Saturday, December 14, 2024

Re: The Drones..... FWIW











  1. No more....or less....plausible than any of the other theories. But a Nuke warhead from Soviet Ukraine would be 3 decades old. Such devices require maintenance to function. So unless someone very knowledgeable were to be involved chances are this thing couldn't detonate. Be used for a "dirty bomb" yes...but not to create canned sunshine unless someone with significant know how was involved.

    1. Nukes do not exist it was to scare the world for right after Hiroshima Japan The Atomic Energy Commission (and UN) was proposed immediately with , as if planned

      Nuclear Weapon Investigation Playlist

    2. 2018 (April 29) - Joe Rogan Clip with Eddie Bravo - Nukes ... The one conspiracy Rogan hates the most…


  2. Pudgy, 60yo, 'former' government agent suddenly goes on Tacky-Ticks.
    Seems legit.
    Especially the part about 'manned drones'...

      I believe that might have been an error, when his company is Saxon UNMANNED... Plus I know this company, I live here....

  3. If They are able to pick up Gamma radiation "for miles" then why have them so close to each other and why keep the drones going in the same area?
    I'm not getting it..
    And now they are in California.
    At least we Know they are not a threat.
    Because that is what we're told.
    I'd feel better if our government would follow one back to where it gets charged.

    1. They are not ours, and are not a threat, but somehow the feds know that they are not from a foreign country.

    2. If they initiated it, what would be the point of following them. Why waste resources on stuff they already know? 😁

  4. I would not be surprised if JoeBama was setting up a scenario to prevent Trump from being inaugurated. But time will yell.

    1. “Tell” not “yell,” though occasionally time does get loud and in our faces… 🤷‍♂️

  5. When google tags a post and puts it behind a warning for readers because it contains their opinion of sensitive content, just copy the post, delete the original post and repost it. It's like the warning never happened.

  6. "Sum Of All Fears" come to life? SOMETHING has to prevent 45/46 from becoming 47. Countries will fall, and thousands of untouchable 'elite' will end up being arrested and convicted, and trillions of dollars of industry and income will be destroyed in the next 4yrs if he does. Of course, with the freedom the American people will gain will be evident...eventually, the pain of that 'loss' will be 'worth' it to everyone still left. But a nuke on American soil will push us into a war we can't win, with people who can't afford to lose. If he's real, and this is the case, well...may you live in interesting times.

  7. Hmmm...remember just a few months back when congress passed something about a disaster replacement scheme for congress and the senate?
    Kinda connects now. Also imagine how much evidence could be destroyed by a nuke..
    Not that our leaders would ever sacrifice innocent people to get their own asses outta hot water. Get the popcorn ready boys, the shows about to start.

  8. They is preparing the information battle spaze, and the one betweenz our earz, for something wich improvez their powerz, no doubtz aboutitz.
    They is getting ready to pull some stupidz shit with us. Probably somethingz to dooz with creating some kind of martial lawz where they gets their handz on the flowz of moneyz, its always about the moneyz and controlz controlz , what elze? Exceptz to sprayz us like bugs, beamz the effin fukz out of us like we are cockroachesz, and milk us dry of all the true wealthz we createz, so what elze can it beez.
    Nots for nothing theyz be totally predick-table, everythingz theyz tellz uz to believez is a farkin' lie, Everythingz. Funny that right there beez, cause cant soeakz for anyonze elze, but onze i recognized thiz, going back tooz JFK'd day, well it allz becomez trans-parent likez, really stoopidz, theyz keepz doingz the samez thingz overz and overz againz, like theirz record is stuck.
    I cantz in my right mindz figurze what in the fark theyz be doing, its becauze what moneyz? We aint all producingz fuk theze dayz in this country, they aint up in northz of the borderz or south for that matter, the Eruoz Zone they beez farkin toast induztrialz wize, the Ruz they be intooz thier ownz thingz, the Chinks be the Chinks, both of whomz they prettt much keepz to themzelves ling as you dooz too, zo'z wherez the moneyz coming from? Zeems exceptz for them Ruz, no onez fat andz flush, they ztrip mined us to death here, leveraged everything belowz ground six wayz to Zunday, it can not beez leveraged anymorez, so whatz the jig? Mez, I think thierz mindz have been taken iver by some implantz or beamed to fukall to alterz theirz thinking, and theyz following some old flea bitten orderz from waybackz when thiz all started JFK'd day. Stoopidz as it may zound. But thatz the patternz in detailz whizh creates a patternz of detailz, and recent hiztory, itz not rocket zcienze, just stringz common zenze. What allz u guys think?

