Saturday, April 20, 2024

FAFO That Ended Well..







  1. Nice shootin' if they all hit...

    But jesus that was a lot of rounds.

  2. If the Seattle D A is trying to figure out a way to prosecute the cops, that D A should be removed from office. Too bad most Police unions would rather spend union dues getting commies elected than defending cops.

  3. What a dumbass. Point a gun at cops are you can be sure they'll ventilate you.

  4. Could be wrong, but it looks to me like he was trying to hand them the gun and the cunt cops shot him. Pedophile? Maybe. Show me the news story, or did the cunt cops make up the story to cover an execution?

    1. That's why he is chewing on the cop's arm, I guess.

    2. Wow how often are you raping kids? Guess you have never heard of search engine before

    3. Gary P, please go to the nearest curtesy phone, Gary P

    4. BS, you put your hands up immediately, you don't pull the gun out.

    5. wv - you are correct - he was about to hand them the pistol - evidenced by the way he brought it out - no finger on the trigger - however, he produced an excellent reason for the police to turn another kiddie diddler into Swiss cheese.

  5. well, he did saved the taxpayers money. and good chance of a really good beatdown once in the joint. "small eyes"
    never do well in prison. they get used and beaten on the daily. so, either he saved himself from a lot of pain as he knew what would happen to him "inside". and decided to end it all right there. or he really thought he could shoot his way out of there (???) nope. looks like death by cop was his choice if he got caught- and he did.
    and history shows us, if the cops draw and fire their weapons, it always a magazine dump.
    he went quick with all of those holes in him. either way, that asshole will not hurt any kids again.
    good job to the cops ! and that not something I say often anymore. dave in pa.

  6. I reckon the cops wanted to make sure there was only one side of the story.

  7. they spent $500 on ammo

  8. Were I a defense attorney for a civilian accused of murder/excessive force/recklessness due to his actions in a self-defense event that involved an armed opponent having been shot, I would be inclined to try to show all of these police magazine dumps in order to give examples of the "correct amount of force employed by trained safety officers" in such a situation. My old man's ears counted at least 12 discharges in this one. If trained (blah, blah) with backup present are OK to shoot this many times, then the actions of a lone homeowner/occupant/driver/walker should be weighed using the same scale. Operative word: "should." Not holding my breath.

    1. My sheriff officer neighbor across the street in Florida in mid/late 90's, told me to empty the mag and try and miss a few time, shows you felt threatened. My next door neighbor also reminded me not to reload and start firing again, unless more assailants were present. He was Florida Highway Patrol. At the time I was 19 years military veteran and trying to decide on the proper home defense system. Went with the standard 870 12 gauge and Sig backup. Like American Express always said, never leave home without them.

  9. Classis mag dumping, nothing more.

  10. Replies
    1. Would not do that to any dog.

  11. "Seattle Police Department fatally shot a 67-year-old pedophile ". So in reality he was probably Seattle's MAGA chapters president.
    I've been carrying a gun for 25 plus years. I've taken a bunch of tactical shooting courses. Two were taught by POST certified trainer. Funny, they never taught us that Mag Dump thang.

    1. Spit it out dude, you think Maga folks are perverts. Some maybe as the creeps hide amongst us all. You probably have an associate that would fit that bill.

    2. You totally misunderstood where I was going with that comment. Try and think. Just a little. After all, it is Seattle.

  12. I'm thinking it was an adrenaline dump that "triggered" (pun intended) the mag dump.
    When under stress, you lose fine muscle control.

    President Elect B Woodman

  13. I could be wrong but, when he pulls out the gun it doesn't appear that he's holding it in a manner to fire it.

  14. I'm going with 2 or 3 mag dumps, maybe some collateral shrapnel injuries.

  15. In a shootout you have two options...1-Be dead or
    2-fire until you're sure the other guy is dead.
    If you have another opinion, you're a fool.

  16. Do we get to fight these dirtbag cops when CW2 finally kicks off?

  17. can we start doing the same with the idiots who block highways and bridges.

  18. Was that a pedo? From the look of the mag dumps, I thought another acorn dropped.

  19. That happened so fast I'll bet he felt the first to the last... as well he should.

  20. Seattle? mmm. I thought all the good cops sped away...

  21. A lot of somethings. *almost* looks like an execution.

  22. The fact there are actually people that assume children want to have sex with adults is in of itself astoundingly evil. We are indeed living under the time of unabated stupid.

  23. Well in my opinion he was a dog or worse. Deserved every round. What if he was left alone with your kid/grandkids? Lots of sick mofos out there waisting good air.

    1. Only Our Lord can pull you out of here. Where he sent this sicko is anyones guess!!!^


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