Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Another Day That Ends In 'Y'...



  1. I've never found that answer, the only reason I have come up with it is a coping mechanism besides alcohol...

  2. We are products of our upbringing, our schooling, our social status, mentors, our religious beliefs, peer pressure, dna, life events and even what we eat and drink. Now we are finding out that a lot of what we believed was a lie.

  3. I just did what I had to do by going out in -10 to throw more wood into the outdoor wood burner since it's supposed to get to -19 tonight and only -9 tomorrow night and with a 110 year old house with no appreciable insulation I like to keep somewhat warm

  4. Always ask that question of yourself, do it daily at least and many times daily if possible. We are predictable within a range of normal, to the spectrum of sensory inputs that pound on us.
    Do not fool yourself that your choices or even your reflexive responses aren't modifiable within that range.

  5. Because Ammo isn't cheap!


  6. It seemed right at the time.


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