  9. They aren't gonna send a nook over on us, first all they all be related thru various bloodlines, thats just to keep the fear going, think they need fear cause they somehow draw power from us being in that state of mind, its really important, look how that word fear is used in every possible spot they can tuck it in. Fear Fear Fear. Know what Fear stands for? I read this and it all started making a kind of sense.
    This is a dandy...
    Fear FEAR F.E.A.R. F-E-A-R stands for:
    False Events Appearing Real
    False Events Appearing Real
    No fucking shit! All this time. W-in-TF!
    Fucking fear. No wonder why you can beat it. It ain't real. Fear only exists in the mind of the beholder.
    Pretty neat huh?

  10. Saved this dandy in the ol' files, just for the right time too:

    "The more dystopian the ruling elites make society, the more dysfunctional it becomes, and that dysfunction will weaken whatever systems of control they have in place and turn more segments of society against them. It’s akin to sawing off the branch they are sitting on."
    -(somebody on gab 3/2024)

  11. Here's another. Makes a very lot of sense to me:
    "... Opression and despair don't produce revolution; there's been exactly one successful slave revolt in all recorded history. No, what produces revolutions is hope -- combined with a certain amount of social disorganization..."

  12. This is for the globo-pedo elites really, they seem to be behind much, an exclusive kind if club they got going between themselves, and us dirt people we don't mean shit to them but what they can squeeze out of us, plus it seems they get something out of all the deaths they create round the world. Is it possible there is some kind of power to be had from all the dying they perpetuate? Something has to explain it. Why create constant non-stop wars every where?
    But read this years and years ago, saved it cause it realky speaks to a lot being fousted upon us all, all us good folks. Least we seem the targeted individuals.

    Jerry Pournelle: on "The virtue of Prudence":
    The virtue of prudence is not much discussed today; yet it lies at the heart of one of the fundamental issues of our time, the conflict between ethics of intention and ethics of responsibility. The "intensionists" argue thus: "what I intend is good, and I do what I intend; therefore my actions are good. Their opponents say "what you intend is of little matter; it is the result of your action, it is the act, YOUR act, that must be judged.

  13. This here rang some bells for me. From the great AC over at his Anonymous Conservative blog daily brief, like a year ago, after they pulled some truly galactic BS:

    It makes no sense Whites want to destroy Whites, like it makes no sense Jews want to import Muslims. Whites do not care about whites, and Jews hate Muslims and can easily see where a society filled with young radical Muslims will go at the first Israeli conflict. Those memes, that such whites and Jews exist, are cover stories designed to hide the fact we have a foreign-run hostile intel op running all of these things, seeking to destroy whites and import Muslims to destroy our nations. One of the most primal urges in men is the drive to war. Personally I think killing righteously is probably a stronger drive than sex in many men, and killing traitors is probably stronger still. I will bet the sight of an evil cocksucker you hate, gurgling his last breaths at your feet between blurbs of blood in terror, knowing it is over, will last you a lifetime, in ways mere sex never could. The Cabal fears this war being taken overt and out in the open, because you will be opening the door to triggering these ancient instincts they have labored so hard to suppress. Once triggered, I believe the war will be over quite quickly, and we may get the first Cabal-free societies in millennia. And those societies, I think, will be akin to utopias for us. They are worth any risk, for just a chance to attain them.

    (i believe now from what i see of these motherfuckers, they may very well have among their many delusions and truly monumental failings, the most existential threat of all is as AC states, for their clique they simply have no realistic concept, just how it is us good Men who have had plainly absolutely, had enough, becoming a force of nature. Become Legion)

    Don't kind of feel like its that time?

    1. 7:39,
      I think you are thinking like a 'you'.
      Instead, step into their Hive heart for a sec.
      Can you imagine thriving on destruction and chaos.
      Can you imagine craving genocide and chaos.
      Based on my over seven decades of observing them, I am convinced they have no interest in anything other than the process of destruction.

  14. Ruthless people don't understand how mean good folks can get when their codes are violated.
    And its ruthless people running shit thats for sure. No more this "we" bull shit. Whomever is running shit, its all on them. Nothing could be plainer than whats transpired to folks in NC recently. You got to be ruthless, when you got the power and means to help your fellow citizenry and you don't, when you look see what happened to them, and turn away with malice and aforethought. What kind of person are you. Who do you think you are? And your belly up feeding from the public hog trough while your at it.

