Friday, October 16, 2020

Kinda Like 2020, It started off well....








 Story here<<



  1. I guess the author in The NY Post couldn’t spell “zamboni”.

  2. Sure enough, hydraulic fluid fire. Hose breaks, sprays fluid on the exhaust manifold, FLAMBE!!
    My dad lost a 20' motor home that way, he couldn't get the Chevy Chevette toad off the towing harness/bar, and IT burned as well! He called me, I hauled him and my sister back to Spokane from the Tri-Cities area. He had just gassed up in Kennewick, and watched 50+ gallons of gas explode from 300 feet away!
    Ain't no way nohow the fire department could put that one out, so they had to just stand back and let 'er burn.

    1. About 25 years back two of us passed a feller-buncher on the way back to mark a 40 out in about 3 feet of snow.

      Came back about 6 hours later and there's the charred skeleton of a (then) quarter-million dollar machine.

      And it still didn't melt down to the ground.


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