailed?










  1. Well, they hdd the majority for 6 yrs under Bush, and did Nothing, 2 yrs under Trump and actually worked against America.
    The repubs have no intention of doing anything for America. We have no representation.

  2. The other side of the box has the spine.

  3. They are called Republicants for a reason.

  4. The picture on the milk carton answers the question. Bitch McConnell is always talking about "decorum" in the
    Senate and House. All that pussy assed excuse means is Republicans are too nice to put up much of a stink on any issue the way Demonrats do.

    As too the question of whether they're bought off? Cat got an ass? Brown bear sh*t in the green woods?

    Bitch McConnell has been married to a Chinese spy for 30 years. That answer all of the questions?

  5. they are worthless. they are all bought off some way or another. or blackmailed into doing what they are told to do.
    if the clowns do start a war, we can only hope the russians nuke dc and do us a favor. other than a handful of people there, the rest are not worth dog piss on a good day. cut their pay by 2/3, make then live in barracks. no stock deals or holding for anyone related to them. and after 4 years you out. regardless of who you are.
    any breaking of these rules results in you and your family death. then we might have something to be proud of.

    1. If the Russians nuked DC, I would only regret the loss of the museums there.

    2. And any unfortunate animals.

    3. yea, there are a few things around DC that I like to see remain. not the clowns there though.

  6. Yep the decline is accelerating an I am no longer going to worry about it just do what I can when I can. The state department and CIA are going to fuck around and find out in ukraine if they don't stop doing their bullshit.

    Maybe Israel will nuke Iran and take out Vallery Jarretts connections.

  7. Haven't seen any Republicans for a long time either.

  8. The illusion of an American two party system has been shattered. What we have is a fascist totalitarian uni-party that's been playing American constituents for decades. We need a Truckers Party

  9. Sometimes I think we should just let the Dems have complete control and go ahead and drive the whole country right off a cliff so we can start re-building sooner. The idea that you can head down to the polls and vote as hard as you can to change anything has been unquestionably revealed as a sham and a fraud and I'm out.

  10. Ditto and a half. Tired of this death by a thousand cuts. Let the little geniuses feel the pain and we'll get decades of peace and liberty out of it.

  11. more than half of our problems are because of the clowns in state and cia. for something to piss you off, look into the dulles brothers. the more I read about them, the more I wished they never lived. but then again, there are a lot of other fuckers that should be behind bars for the crap they got away with. it no wonder why over half the world hates us.
    it seems to me that all this aid we give away is nothing more than a way to steal money. some congress critter gives country X millions and country X gives congress critter a cut. we need to find a way to strip away all the ill gotten gains these fuckers have and give it back to the people. and not fucking crack pipes either !

  12. Caitlan Jenner has a set she/it isn't using - maybe she/it could loan them to them/theirs?



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