  15. Trust unto God, and all glory to Him.(!)
    You know, like in Don Thy Whole Armor there of.

    "The right to be let alone is indeed the beginning of all freedoms.” 
    –  Justice William O. Douglas

    The duality of it is whats so striking.

  16. If you own stock in Saxon Aerospace, I would sell it first thing tomorrow, as this guy has pissed off his contracting officer at the Pentagram. Also, I do not think he committed suicide.

  17. I feel so much better now that I know they are searching for nuclear bombs smuggled into our country by terrorists. WTF!

    1. No one said it was smuggled in by terrorists - unless you consider (correctly) CIA to be run by terrorists. From what I have heard/read our government took custody of those Ukrainian nukes when the Soviet Union folded. Maybe they lost track of one - or more - of them.

  18. What's the time stamp where he gets to the point he's trying to make?

  19. Maybe there is a "lost Ukrainian Nuke" . (In an interview on CNN Friday, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said that no matter what the intentions of the drones are, his ability to take them out of the sky is very limited."Our authorities are very limited," Mayorkas told Wolf Blitzer.
    "We have various authorities that are discreet to their particular missions. We can't just shoot a drone out of the sky.")
    Sounds to me a lot like the Mayorkas knows or at least suspect what alphabet agency is running the drones and why. Said agencies have their " missions", ( like search for possible Nukes maybe). So , ya dont just go shooting drones out of the sky.

  20. Swamp gas or weather balloon, or we not doing that anymore …..

  21. It's Saxon Unmanned that Mr. Ferguson is tied to. Saxon Aerospace is a Canadian company that supplies swinging dicks to the Aerospace industry (mechanics and engineers under contract). There is an offshoot of Saxon Unmanned called Saxon Aerospace. One of the products of Saxon Unmanned looks like the model that Mr. Ferguson in standing in front of in his basement. Also the looking for nuke angle was the first one that I heard of 4 weeks ago. Want to get rid of the Don, nuke the inauguration. So you kill a million people, sacrifices have to be made.


  22. "drones don't see shit" if the point of flying a drone isn't "looking for things" but transporting high value lightweight products like fentanyl...then you do fly at night. pick a launch point and a landing point and an altitude where it won't run into anything, and go. they're already doing this on the mexican border.

    most of the drones people are seeing are regular aircraft. people look up for the first time in their lives, and see lights, and go "ehmagherd, dronz!!!!!". same thing happened in the 1950's when everyone was seeing flying saucers.

    all the nuclear warheads from ukraine were accounted for...otherwise russia would be a lot more cautious and never would have invaded, and the Budapest Memorandum would be null and void . moscow would have been a smoking crater on day 5 of the war, and all it would take is one guy with a MiG-29 on a suicide run. if a ukrainian drone that is basically a cessna with a bomb in it can get to moscow with impunity, you know a MiG with a russian IFF code could do it.

    I'm calling a bullshit flag. the last time someone said there were nukes in surface transport to the US is was Jack "Kieth" Idema. the man was a bullshit artist.


  23. We must never forget the odds may be small, but never zero.

    1. The survival rate drops to zero, on a long enough timeline

  24. H.R. 8610.

    Nothing more. Nothing less. Every other discussion is distraction flak and fear porn for the uninitiated mind.

  25. I stopped listening when he said "high-level government officials." Why thu f*ck would you listen to anyone from government after every single conspiracy theory they accuse us, is proven true? This is all distraction. Anyone know the House Covid-19 panel results last week? Of course not because everything was about a CEO getting shot.

  26. Thanks. Makes sense.

    I haven’t watched all of this yet, but I think he’s asking the right question.

  27. Bill first introduced back in June. Manufactured emergency to push the bill through before the inauguration?


    Seems calmy logical and distressing

    How many more days before the liberals lose their shit over Trump actually being President?

    They have been TOO QUIET. Not their nature to go belly up and surrender.

  29. My guess is drugs from a ship to a specific location that changes locations daily. Once on the ground the drugs come off, money is attached, batteries changed out, and it is sent back to the ship which is just over 3 miles off shore. Rinse and repeat.

    1. Tsquared, why would drug runners run such a visible operation?

      They've been shipping in illegal drugs for decades quietly.


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