Thursday, June 8, 2023

Aerosol Index- Canada Wildfires....


  From the NASA FIRMS site.


Play around with the layers and settings. Here is the Aerosols map and definition of the layer toggled on.





  1. Gee, we here in the PNW don't have ANY experience with smoke from forest fires...
    Just sayin'.

    1. Exactly. Smoke from fires is what we call "Tuesday" out west. Ash falls from the sky and nobody cares. Put a little smoke in DC and new York and it's a national emergency. Just sayin.

  2. Forget it jake it’s New York. They get what they deserve pretty soon there will be wars and rumors of war.

  3. It's been bad here in Ohio as well. This morning was the clearest day yet. Finally getting a shift in the direction of the winds

  4. pretty smoky down here in central va. too.

  5. I saw a short video of a satellite view of that area. It showed smoke rising from more than ten locations simultaneously. Was it Created or real? IDK,, don't even know where it was.. Just saw it and thought
    Yeah,, possible.. I mean, Nobody else would just Do something like that to point and holler Look! Global Warming is to blame! Now would they?

  6. I would wear a t shirt with your banner picture on it.

  7. Thats amazing it even shows my neighbors garage fire.

  8. Did I miss something or is it "Burn a Forest for Greta Month" in Canada?


    1. I work in the area that burned last month in AB. Firefighters were staying in our camp at the plant. They all said it was arson and the plant next door caught people on the security cams starting fires.

      I think someobe is starting fires for political hoals.


  9. Time to demand reparations from the boy prime minister up there.

  10. My son, who lives up near the Canadian border, said that the air there has been brown for days and it smells like a million wood stoves are burning in his neighborhood.


  11. Interesting that the fbi is now starting fires in Canada. Other than more chaos from midwits we wonder what are they trying to hide?

  12. Arson, winter bush burns not being put out, fire departments partial putting out burns and driving away, and forced incompetence by fire ‘command’. I live in the middle of the Alberta fires also. Witnessing some of the most three stooges wildfire management in history.
    No longer believed in coincidences before these started, now you would be hard pressed to convince people there is not something coordinated going on.
    Politicians making a case for “climate change” funding??

  13. Wouldn't be surprised if they tried to make the claim that the smoke is causing all of the "excess mortality " deaths that are about to come.


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