Thursday, December 5, 2024

Big Country and Healthcare......





Irish adds:

I have friend of mine is dealing with this as well. His wife has UHC and they denied a needed treatment for a skin cancer removal.  Even the Dr, was shocked given her history of having issues with 'bad skin' and preemptive exams and removals.

They are appealing this as well. Could be up to 9k out of pocket depending on how it goes.


  1. WOW! What a writer. He confirmed my initial suspicions. Cannot help wondering if most people thought the same thing. Amateur shooter has probably already been IDd. Thanks for the link.

    1. Don't assume he is an amateur simply because he left some "evidence" that was picked up. I have known several guys who picked up range brass (with gloves) for "special" purposes, especially at LEO ranges just to confuse things. And these days there are still fools wearing face masks out of fear of "Covid". Layered clothes, face mask, throw-down brass (and ammo), water bottles, coffee cups? Why not? If he lost a loved one due to a predatory/greedy HC insurance company, more power to him.

  2. This shooting reminds me a bit of the Farm Crisis of the Eighties when loan officers treated us farmers like crap until a farmer in another part of the state pulled a visiting loan office out of his car through the window and administered a lesson why he shouldn't treat customers like he had. It was amazing how friendly and cooperative the loan officers in my local branch became after that. I don't favor shooting people to death to make a point, but I'm sure there are some very nervous health insurance employees today and rightly so.

    1. I think every single one of those motherfuckers should be in fear of their life if they ever go out in public again.

  3. The Rainmaker movie is pretty good for this subject matter. Insurance is yet again just one more big scam and has been forever.

  4. used to work in "healthcare" yeah. anyway, by mid to late 1990's the insurance companies got the idea they don't have to pay anyone. one reason why you no longer see small one doc shops anywhere. they go broke. they can not live and operate on you co-pay alone. anyway, like I said. they didn't pay anyone. not the patients or the clinics or doctors
    doing the care. it also when medical biller got hot or started paying well. you find 4 or more billers for every person doing patient care. and the hospitals ? they hire teams of lawyers to get their money !
    didn't get any better in the 2000's either. then came Bozo care. that is when they really fucked everyone.
    I hate big blue. they didn't cover a damn thing. so there went my retirement money. and SSD ?
    put my paperwork in 3 times and then had to get a lawyer. went to court and the bitch there wanted me to take a
    teaching job in north Philly (?) yeah, right. a white old guy dealing with hood rats. ended up in court.
    thought I was going to get fucked again as the Judge was getting pissed as hell. found out later she was pissed
    that SSD kept fucking me around for 3 years ! but then I get paid, lawyer gets his cut BEFORE you do.
    then there is the fucking by the IRS. "back taxes" to 10-12 grand. it is a wonder I didn't end up homeless.
    really, it was that close. so, yeah. I fully understand why that asshole got shot in NYC. I have thought of it myself a few times in the past.
    BTW, I wonder how much money the insurance companies give to our congress critters to keep it this way ?
    dave in pa.

  5. Yes, insurance companies are a problem. But the real culprit is that the government got involved in health care and drove up cost. Medicare and FBO etc. when I was a kid the doctor would come by the house. And, doctors get screwed too.

  6. It would be simple to claim that UHC isn't living up to their agreement with insured and maybe they aren't I don't know and can't tell from thousands of miles away. But insurance isn't magic it is straight math. If they pay out more than they take then unlike the government they go bankrupt. If they take in more than they spend then that gives them a buffer of cash in case of an unexpected increase in claims. That's it, nothing more, nothing less. If anyone thinks that they can do better create your own insurance company and have at it.


    2. $22 billion, not $138 billion. You want then to be profitable so that they can pay claims. No profit, no payout. They insure specific things and your premium is increased accordingly. If they insure your procedure then they must pay it. If they don't they must reject it. It really is all simple math.

    3. l knew a lady that died of cancer recently. She had a life insurance policy. The insurance company quickly paid on the policy. OK. You got me. I was kidding. Quite the opposite occurred. It behooves insurance companies to hold what is rightfully yours, because every minute they delay, they make money on it. It's not really simple math, because insurance companies invest the money in stocks and things.

    4. It is important to keep at least one thing in mind: insurance companies are financial outfits. Just like sthe banks.

      Does that fact help clear the thinking?

