Friday, December 24, 2010


An Irish Christmas Blessing

The light of the Christmas star to you
The warmth of home and hearth to you
The cheer and good will of friends to you
The hope of a childlike heart to you
The joy of a thousand angels to you
The love of the Son and
God's peace to you.

Happy Christmas Friends!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Prepare the Rituals........

I'm thinking I might have to sacrifice a few virgin Sam Adam's Winter Lagers tonight..
The winter solstice and the overlapping full lunar eclipse hasn't been seen in 456 years-- 1554 AD.

Happy Solstice to all who visit this page........

The call you dread....

I hate when you get a call from one of your parents that starts off with "John" and then a pause..

at which point you're waiting for the news you don't want to hear.

I just got one of those calls from my father, its seems my mother had bad chest pains last night, and had my brother take her to the emergency room. I spoke with her after talking with my dad and she said all the tests are negative so far. She is hoping to be out later this afternoon, maybe it was just indigestion....

I know that someday the call will come and it will be the dreaded one, at least for now that call has been avoided.


Mom is home and all the tests for a heart attack have come back negative :o)

They are doing some other testing to see what it might have been.

Thanks for the kind words..............