Sunday, January 22, 2023

Oh Snap!......


 One of those moments that you always wish for, caught on camera....









  1. Peckerhead pulls out in front of traffic. No lights, causing the traffic to brake. Further, his maneuver is more egregious than the offender he intends to strong arm to extract state revenue.

    1. I agree totally...an unsafe move by the dickcop...but he's got Masterbadge...good everywhere!

    2. HATE to be the one to notice this- but as there was no collision,no vehicle was run off the road , etc. the maneuver was, in fact,safe. Prove it wasn't.

    3. There was no collision because the camera car had to slam on brakes to avoid one.
      Note extreme deceleration.
      You noticed nothing.


    4. I agree, that cop was the most unsafe driver in that view, by far.

  2. Doesn't happen near often enough....

    1. My 16 y.o. son was driving back to Nevada from Cali on a 'learners' permit. I'm just relaxing as he engages perfect driving technique. A guy cuts him off big time and at speed and a CHP patrol car whips in behind him and pulls him over. My son calmly says: "see, that's what you get.". He has a learners permit and he's getting instant justice that I haven't ever had or seen in 50 years of driving! See, that's what you get! Are you kidding me! Mouth agape.

  3. The move the law made there was more reckless than the speeder. Two wrongs etc.

  4. i've had over zealous cops do the same to me. makes me want "gomer pyle" em. citizen's arrest,citizen's arrest.

  5. That's going to be an expensive ticket and possibly points against his license.
    And I agree, the cop needed to have his lights on to make that move legal.

    In over 50 years of driving I've only seen something like that happen once. A semi I was following barely drove onto the centerline on a two lane highway and immediately pulled it back onto his side. Unfortunately for him there was a CHP coming the other way that saw it happen and immediately hung a U-ey.

  6. Pure satisfaction.

  7. Driver with the video camera was barely over the posted speed limit of 30mph, probably aware that was a "High Enforcement Zone". The ticket will probably be for passing in a (solid double line) non passing zone rather than speed.
    No houses, straight road; posted speed seems a little low for what looks like a State Highway. Speed Trap.

  8. Driving to south Florida that looks like Alabama or Georgia with those pine divided highways in some areas the staties are sneaky that way but the Waze app helped me multiple times.

    Bear Claw

  9. Are we rooting for the pirates now? In real law (not the pretend-masonic-law that comprises western nations' legal system of rules and mostly financial penalties) there is no crime until there is harm. Therefore "speeding" is a victimless crime until there is harm. 120 miles per hour in a school zone is victimless until there is harm-it would also be the zenith of reckless and stupid horrifying behavior because of the potential of harm, but until someone is actually harmed there is in reality no crime. As others have commented, the COP was creating far more potential hazards than the civilian/serf. Raising revenue for some state does justify that COP's actions. Especially considering that there was no victim, and therefore, no crime. States' fines based on a manifestation of rule-induced-behavior-modification does not a legal system make. Such systems are merely an extension of commerce and the afore referenced masonic (babylonian) rule. I would prefer not to be ruled by satanists and pedophiles, personally.

    1. Next time you're cited for a moving violation I'd like you to go to court and explain all that to the judge.
      Good luck.

    2. You mean the judge who lives very well off the corrupt system that tickets people who have not harmed anyone? They are kangaroo courts all the way down.

    3. That may be true, but they are still the same judges that will issue a warrant for your arrest for not appearing in court or choosing not to pay a fine that you think is unjust.

      I'm not defending the system. I'm just saying the way it is. Buck it all you want. Then get back to me after it doesn't work out the way you would have liked it to.

      BTW, by your and Anon's logic it's perfectly alright to speed, pass over double yellow lines and drive whatever way you choose to so long as no one is injured in the process. How long are you hoping your luck will last driving that way?

    4. The Waze app has saved me a lot of money..

      Bear Claw

  10. i was driving on a secondary road going down a slight hill on a slow curve when this car shot out of a driveway that angled about 45 degrees in the direction of my travel. The car came out of the driveway parallel to me and stayed on the shoulder for a about a hundred feet causing me to swerve into the other lane crossing the yellow line. The driver of the car then took a right hand turn from the shoulder onto the next road past the driveway. Just has this was happening a NY State Trooper was coming the opposite way as I past the Trooper I looked in my rear view mirror and to my delight the Trooper flipped on his lights and turned down the side road after the knuckle head.

    Hiker Mike

  11. I'm with some of the others, while the crime was victemless the cop pulling out like that caused a higher amount of potential danger than the person that crossed the solid yellow lines. No lights to announce he was there but you can be damn sure if that person had hit the cop they would have been the ones found at fault and fined for it. Very much a move get out of my way peasent type of manuver. He already had the offender on camera, what would have been another few seconds to put the lights on, let the vehicle pass and then pull out have cost anyone?

  12. No passing zone.


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