    5. Never been a law saying you have to use a bank or pay a fine, and if you don't pay that fine you go to jail.

    6. Hey there, anonymous. Still working for Kaiser Permanente? Or was it Blue Cross/Blue Shield? No way I can believe a sane adult would try to deny that the healthcare insurance industry doesn't rip off both the patients and the doctors - unless they work for such a company (or a wife or relative does). Even the hospitals take it in the shorts when they are forced to provide free care to millions of illegals imported by The Biden/Obama regime. And I love it when Medicare shows the amount scheduled for a procedure - by them, not the doctor or hospital - and then only pays half of what they rated it to pay. Pull the other one, buddy.

    7. I have UHC. Got a hard copy letter from my providers a month ago informing me they were dropping UHC due to not paying in timely fashion, for denial of claims, lowering standards of care and wasting doctors' time and money fighting for payments. Their suggestion: Get a new insurer-- this is a list of those we endorse. Done deal.

  7. Every time I read BC I pick up a new word, I got a couple more this time.

  8. I bet they cover all costs for "gender" reassignment for toddlers though.

    1. No questions asked, and the forms are prefilled.

  9. I think the shooter's "messages" on the cartridge cases is going to come back and bite him in the ass.

  10. I can't believe that CEO got shot in NYC, where they've got all that gun control.

  11. My first thought when I read about the CEO getting assassinated was "some guy who's wife or girl friend died because UHC denied their health care claim". Now, with the release of info about messages on the bullet casings and unfired bullets found at the scene. BINGO.

    I could be wrong there and it could be a disgruntled employee for pick a reason or it could be his wife because she found out he was having an affair or he just isn't REALLY the nice guy that she says he was.

    I thought Obama Care was supposed to fix all of that claim denial BS. Lemme guess. It's worse now than it was before Obozo "fixed" it. 'Course .gov and the insurance co's would NEVER collude to screw customers out of coverage. Nah can't happen.

    This incident is also kinda perfect timing with the news that RFK Jr. is nominated to HHSSec and vowed to fix what's wrong with health care, big pharma etc etc ad infinitum.

    It's only a matter of time before they catch the guy. The guy screwed up. Left his DNA on a coffee cup and a water bottle he was seen buying before the murder on surveillance cam near the scene, according to the NYPost. Cops release this kind of info to try to flush the guy into giving it up or forcing him into another mistake so they can catch him. Other than that, it was almost a perfect crime.

  12. I was very surprised this did not happen during Enron. It was in Houston where they have daily shootings on the freeway for road rage and the police chief was fired for deleting 15,000 police reports to make his numbers look better. Better late than never I guess… .

    1. IIRC, the president of Enron, Ken something-or-other was convicted and died before his appeal went to trial. I don't think he was assassinated, unless it was by god.

  13. Prayers up for your friend and all UHC policy holders.

    Thanks obummer, and fuck John mcshitstain rotting in hell for his arrogant thumbs down vote to continue bummers victory.

    The CEO didn’t deserve that but he got it and is answering for it now. Bet there will be a lot of softening of the profit hardliners now

  14. ps All insurance operates just like the IRS. They tell you what you owe and how much your gonna pay for the opportunity

  15. And just to add to asshole insurers, blue cross announced it's not going to pay for anesthesia if your surgery goes longer than (they) expect.

    1. Update: Within a day, Anthem Blue Cross reversed it's cap on anesthesia.
      Funny that, doncha think

  16. I'm not a doctor, rarely stay at a Holiday Inn, but can sunburn under a 200 watt light bulb. I treat all the crusties on my skin with 30% food grade H2O2. Hurts like hell for 30 minutes. Now 80, I've kept skin cancer at bay. The time it takes to do "the right way" with insurance questions and doctor appointments means weeks of letting those crusties get worse. So, I do what I can. YMMV

  17. No one believes that he was gunned down because he was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

  18. United Healthcare is scum. I had them 10 years ago for 2 years. They paid nothing even after I had met my deductible. They would not approve a knee replacement but did approve therapy which they turned off at 3 months and I paid for an additional 3 months. I blew the knee out again last week - I am approved for surgery the first week of January, after therapy.

  19. This guy was also getting the deep dive by the DOJ. They could be trying to throw us off track.

  20. If you're in a group policy through your employer, get with your employer. The wield more influence than the individual. Next contact your states insurance commissioner. If you live in a red state they can get pretty aggressive.

    1. You're touching on one of the real problems of health care. You are not your doctor's customer, the insurance company is. You are not the insurance company's customer, your employer is. So your level of influence is very diluted.

  21. Insurance companies assumed power they never should have, and too many doctors went along with it. When you add the nasty politics of the AMA, health went out the window, and money flowed to the bureaucracies.

  22. "the insurance mafia" is one of the most apt labels around-something about "truth in labeling" going on there.


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