Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Mutual Of Irish's Wild Kingdom.. The FAFO Chronicles....









  1. LOL, white guys all fired up because he just figured out he could fight.

    1. Or it could be he was trying a measured response, but then simply got angry when the stupid kid kept pushing it.

      Violence isn't the first response for many of us. But our capacity for violence way outmeasures theirs once aroused.

    2. This is aged. Not that that matters. The black kid was demanding money from him. There is no measured response in a street fight. I think I'll stop there. I will say the black thug want to be was a terrible athlete. Most of them are.

  2. Loved it. I have wanted to blast some young people a bunch of times.

  3. Maybe that negro learned a lesson? Nah...silly me...

    1. "Ima come back wid tena my homies. We git is ass"

  4. Never let them recover when they are off balance - this type of fight is not a sporting event. When he folded him over the second time and punched him it was all over. I'm not sure it's wise to stand astride someone down - your nuts are vulnerable.

  5. "your nuts are vulnerable." That my friend is good advice.

  6. Seeing that warms the cockles of my heart.

  7. If whitey knew how to wrestle he could have ended blackie without risking a broken hand. Hard to fight with two dislocated arms.

  8. Booo. The guy missed a great open opportunity to give the asshole about three or four solid kicks in the nuts at the end there. I wouldnt have passed on that. Otherwise it turned out very very well.

  9. When the teen was down and his legs bent back, then would have been a great time to kick the knees.
    Put a little limp in his gimp.
    President Elect B Woodman

    1. for best results, always sweep the knee from inside to out. do it fast and hard as you can. rip the whole joint
      apart. or if you in a hurry, just slam you foot on the knee cap and drive it south. hard. rip it loose and he will not walk for a long time without help. lesson learned on the streets of philly a long time ago. dave in pa.

    2. In the Military, in the Combat portion of Antiterrorist training we were taught to do a bouncer to the kneecap (the one that the person was standing on (had the weight on that leg)), and/or an open palm upward to the chin (snaps the head back). Then there's always a massive strike to the temple which can scramble the brain rather quickly...

  10. one big problem with shit like this, no matter what. you are going to be the "bad guy". and God help you if you have a military training behind you. see the marine in the shithole NYC for that.

  11. What do you call a few mud boys? A troop.


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