Sunday, January 22, 2023

Atlanta Burned Again Last Night


Well, not really. It was just some unhinged young hooligans burning police cars, shooting off "industrial strength" fireworks, breaking windows and generally raising hell and supposedly protesting in the name of an environmental cause. Of course, they were labeled "non-violent" peaceful protestors (mostly) by CNN and the liberal media. I figure they were BLM/ANITFA provocateur's. I saw where six were arrested and only one was from Georgia. That alone speaks volumes to me.

There are plenty of stories out there. To read a sampling, click HERE.


  1. The positive this time around (versus 2020) is that the useless shit of a mayor from 2020 is now gone, and not openly encouraging the violence as she was in 2020. The useless shit that replaced her is probably no better, but at least he is wanting it stopped. Of course the only reason they actually care at all is because the attacks were directed at police and their (likely Deep State-connected) massive training facility south of town. Had the violence only been directed at white businesses, or been over a "mundane" shooting of someone black or BLM/Antifa-connected, who knows how long the violence would have been allowed to go on. I once counted 235 police cars on the other side of the 285 perimeter freeway once headed to the scene of a police shooting in south Atlanta (god knows how many there were on other freeways). From what I saw on the news, police came from nearly 100 surrounding counties in response to the shooting. Yeah, they care about each other....but us not so much.

  2. As a Georgia native and proud Southron, I really don't care what happens to Atlanta. It's only Southern by location and is a blue skip mark on the fabric of Georgia. culture.

    1. Yep, let it burn. Most of the arrestees were out o staters as well to funny.

      Bear Claw

  3. I'm beginning to think maybe the cops should take 30 days off so We the People can sort these terrorist cunts out, properly. By properly, I mean with extreme prejudice and malice a forethought.

    1. "Rooftop Koreans" has a nice ring to it for a group of armed citizen protectors.

      President Elect B Woodman

  4. It probably did millions of dollars of improvement to that shithole.


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