Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Some cool WW2 German photos, in this video, I stumbled across this evening while on the interwebz.


  1. #8 I did not know the krauts were that far south on the eastern side of the Black Sea. I thought the latitude of Volograd was as far south as they went.

    #29 I do not like that photo. I get it, even in war there is time for frivolity. But their invasion was brutal! The photo seems a mockery of the citizenry.

    #49 Encyclopedia of Weapons/WWII lists the gun as a 105 howitzer mounted on the carriage of a PAK 40. Modified for ease of transport. It seems a winner for it was used throughout the campaign.

    #54 I imagine the post-war period was not kind to these women.

    Irish, great find!

    1. #8. Yes
      #29. Soldiers will be soldiers, even Germans.
      #49. Good-eye. I missed it.
      #54. After the Germans retreated west and Soviets rolled back into the Ukraine, things went very badly for Ukrainians. They had provided app. 250,000 personnel for the German Armed Forces. Many served in the German Army, Some Ukrainians made up entire SS regiments, some served as "policemen".There was also a number of subversives/spies (some estimates are as high as 4,000) before the Germans invaded in June of 1941 (Operation Barbarossa). Almost all who were not killed in battle were hunted down and murdered by the Soviets after the war. The families of those who collaborated were killed as well. A good number of Ukrainians saw the Germans as "liberators" and detested the Red Bolshevik regime headed by Stalin.

  2. Automated voice reading the script it seems, would a human read "solider" and not think it was soldier? An interesting collection.

    1. It or they sure don't know how to pronounce German, for sure!

  3. For some reason, I'm just seeing a blank page. The Mexican police video in the other post shows up fine, but no pics here....

  4. I am seeing no pics on several of your posts as well.

    1. Mighty, can you tell us which ones? Then we can check it out.

  5. Those evil police murdering women


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