Thursday, April 18, 2024

Ol' Brandon Goes To His Home Town In Scranton.... Hilarity Ensues.... Volume Warning....












  1. well, if you really want to know how people feel about this asshole, go to any gas station or food store.
    most of the time, you will hear FJB when you at the pump. that is where I hear it the most.
    in the food store, it is a little more on the quiet side. but outside ? yeah. that when if you ask people about it. you will hear FJB loud and clear. at least in the hills of pa here. dave in pa.

  2. I would rather watch brandon running in circles at nascar

  3. I'm surprised there aren't more out there saying "FJB." Although those who would be saying that are probably working their fingers to the bone trying to keep up with inflation.

  4. Just nail his left foot down and he'll make left turns all day!

  5. It's a crying shame that there are still people who hate Donald Trump so bad that they will vote for anyone, including a demented old fart.

  6. It's going to come down to who counts the votes again just like last time...

  7. But...but...but...I thought that he had 81 million votes..?

  8. That brought a YYYUUUGGGEEE smile to my face. Then, he goes on to tell ANOTHER LIE about his uncle in WWII being shot down in an airplane and eaten by cannibals in New Guinea, like he actually gives a shit about any veteran.


  9. Surprised that secret service, FBI, CIA, etc. Isn't creating a dossier on these "threats to democracy"

  10. I would never say "Joe Biden is a pedophile". That seems like it might be an actionable statement. I will, however say that given the enormous amount of video evidence Joe Biden is most definitely a prepubescent girl enthusiast.

  11. 81 million votes.

  12. Too funny, I love it.


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