Wednesday, August 26, 2020

3 Shot, 2 Dead in Kenosha, WI


  1. "Oh, come on, bro!" Heh. Doesn't work that way, boy.

  2. Gunman fires at protesters, eh?
    As soon as they show me a picture of a riot and called it a protest I knew where they stood.
    Johnny Gee

  3. Looks like people are getting fed up with these clowns. I noticed some businesses had rooftop vigilantes (and, no, that's not a dirty word if you know your history).

    The country's seen how they burned other cities and heard the threats. These thugs beat old people. Time to give them what they deserve.

    Especially if the constituted authority can't.

    Or won't.

    1. Sadly, said constituted authority will come after the people defending their lives and property harder than Hollywood luminaries go after underage snooch.

    2. Then shoot them too.

  4. No comment on your post, but your new header almost moved me, if you know what I mean. Very nice, reminds me of my grandfathers shed.


  5. Already the FBI is there to "Protect" the Antifa scum from harm. Young man arrested and charged with 1st Degree Murder. All over the Media. Seems you cannot defend with out a "hate crime" but you CAN Burn Loot and Murder as a "peaceful Protestor".

    1. Funny how that works huh? Almost like there are two sets of laws. For thee but not for me.


  6. I have a feeling that "The Ministry of Propaganda" will completely deplete Webster's while attempting to describe "protesters" and the persons "lighting up" these so-called protesters. This is not counting when the "didntdonuffins" shoot each other while competing for shoes, tee-shirts, jerseys, flat screens, designer pursers, etc. The MSM is keeping fairly quiet about the two "Civil Rights Marchers" who were shot by a "white man" while on the way to Washington to observe MLK's birthday. I think they got into the wrong man's yard and got a face full of birdshot.

    1. Not just deplete Webster's, but change antonym to synonym in Roget's.

  7. I watched the video of the young man *very* carefully, he was set upon by a skateboarder who attempted to whack him in the head with the skateboard. He spun around, shot the skateboarder to protect himself, and the resulting snapshot looked like to hit Switchboard central or nearabouts because the thug skateboarder dropped pretty quickly. He also fired at another, but DID NOT fire at the person right in "front" of him when he was getting to his feet. PLUS, he turned himself in immediately to the cops when they arrived. Murder, my ass. Self-protection. Skateboarder thug won the Stoopid Prize and assumed pavement temperature (??).

  8. Let's bond that kid out and supply him with a thousand rounds.

  9. As a student of martial arts amongst other things your actions should be based on one thing- is this guy definitely going to attack me?
    If so then you absolutely must act pre-emptively to avoid being killed.
    You disable or kill as needed.
    I have zero sympathy for fake causes like BLM and Antifa.

  10. Of course its just a matter of time before peaceful protests become peaceful gun play. ;-)

  11. What's interesting he was sought and arrested in Illinois where he is from. Play stupid games win stupid prizes.

  12. Also the Kenosha cops gave him water which is a nice deed.

  13. The people are begining to awaken.
    We have been warning, and warning, and warning.
    I have no sympathy for someone who doesn't understand simple english words that connect their actions to consequences:

    Get out of my face or I'm going to whip your ass

    Isn't college level rhetoric...
    Darwin rears his head and laughs....

  14. Baby face 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse, of Antioch, Illinois, crosses the state line to go to a riot in Kenosha, Wisconsin, with a loaded AR-15. That suggests intent. The kid is rightly charged with murder. Was he charged as adult? Was the AR-15 legal? Was it legal for him to carry it? He is from Illinois.. He is 17.

    1. Reply to Sykes. I can see you are excited about that-so I guess I know where your sympathies lie.(sic) The kid lives less than 15 minutes from there. The "innocent protestors" all lived farther away than that. So a local juries sympathies should be with the kid.

    2. He probably shouldn't have been there, but it's a damn good thing he had a weapon powerful enough to stop the peaceful protesters, er, violent assholes attempting to kill him. You HAVE seen the footage/photos of him being savagely beaten with one of those huge skateboards/truncheons, right? Also, one of the peaceful protesters, um, violent assholes had a gun in his hand when he was ventilated. Seems like a pretty cut and dried case of self-defense.

    3. We now know that the two dead and the wounded were career violent criminals, so little sympathy for them. However, where are the kid's parents? Why would they let him go to a riot? And, more importantly, why did they let him take a gun? He is supposed to be helping guard a shop. Why didn't the shop send him home, or at least take the gun away from him.

      So, I blame the parents and shop owner for dereliction. The kid didn't belong anywhere near Kenosha that night. As one might expect from a teenage boy, he made all the wrong decisions.

      PS. I regard myself as dissident right. I support 2nd Amendment rights, have guns, and am a member of the NRA. But I avoid riots and demonstrations, and certainly would not bring a weapon to one.

    4. Turns out Kyle was at work in Kenosha. He didn't go to a protest, he went to work and was attacked leaving his place of employment.


  15. Here is surprisingly good journalism from a NYT reporter... -->shocked face<--


  16. It's simple. You allow the police to stop the rioters by any means, or you stand back to watch the war in the streets.

  17. https://www.givesendgo.com/GUCZ to fund Kyle's family and support his court expenses. The atty. Todd McMurtry who defended Sandmann against CNN has volunteered to defend him for free. Free representation will not cover his travel expenses or other costs during his coming ordeal at the hands of "You get the Justice you can pay for" system. Support a good kid.

  18. And the left plays hardball, the sendgivego site is down.

  19. The fund raising sites shut the youngster out. You can donate to the legal team here:
    I just did.

  20. I am very distressed by watching this. Why didn't he shoot more of these animals?

  21. The headshot victim turns out to be a convicted pedophile according to comments on twitter.

  22. Yo, we obviously need to set up a funding site that is completely legit, anybody know how to do that? What you are seeing is the future, liberals are going to cut off funding anyway they can for people they want to destroy. Destroy them back, f#ck up their websites, find where their management lives, go to their home, scare them, scare the sh@t out of their employees, do anything you can to harm them.
    My response now to liberals is F#ck you, this is war and I am going to win. These people will never meet you in the middle, realize this, act on it.


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