Friday, October 26, 2012

About Hurricane Sandy......

 This is one of the latest maps of "Frankenstorm" Sandy.. the 100 year storm OMG WE'RE ALL DIE!!

ZOMG!!!!!!  I have noted the basic area of the sooper sekrit bunker of  The Feral Irishman. It appears ( for now) that we might be okay.

  I did receive an email of concern from blog buddy billybob this morning:

"You keeping an eye on this storm? These guys are talking about this thing like some kind of 100 year storm or something. Man, stay safe up there. You might want to stock up on some supplies, beef jerky, fritos, beer, you know, the important stuff! "

Thanks Man!  That's a great idea!!

To all my readers in along the eastern seaboard.. please stay safe.


  1. I just started hearing this morning how this storm may impact the East Coast. Sounds like NY and NJ may get it pretty bad. Not really supposed to do much here in NC, but I'm still going to stock up on a few things. Stay safe up there buddy.

    1. I'm in Cape Carteret. Where are you? Right now, just calls for rain and winds in the twenties here. My 10 cases should get me through..........

    2. Siler City, closer to the coast than I'd like sometimes. That's all I'm hearing for this area, rain and wind. But, like C W Swanson said, you can never tell where these things are going to go. I've got plenty of lamp oil, propane, MRE's, bacon and beer. Damn, forgot the Scotch!

  2. Sheesh the man didn't mention the whiskey, what's wrong with him??????

    1. I prefer beer or vodka angrymike. Whiskey and "I" do not mix well, unless it's too kick the shit out of a cold :)

  3. You never really know where those storms will actually go. Being prepared is just good insurance.

  4. To the Batmobile! Lay in a weeks supply of bacon and booze!

  5. I live in Harrisburg Pa., 8pm Tues. looks interesting.

  6. It looks like Irish will be in the 'Dangerous Semicircle'. Since these storms turn counter-clockwise their speed of travel adds to the wind velocity on their right side. In the northern hemisphere, of course.

  7. I live with the possibility of this shit every year. I'm in southeast Florida.

    It helps me prep. I now do nothing for these fucking things. I wait until the winds are 50+ before I even shutter the windows. I have food, fuel, weapons, ammo, water, generator, etc. to keep me self sustained even if one were to show up in April (off season)and last for a year. The last time we took a hit, we went over a week without power, no gas for love or money for four days, all manner of scummy individuals roving the neighborhood, etc. It was amazing to watch the panic.

    Buck up. If you can't survive three or four days without some sort of prep, what are you gonna do when a real thing transpires? And, if you aren't prepped at all times for a lousy three to four days, you got problems.

    Use it as a FTX. Learn from it.

  8. We are 200 miles east of the center about 100 miles north of Miami on the coast and it was gusting to 50 today. A lot. Still lots of wind. Stay safe.

  9. Looks like I'm going to take this one in the seat. The oil majors are trying to stockpile feedstocks so I haven't found a safe place to hunker down just yet. Good times ahead.

    1. What kind of reports are you getting? I take it you are down near NJ or NY?


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