Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Update/Follow-up: SS United States

I was visiting my morning haunts and came across this related story regarding the SS United States. I am not sure if it is feasible, but he mentioned possible re-purposing would be a much better fate for the former cruise liner where the ship could be seen and used by many versus a small number sport divers who would only see it at the bottom of the sea. I also understand the costs of restoration/preservation costs and the feasibility of such projects.  Story


  1. Fill it full of illegals, place it on auto pilot and point it south.

  2. In a word, money! Huge ships cost a fortune to preserve AND maintain. Too often ship stories end up with "ran out of funding"

  3. Historical preservation laws? Where were those when all the Confederate statues came down?

    Built in just 2 years? We sure lost that ability somewhen.

  4. Years ago "Unsolved Mysteries" with Robert Stack ran a story on this ship. A grand daughter of the builder was interviewed on the show.

    I saw the rerun not long ago on Roku. It maybe available on Youtube. Interesting story.

  5. Better to scrap it than sink it.

  6. These 'preservationists' always wait until the last minute, when the artifact is too far gone to save......where were they 15-20 years ago when preserving it would have been possible ?

  7. I lived in Philly in 1996 when they parked it at an unused dock. It cost $40 million to keep it there all this time and do nothing with it despite multiple owners taking a shot at it. It would’ve been cheaper to build a new one than refurbish that one. Someone had the idea to make it into a casino. impressive sailing record. Sad end to the story.

  8. Would be awesome if somehow this flagship could be saved. Not holding my breath though. Hybo

  9. We need a certain amount of relics to preserve our history for future generations. We have the Queen Mary on the west coast. Are there any on the east coast preserved? There's only one operational Liberty ship, a few battleships and aircraft carriers. Look at all the history that was lost at the end of WWII with the mass slaughter all kinds of machines.
    I say put it in dry dock to prevent further decay and make it a state/fed monument. Like they did with a couple of those giant coal shovels. The money that was going overseas should more than cover it. MAGA.


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