Sick Of Their $hit!
Here is a prime example of why Americans rejected the communistic/flawed ideology of some fanatical lunatics in the last elections. I do not believe it has just been the ideology that rubbed folks the wrong way the last four years, but the mindset of liberals, especially those of any minor authority on up towards anyone disagreeing with their points of view (I'm here-You are there-Deal with it). I could write a thousand words describing the reasons why I and others believe these social experiments, whose origins are rooted in the teachings of Communism, always end in failure. I won't since most reading this already know the simple truth is Communism does not work. Enter people that have an axe to grind or a cause to champion. In this case it is a fully triggered fanatical-social-warrior in the form of a judge.

Meet Judge David Carpenter, pictured above with and without a beard. This man is a self professed__________(everything counter to God's word). The judge makes no effort to hide his sickness of liberalism and brags about defeating conservative ideas, promoting radical causes, etc. We will not go down that road and I do not wish to go off "what iffing?", but I will say things may have worked out very differently had this looney judge been in the corner of law and order rather than that of a criminal with a long history of arrests. The early release of of this particular criminal by Judge Carpenter played a part in twenty-six people shot and four killed outside the Hush lounge in Five Points/Birmingham back in September (this crime may be linked to five other murders). Judge Carpenter was in the corner of Damion LaRon McDaniel instead of the folks paying his salary. The judge felt Damion LaRon needed releasing early and granted that release. The judge is not bashful and often boasts of his mental illness on social media where he taunts conservatives and brags about his liberal stances and achievements. I wonder if he is proud of LaRon today. My daddy used to say, "the sun doesn't shine on the same dogs ass everyday". That is true. The forecast is cloudy for the judge and those like him.
its a shame that what he releases doesn't visit him and his family.
ReplyDeleteBased on some of his own testimonies, I am not sure this cretin belongs with the human race. I believe that he needs medical attention and quickly. He clearly is mentally ill. He is violating his oath of office and then posting it on the interweb for the world to see. No sane person would do this either. Most true native Alabamians do not behave like mr. carpenter (he doesn't deserve the title of judgeship or capitalization for sure). This fellar appears to be infected with a bad case of white guilt too. That sort can be the most dangerous of the infected liberals.
DeleteHe's probably made enough enemies to have a lurker or 2 that want to punch his clock. Or maybe his gay PCP/meth/coked out, trans, lover will gut him. Time will tell.
ReplyDeleteAnd people like him won't admit they are wrong, they can't, because their mindset won't allow them to. My guess is that they don't like themself, or they don't like America, or both. As Jeffrey said, don't want to get a "whatif" argument started, but when their influence is reduced to basically nothing by their neighbors, that will be a good day.
ReplyDeleteThey know and crow about being opposite of who the people are. It's a disease that afflicts a lot of judges and attorneys. They pander to the very people who they most deal with in order to get and stay elected.
DeleteLook at Niphong . He tried to railroad those White Boys on the Duke Lacrosse team to keep the vote of the Community™ to get reelected. The white boys were rich and were able to afford to prove their innocence. He ended up losing his job anyway.
DeleteIf remember correctly, the lead investigator for Niphong committed suicide afterwards.
DeleteAfter the reset, people like this guy need to join a long liner wankers needing an appearance at the town chipper to ensure the trash is properly disposed of.
It is sad that c-suckers like this asshole are never held accountable for the people they cause misery and death. Unfortunately this Commie is way more common among judges than the very very few honest judges
ReplyDeleteI hope somewhere, someone will take this mission and eliminate this miscreant. Too many times, these creatures boast and nothing happens. Time for a bold shift.
ReplyDeleteThis started in the late 60s. It's not new, butr people have finally awakened.
ReplyDeleteCitizens used to take care of these problems "privately."
ReplyDeleteTo understand our time in the evil 2020’s we must look way back on what they have always been telling us for it frees them evil from responsibility in the carnage they leave not only in our lives but the entire world…
ReplyDeleteThat is how evil thinks…
There is no turning back once you allow GOD to show you…
Romans 1: 18.
The retribution of God from heaven is being revealed against the ungodliness and injustice of human beings who in their injustice hold back the truth...
The evil destruction of Nation States as well as all the people’s “us” who live in them, was planned long long ago…
part 1 of 4 Nancy Spannaus of LaRouchePAC discuss’ the continuing destructive impact of H G Wells, a member of the Fabian Society, intelligence agent,
Video 1999
Video 2024
Starts at 56:42
Obviously his wife was screwing a black man.
ReplyDeleteNever vote to retain a judge unless you are aware of good decisions made by that same judge.
ReplyDeleteput his worthless ass on trial with the animal. he is just as responsible for the deaths.
ReplyDeleteThere's a reason vigilante committees are formed.
ReplyDeleteYes indeed.
DeleteSo much for blind justice
ReplyDeleteHe’ll get his in time
ReplyDeleteHopefully sooner rather than later.
DeleteI've spent some time in combative sports and sooner or later this conversation needs to evolve back to testosterone laden manville. Make no mistake that's the lowest, ugliest, common denominator. But it is the truth. "I'm your worst nightmare". Oh I don't think so pugsley. This is the left forcing us to go where we don't necessarily want to go. But once there, LFO. At some point we are no longer responsible for responding to these fucking large vaginas. I'm sure his name is on a few lists. He'll end up bleeding out like the little porker he is. Beard or no beard.
ReplyDeletehe's got a right to his beliefs, but as an elected judge he's got a right to be judged and punished for violating his oath, he's directly responsible for murder & mayhem...30yrs minimum
ReplyDeleteAnd all the "Hard" southern "men" lol, won't lift a finger to do a damn thing about it. You get what you allow, and the south really really likes taking it from these types
ReplyDeleteThis malignant sow needs to feel the weight of true justice. Even if that justice is of necessity the vigilante type.