Saturday, September 28, 2024

Sky News Reporting Better Than Our MSM.....









  1. At this point, is anyone surprised?

  2. Fake, gay, and retarded, just like everything and everyone on the left.

  3. I always assume those "I'm a lifelong Republic, but now I'm voting for the communist" commercials were complete BS. Have to wonder how naive someone needs to be to fall for it. In Ohio, they been running one of those ads for Sherrod Brown and someone checked out the people in the ad and they're longtime DEMs and donors to Brown in past campaigns.

  4. one would have to be brain dead to believe anything you see on the "news" or TV these days.
    I got rid of my TV set back in the late 1990's. not that I watched it much anyway.
    as I got older, I realize WHY my dad only watch the weather and sports.
    as my dad used to say, they always trying to sell you something you don't need.
    besides, they have used actors for this kind of shit for years anyway.
    I do watch some clips by Rita from SKY news at times though. always a good laugh.

  5. Let us not forget the $15/hour actors bussed in for "spontaneous" public meetings at restaurants and the AI generated crowds for photos.

  6. Paid actors, just like Lalala.
    You don't really think SHE and Joe are running the country, do you?

  7. Demonrats have long thought that political tactics are lie, cheat, steal and promise the moon but deliver nothing that doesn't cause chaos and pain are the way to power. They've been in power for the majority of the last 20 years. Look at where we are under their "leadership". They're bleeding us dry and if given power for another four years will crash the economy after leaving us destitute. With the exception of Trump the Republicans aren't much better. No matter who controls the House and the Senate, Demonrat agenda's always seem to make it through, thus the term Uniparty was coined.

    Take the latest .gov funding bill. Another wallapalooza of unchecked spending when Speaker Johnson promised that he'd forward twelve separate bills thin enough to be read in an hour or so. Then there's the rider that was defeated which would have made voter I.D. and proof of citizenship a requirement to vote in federal elections. Shot down by 147 Republicans in the House. Personally, I think that reads like treason, not just a difference of opinion.

    Johnson is no better than Kevin McCarthy was or Nasty Piglosi before either one of them.

    The more I read about what passes for political discussion these days, the more I ask myself "Who TF are these people" and "THIS is the best we've got?".

    So, once again, we're back to "...But we have to pass the bill so you can find out what's in it..." - Nasty Piglosi back when Obama Care was before the House.



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