Saturday, February 22, 2025

You knew it was coming


I know it is The Daily Mail, but were they not the news outfit that broke the story of the first plague in 2019?

Link to the story.

Friday, February 21, 2025

Friday Femme Fatale Farrago... Lite


For The Fans of TFI, Any Tips And Ideas On Visiting Charleston South Carolina?.....


Happy Friday All,


 So, Irish might be headed to South Carolina for a wee vacation.  I'm hoping, that some of you

familiar with Charleston and the area, can leave some info in the comments about:


Things to see

Best breakfast

Best Pubs

GO/ NOGO areas

Nice Lodging, It doesn't need to be a 4-5star just someplace that is decent to stay at.

Rental car?  Is there plenty of parking in the various areas?

We well be going to some different areas outside of Charleston, so any other recommendations would be appreciated for sure.


Thanks in Advance 

Your humble host.

Methany Goes All In.....










Ya Know, He's On To Something...










Iwo Jima: Sacrifice and Sanctuary

This piece was put out by the The National WWII Museum of New Orleans and was sent in by reader "Bob in Cullman". It is fairly long, but worth the read if you like this sort of history. The entire article is HERE.


Thursday, February 20, 2025

"A Rampant Culture Of Corruption"

An Alabama Grand Jury says the Hanceville PD should be abolished after the death of jailer and the arrest of four officers, which included the chief and a female spouse (six total) on a litany of drug related and abuse of office charges.

At the news conference today, the Cullman County Sheriff, Matt Gentry (photo left), said his office would fill in any gaps and he was also of the opinion that the department needed  disbanded. Evidently, the employee who died of a drug overdose while on duty, was using a broom handle to manipulate the lock to the evidence room and helping his self to drugs being held as evidence in pending cases. The death of jailer led to the investigation. This is big news for conservative community/ county of Cullman.  Link to the story and photos can be found by clicking HERE.

♫♪♪ Today , I Found Out That Dwarves Are Now Getting Recognition In The Folk/ Power Metal Genre Of Music ♫♪♫


 Wind Rose

Genre: Progressive/Power Metal (early); Folk/Power Metal (later)

Themes: Epic Fantasy themes, Dwarves, Tolkien, Warhammer

Wind Rose Lyrics

"Diggy Diggy Hole"

(originally by Yogscast)

Brothers of the mine rejoice!

(Swing, swing, swing with me!)

Raise your pick and raise your voice!

(Sing, sing, sing with me!)

Down and down into the deep

Who knows what we'll find beneath?

Diamonds, rubies, gold, and more

Hidden in the mountain store

Born underground

Suckled from a teat of stone

Raised in the dark

The safety of our mountain home

Skin made of iron

Steel in our bones

To dig and dig makes us free

Come on, brothers, sing with me!

I am a dwarf and I'm digging a hole

Diggy diggy hole, diggy diggy hole

I am a dwarf and I'm digging a hole

Diggy diggy hole, digging a hole

The sunlight will not reach this low

(Deep, deep in the mine)

Never seen the blue moon glow

(Dwarves won't fly so high)

Fill a glass and down some mead

Stuff your bellies at the feast!

Stumble home and fall asleep

Dreaming in our mountain keep

Born underground

Grown inside a rocky womb

The Earth is our cradle

The mountain shall become our tomb

Face us on the battlefield

You will meet your doom

We do not fear what lies beneath

We can never dig too deep

I am a dwarf and I'm digging a hole

Diggy diggy hole, diggy diggy hole

I am a dwarf and I'm digging a hole

Diggy diggy hole, digging a hole

I am a dwarf and I'm digging a hole

Diggy diggy hole, diggy diggy hole

I am a dwarf and I'm digging a hole

Diggy diggy hole, digging a hole

Born underground

Suckled from a teat of stone

Raised in the dark

The safety of our mountain home

Skin made of iron

Steel in our bones

To dig and dig makes us free

Come on, brothers, sing with me!

I am a dwarf and I'm digging a hole

Diggy diggy hole, diggy diggy hole

I am a dwarf and I'm digging a hole

Diggy diggy hole, digging a hole

I am a dwarf and I'm digging a hole

Diggy diggy hole, diggy diggy hole

I am a dwarf and I'm digging a hole

Diggy diggy hole, digging a hole

She Does A Great Job Of Clarifying 'NPC'....


From a web search , I found this written description as well:

It is a term that, as far as I have read, began on 4chan to describe people of the political left (American) who seemingly repeat learned phrases as their own opinions. The term, non playable character, has its origin in video game characters that are controlled by the computer rather than other players. The reason it has become so controversial is that it has, in my opinion, an element of truth to it. The coordination between Democratic politicians and their allies within the media to spread halftruths, character attacks, and outright falsehoods is obvious to anyone actually paying attention. The real problem is that far too many people are unwilling to look at issues beyond a surface level. These people end up repeating the talking points that fit their preconceived notions rather than taking the time to make informed opinions.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

♫♪♫ FAFO...... ♫♪♫ Starring all your favorite players.....




 H/T to Bubba from What Bubba Knows.... THANKS!!




Another Day That Ends In 'Y'...


Update/Follow-up: SS United States

I was visiting my morning haunts and came across this related story regarding the SS United States. I am not sure if it is feasible, but he mentioned possible re-purposing would be a much better fate for the former cruise liner where the ship could be seen and used by many versus a small number sport divers who would only see it at the bottom of the sea. I also understand the costs of restoration/preservation costs and the feasibility of such projects.  Story

Monday, February 17, 2025

The Final Voyage

The iconic SS United States was scheduled to leave Philadelphia today in route to Mobile, Alabama where it will become an artificial reef twenty miles south of the port city. She was the fastest and largest passenger ship ever built by the United States. I imagine back in the day it was a huge symbol of American technology, industry, technology, might, etc. It is not only the final trip for the ship, it is the passing of an era long gone in American history/culture. Story