The headlines read
MASS SHOOTING IN BIRMINGHAM. The headline looks sensational but it really is just one more person over the required number to be categorized as a "mass shooting". I am no longer shocked and have grown somewhat accustomed to turning on the television and checking the "count and amount" (code for number of persons shot and/or killed in Birmingham and Tuscaloosa). These shootings and killing are here every day. As I scanned my usual haunts this morning, I immediately recognized the above photo on the cover page of FOX News national website. It was Officer Truman Fitzgerald of the BPD. He is sort of a spokesperson/damage control for these shootings. I see him on the local news often talking about killings, etc. in Birmingham. I feel as if I know him personally. He does a good job, but I do not envy him. Everyone knows it is tragic for any person to lose their life to accidents, sickness, old age, etc., but to loose someone to senseless slaughter such as this by savages is unconscionable. It happens every day all across our country and most especially in the hives. It is so unnecessary and people have grown numb to it. The newscasters in the Birmingham area are almost like robots speaking of these shootings every day. They no longer make attempts to "act" compassionate. This is the new norm. I have stated here before the usual sequence of events is as follows and there will be: Demands from the clergy and city officials to stop the violence. Reading of the names of the victims in some civil rights park. There will be some unity breakfasts. There may be a small march to "stop the violence" or a balloon release. There will more than likely be some gun "buy backs" and other "feel good" measures. Before any of these things occur there will probably be a retaliatory shooting as revenge for those who shot up Five Points last night. If I were betting, I would say the odds are favorable that there will be some shootings in Birmingham tonight.
Why? Why do we as a community tolerate such things? This could be stopped via speedy trials and swift justice using public execution (hanging) as a deterrent.
Glock switches are the number one public safety issue in our city and state,’' Mayor Randall Woodfin said - No, politicians are the problem when they won't arrest, incarcerate and death penalty these perps. One should not be against public executions of anyone that is willing to go out in public and shoot up people. They should face the same fate. Trial? Somethings do not warrant a trial, sad to say, but maybe a new law for mass shootings with instant public execution is warranted.
Black men aged 14-30 who grew up without fathers and found gangs are your problem, Mayor Woodfin.
Deleteyeah. sad to say, but you are right. back in the old days when we still used to hang people for doing shit like this, you didn't see or hear too many assholes doing it.. the reason why is they KNEW they would dance at the end of a rope. as they say, sometimes the old ways are the best way to deal with a problem.
DeleteI consider it simply taking out the trash. The hives need more of it and the sooner the better. I don't see a downside to it.
DeleteSwift ands speedy Judgement and retribution.
ReplyDeleteIt's the usual factors that come into play. No future-time orientation, low IQ and no impulse control. As a northerner, I spent my entire 31 year military career in the south and things like this are not outliers. Soon there will be no escaping situations like this as the feral virus spreads. It's why I donate thousands to Planned Parenthood every year.
ReplyDeleteyeah, that's what the do-gooders forget about abortion. what will they do with 60 million more unwanted uncivilized kids? it may be immoral, i can't argue that, but i think its immoral to bring a bunch of killers into the world for sure.
DeleteThe irony of it is abortions beget murderers.
DeleteGood perspective, thank you
ReplyDeletewhats the issue? this is just a weekend in chicago.
ReplyDeleteMy niece lived in Birmingham for a year. She had her car stolen, purse snatched, and her apartment broken into in that year. When her apartment was robbed she quit her job and moved back to Georgia. She has nothing good to say about Birmingham.
ReplyDeleteJeffery, we see the same thing in Memphrica on a regular basis. This is the result of LBJ's (not so) Great Society where he made poor single women dependent on government and not on a husband. 4 generations of these kids have been raised by a single mom & single grandmother. Most of them do not have a single relative who is a productive member of society.
ReplyDeleteKids need the love of a mother and father, a stable home life, discipline and a moral upbringing. These kids are not getting much of any of the above and society is paying the price.
Was it "them" again Yogi?
ReplyDeleteAs no pictures have been published yet, we can only assume so, BooBoo.
DeleteActually given this tidbit in the story, i'm positive it is
Delete"Hush, a hookah and cigar lounge on Magnolia Avenue"
It happened in line for a hooka bar, those places are magnets for black violence.
Sailers Law is in full effect.
DeleteYes... it's always them Boo Boo.
Have a guess.
DeleteIn a news release on Sunday, police identified three of the four people killed as Anitra Holloman, 21; Tahj Booker, 27; and Carlos McCain, 27.
Its always them BooBoo.
DeleteThe easiest things to do are to accomplish the utterly irrelevant and brag about it, and to massively retaliate against the totally innocent, i.e. gun owners.
ReplyDeleteEven CNN is saying this was a "targeted hit." DAMN those AMISH!!!
ReplyDeleteNah. It was The Mormon Mafia this time.
ReplyDeleteIs Legion Field even used these Days? I remember Bama and Auburn played several games a year there. Im betting its too dangerous to play there now.
ReplyDeleteIt is used occasionally. For several years Alabama HS football championship playoff games were held there after the college games subsided. I still think the "Magic City Classic" (Alabama A&M vs. Alabama State) is held there.
DeleteI hear it gets pretty wild down there.
Good idea. Good plan. Actually seriously punish the perps. Opps. Cant do that. It would be racist. Rinse and repeat.
ReplyDeleteIt’s callous but does reduce the gene pool
ReplyDeleteIt is always blamed on guns, never the democrat corrupted, degenerate humans who pull the triggers.
ReplyDeleteAnother hookah bar chimp out? Yawn
ReplyDeleteEventually the police will learn who was behind this...And it will be "the usual suspects". People WELL KNOWN to the police already. And since it will be "the usual suspects" nobody will want to actually do anything...except try to ban guns.
ReplyDeleteIt's kind of like all the people wondering if there is some way to end the violence. you know, maybe send in the army or something to make peace. History shows how these things can end. We have left its resolution to the libprogs and their abortion mills to reduce the problem but the libprogs also came up with the idea of just destroying the civilian populations of all the cities in Germany and Japan and once they get a good taste of haitians in their hoods, they'll break out the white robes and whips that were there first weapons and rapidly scale up.
ReplyDeleteI live 10 miles from Five Points South where the shootings took place and as Jeffrey predicted, the retaliatory shootings continued with one dead and two wounded last night. It was pretty hot last night, maybe Mayor Woodfin should blame global warming as a cause!
ReplyDeleteIt would not surprise me if he did blame the great liberal hoax, global warming. He for sure is blaming everything but the cause. He is such a liberal douche vowing to get legislation passed to "ban Glock Switches", etc. He is gave some Kamalisque statement on television during this about how the city did not need machineguns on the streets, etc.
Deletehow is B'ham overall? havent been there for 30yrs, but heading there next month....where to stay overnight??
ReplyDeleteHow about Myrtle Beach? Nice this time of the year.
ReplyDeleteI recently stayed at the Marriott/UAB downtown. It was adequate. I almost joked and answered your question with "stay in Cullman" (40 miles north).
Downtown has it's issues with beggars, homeless, drug addicts, etc. but violent crime is the factor that keeps me from going unless it is a "have too" situation. Then, I am armed to the teeth! LOL
Did I mention that Birmingham is dangerous?
Hoover has affordable places to stay and eat, and a lot less crime.
ReplyDeleteThe problem is you have been tolerating ot all along, Mr mayor. And you deserve that which you tolerate.