Saturday, June 10, 2023

Mutual of Irish's Wild Kingdon.. The FAFO Chronicles.... ♫♪♫ I Fought The Law and ... ♫♪♫










  1. That’ll buff out

  2. In your heart you hope this guy is crippled for life but you won't say it

    1. Given his total lack of regard for anyone else in that stupid hi-speed run it is hard to find compassion if he was permanently hurt... Maybe the purpose of his life is to serve as a warning to others....

  3. That ticket looks real good right now.

  4. He won't have any brain damage,...ya gotta have one to damage!.

  5. At this point team crotch rocket will complain about the driver turning left in front of them.

    1. I can't see if the SUV had the turn signal on or not - but the motorcyclist probably couldn't see that either, at least not in time. What I can see clearly is that he was passing on a double-yellow line, so the driver had no reason to look for someone passing before pulling out in a left turn.

  6. Replies
    1. True, just a matter of when...

  7. And just why did this dumb-bunny post the clip? Was it evidence at the trial?

  8. I was hoping he got away lol. Fuck you old farts

    1. Same back, Jack. Of course, you live your life Hollywood style, where the bad stuff happens to everyone else but somehow neither you nor your kids are never the ones to suffer at the hands of a moron on a motorcycle... or in a car... That only works until the pot wears off...

    2. Hahaha he was never going to get away.

    3. You too will be an old fart one day. If you are lucky and don't do stupid shit like this.

    4. the old farts that weren't young old farts, & survived, are the best people. & those don't generally grow up to be leo-the-highway-robber lovers.

    5. Retards like you usually do.

  9. There's a reason we call them Corpsesicles and DonorMobiles.

  10. So there sometimes is justice in the world.

  11. Really hope the guy has never moved his legs again

  12. It is no longer time to inform the sheep...it is time to wake up the other lions.

    1. If the lions aren't awake by now than they are sheep....not lions.

  13. This video made my morning cup of schadenfreude sweet

  14. Life is tough.
    It's a whole lot tougher when you're stupid.


  15. Next door neighbor was a 30-year veteran motorcycle cop:
    "We never chased @$$holes fleeing on crotch-rockets. We just headed out at normal speed in the last direction they'd headed, and every single time, we'd find them within a mile or two, embedded in the side of a car, wrapped around a telephone pole, or scattered in pieces all over an intersection. Every. Single. Time.Problem solved. Motorcycles are Darwin in action.""

    1. That is like the story from WWII where the returning planes with holes were to be used as templates to reinforce areas against damage. Until someone pointed out the planes with holes that come back are ok. It is the holes you don't see coming back are the ones that cost you aircraft.
      What he means is when we followed sedately we found the crashed ones and that is the only ones we found.
      When I was young on a motorcycle I would take off as well. Usually I would get far enough ahead to disappear and turn off to go through small quiet back streets. You can't outrun radio, but if you disappear before a search starts...

      Ps, spent ten years riding everyday, sun, rain and snow. My biggest fear was always people in cars.

    2. "When I was young on a motorcycle I would take off..." Each and every time you did that, and whatever you were doing to start the pursuit in the first place, you were part of the problem. Asshole first, motorcyclist second.

    3. exactly right. there are lots of every.single.time. things cops do, are - but this, in my experience, is not one of them.

      as for darwinian reduction: every police state ever (so far).

      plus, per the quote, if it weren't a bald-faced lie "we never chased" there would eventually be the learning that over-risk running was no longer necessary, either.

      if even joggers can figure out there will be no consequences/repercussions for shoplifting down to the fixtures (speaking of assholes the cops never chase...) ....

    4. @Anon 4:28,

      "We never chased" was department policy for traffic infractions, including speed only, they all had radios, and about 1000 friends per shift, and 16 department helicopters, not counting the ones flown by the news stations.
      You can count the number of got-aways every year thereabouts on your thumbs.
      Your odds are better buying a lottery ticket.

      And in the famous words of Chris Rock:
      "Everybody knows: If the police have to come and get you, they're bringing an ass-kicking with them."

      Anybody riding a bike like the jackass in the vid deserves every bit of the traffic karma they get. Just like the idiot in the video.

  16. Hahaha hahahaha I hope the moron still has many payments left on the now totaled motorcycle.

  17. You can out run the cop car, but you cannot out run the radio

  18. As Rick noted above, he was generous enough to provide video evidence for his trial.

  19. Betch'a he was begging for the cop to send for help for his 'injuries'. Pure straight up asshole...


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