Thursday, February 20, 2025

She Does A Great Job Of Clarifying 'NPC'....


From a web search , I found this written description as well:

It is a term that, as far as I have read, began on 4chan to describe people of the political left (American) who seemingly repeat learned phrases as their own opinions. The term, non playable character, has its origin in video game characters that are controlled by the computer rather than other players. The reason it has become so controversial is that it has, in my opinion, an element of truth to it. The coordination between Democratic politicians and their allies within the media to spread halftruths, character attacks, and outright falsehoods is obvious to anyone actually paying attention. The real problem is that far too many people are unwilling to look at issues beyond a surface level. These people end up repeating the talking points that fit their preconceived notions rather than taking the time to make informed opinions.


  1. "The real problem is that far too many people are unwilling to look at issues beyond a surface level. These people end up repeating the talking points that fit their preconceived notions rather than taking the time to make informed opinions." Sadly this issue exists for both sides of the aisle.

  2. The people of the US and Canada really don’t have a quarrel with each other. The current low level anger over economics is not about the average citizen but the governments. Most US patriots applauded the Canadian truckers strike of a few years ago. We really are on the same page.

    1. As a Canadian our problem is the 10% of the population the liberals imported in the last 10 years. A lot of them are (80%+) are on welfare. And a lot are involved in crime.
      The Canadians who are not brain dead CBC swilling NPC's may not like what Trump is doing to us with the Tariffs but we understand why he is doing it.


    2. "Lets you and him fight"

  3. If I took this video to a NPC I know, she would think it's referring to the other side.

  4. How to identify most NPCs:

    1. Look for changing flags, borders, filters and names on social media accounts as "new causes" are disseminated.

    2. Have a social media account.

  5. Those susceptible to Trump or Elon Musk Derangement are dissatisfied with themselves in some way, not taking personal responsibility. The Dem propaganda technique is to focus those people on a ‘scapegoat’ like Musk or Trump, using jealousy and repetition of ad hominem attacks.

  6. It's for the children, don'cha know.
    If you cut the funding, people will suffer/die.
    Bad things will happen if certain people/things are not paid for.

    It's all crapola to hide the fact that knaves, fools and greedy people are trying to hold sway over us and rob us blind. And they use The Great Unwashed Masses to try to hide what they are truly doing.
    And it's not endemic to the US, either. And (as point out, above) it's not just one party - although one side leans heavily into waste-fraud-abuse. Y'all can figure out which one.

  7. It started in D&D and roleplaying games in the early 1970s, before the era of video games with NPCs.

  8. Several of my Demonrat relatives display this type of NPC behavior. Then, when you call them on it, they get defensive and start yelling, like he who yells loudest wins the argument or they deny the obvious counter argument, claiming "that's been debunked" when it actually has been proved the opposite.

    Just look at all of the issues that were claimed to be "conspiracy theories" over the last ten or so years that have ALL been proven true. Yet, they continue to raise them as if they haven't been proven true.

    Now, take all of this controversy around DOGE. You'd think that the average Demonrat, average American really, would welcome someone coming into the government and identifying fraud and wasted spending. Oh No. Can't have that. Their denial is almost as large a crime as the fraud and waste because they are either tacitly or actively condoning this shit.

    Then they wonder why the debt is $37 TRILLION and probably no matter how much DOGE identifies as waste and fraud that debt will most likely never be repaid alongside all of the other fiscal obligations like SS and Medicare and Medicaid, all of whose funds have been stolen over the years. THOSE debt bills add up to HUNDREDS OF TRILLIONS $, that even if all of that money hadn't been stolen, probably couldn't be repaid anyway.

    That fact is the country is bankrupt and has been since the debt became equal to GDP some years ago. We should just say fuck it, default, and start over.

    Then Trump, yesterday, floats out this idea that the taxpayers should get a refund of maybe $5K for everybody. How is that any different than Bribem giving away BILLIONS.

    The short answer is that it's not.

    Any past payments that DOGE identifies as fraud or waste should be stricken from the budget, clawed back, and applied to the debt. Whoever received those funds needs to either be put in jail for life, face a firing squad or the hemp jig.

    Stealing from The People is actual treason.

    That's how we get out of this hole our politicians have dug for us and serve notice that not only will this shit no longer be tolerated, but there will be DIRE consequences in the future for anyone resurrecting the kinds of scheme's that steal from The People.


  9. She is also in this video near the end…

    Micro Nova / Earth Changes / 2030's to 2040's / Yuval Noah Harari / Obama / E. Michael Jones and Gemma O'Doherty / Max Igan

    1. RE "Yuval Noah Harari"

      Yuval Harari, affiliated with Schwab's WEF's [] and one of WEF's frontman psychopaths [] and who is sold as an intellectual "genius" or "prophet" by this crazy world, is the person who called you and me and all other commoners “useless people” [] --- while millions of those "useless people" have been buying and recommending his books like candy (to learn his "lessons"), serving him very usefully. It's one proof that most people anywhere are stupid and crazy (while "thinking" they're intelligent and non-crazy).

      The WEF cabal of psychopaths, including Harari, has always promoted artificial intelligence or AI are now, starting in early 2023, suddenly supposedly have a change of heart makes it clear that their warnings about AI and having it regulated is just a manipulative tactic to deceive the public, again.

      The manipulative "AI open letter" scheme is part of The Hegelian Dialectic in action: problem-reaction-solution.

      This bogus letter campaign is meant to raise public fear/hype panic about an alleged big "PROBLEM" (they helped to create in the first place) so the public demands (REACTION) the governments regulate this technology =they provide the "SOLUTION' FOR THEIR OWN INTERESTS AND AGENDAS... because... all governments are owned by the leading psychopaths in power ....

      What a convenient self-serving trickery ... of the ever foolish public.

      “Who masters those technologies [eg artificial intelligence (AI)] —in some way— will be the master of the world.” --- Klaus Schwab, at the World Government Summit in Dubai, 2023

      “COVID is critical because this is what convinces people to accept, to legitimize, total biometric surveillance.” --- Yuval Noah Harari, WEF Forum member []

  10. "NPCs cannot think."

    Kinda reminds me of the sheep in "Animal Farrm":
    "Two legs bad; four legs good."
    Which was replaced by "Four legs good, two legs BETTER" when the pigs learned to walk upright.

    1. Reminds me of the sheep in America and Al over the world

  11. NPC comes from tabletop role-playing games long before they had computer games that had them.

    and both sides have them. anyone else notice that whenever there is a change in policy on whatever side you happen to be on, suddenly the supporters of that side change everything and goes all in on that new policy? only a few stop and ask "wait...that's not what we were for last week..."

    that's a programming update. the ones that stop and ask are the player characters. the rest are programmed.

    on the left it was "I'm not going to take Trump's vaccine" to "everyone must take the vaccine OR ELSE"

    on the right it was "climate change isn't real" to "we must put RFKjr into a position of power so he can jail the climate deniers!"

    programming updates successful. welcome to the game. oh, you thought you were one of the players? LOL

  12. I now will refer to most of them as NPC's, thank you for the revelation!

  13. I am proud to be a binary thinker. One is either right or wrong (left), you cannot be both at once.

  14. Read a link from daily job cuts yesterday about a software company that programs NPC’s or something like that. Big layoffs and probably headed to bankruptcy. Damn, I hate it when that happens.

  15. It has also been researched that these last 2 generations and low IQ individuals do not have an inner voice. That process of questioning yourself, others issues and drawing conclusions from factual evidence. In other words, they do not talk to themselves. They are blank upstairs.


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