Sunday, December 24, 2023

An overlooked Incan Wonder


The indentions look like giant ATV tracks. Thousands of these types of "holes"  have attracted the attention of Archaeologists in recent years . These hole are in the Pisco Valley in Peru. Read more here.


  1. Being the curious type and interested in the works of ancient peoples, I looked it up. It is there. I also found what appears to be more holes on the ridges to the east and west of the site. These appear to be haphazardly built. On the eastern ridge, I observed some of the holes surrounded by rectangular structures. Be interesting to find out what they are.

    1. The whole area is littered with evidence of past human activity. A few hundred yards to the east is a heavily terraced hillside; presumably for long past agricultural purposes. As one continues to examine the topography one can easily see that the area is chock full of archeological potential: enough to consume an army of archeologists for decades and decades.

  2. Damn. Told you not to let Billy Joe-Bob drive the areator when he got all liquored up! The neighbors are going to be pissed.

  3. Replies
    1. Maybe but it looks a bit too regular in pattern compared to what I have seen. Was quite interesting to watch it happen although what I saw was not on the scale in the pics.

  4. It's obviously Holey Land.

  5. Ant Lion vs Tick

    1. If no issue releasing those in my country we will take a few nanotrillion

  6. Dang! Those Aliens has a big ATV!


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