Sunday, May 29, 2022

Some MEME Folder Clearing Thanks To Friends Of The Blog Known As.. "COA"....









  1. Very disturbing how accurate some of these are

  2. The truth hurts. I had to bookmark this page to finish later. Belly laughs got me a disturbing the peace claim. The lady with the voting stickers is my favorite but not the best one. Great way to start the day.

    1. That "lady" you refer to was the election commissioner in ,I think, Miami-Dade.


  3. 32: the robber doesn’t even get to hear the end of the beep…

    1. You're going to have to explain this one to me.. I don't know what's beeping...but I do recognize the man in the picture.

    2. You recognize the man in the picture but don't know the beep is the signal to start the competitive shooting?

  4. When someone says Musk could have put that 44B into ending world hunger, reply those receiving that 44B can put it toward ending world hunger.

  5. Irish, I wanted to say thanks for taking the time to publish this little blog. I have come to enjoy it and make it a regular stop on my online circuit a few times a week. I have even taken to perusing your archives and it is cool seeing how you have progressed through your little journey here.

    I particularly look forward to Friday’s triple F and share the best ones with my friends. The mix of ladies, great memes, old school rides, fine food, cool landscapes, and excellent adult beverages makes for a varied journey through what really makes life enjoyable. We should all take time to appreciate the good things in life and share them with likeminded folks. Life here in America is going in a direction that few of us like and this reminds us of some of the things that make it worth fighting for.

    Once I figure out how to make my iPad let me sign in with cookies, I will no longer be anonymous….lol. Thanks again brother for making my week just a little brighter. Snodawg


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