Tuesday, December 5, 2023

The FAFO Chronicles..... When Cultural Enrichment Includes Open Carry and Drugs....Meets "Fed-Up".









  1. Replies
    1. Heh, saw yer performance on the Grit just last night. Really like the part where youz go---"Can ya REALLY skin griz?"

    2. Watch your topknot..


    3. He said I can skin most anything.

      Watch yourin.

  2. 😂😂😂😂😂😂
    That was glorious.
    Bet shit stain doesn’t do that anymore.

    1. yeah, I have noticed that if assholes getaway with doing something, they damn sure do it again.
      so, if you see a asshole doing something like this. enlighten the asshole that it is not okay to do that.
      just a idea. dave in pa.

    2. Spot on Good Sir!!!
      It's going to be up to us! Grok that!
      The politicians have made it impossible for the police to give us a civilized society. All this crime and degeneracy is being fueled by people in positions of power.
      We can remove the people in power, but with voting compromised and the demographic situation that is pretty well pointless. As we've seen twice now, do not whip your chivalry out and try to stop an actual crime in the process of being committed - the perp walks and the judge throws your ass in jail.
      So it's up to us to fix it. Outside the system.

      Keep a mask in your pocket folks! You see this happening in your AO, you don that mask, put on your hat, pull up your hoodie, and teach that miscreant it will not be tolerated here. Just like you see in the video, bash that SOB's skull in and calmly walk away. He will NEVER stand naked at the end of an escalator again.

      See how the climatetards stopped blocking the roadways the instant CITIZENS started taking matters into their own hands? Cops stood there stopping cars waiting for EMS... The Europeans started bonking them on the head and throwing them out of the road, so they stopped doing that shit. Except in Panama... Whoopsie, yeah, that's the answer people! Bet Panama's climatetards don't block Highway 1 ever again.

      You will get what you put up with.
      We put up with corrupt lying politicians grifting and stealing our money while destroying our cities and society. Well, nobody's started shooting any of them yet, so why would they stop doing it? Criminals run rampant because judges feel emboldened to legislate societal norms from their bench. Put a bullet in one fuckers head and see how many keep doing it? Remember the judge in Europe who let the kiddie diddler out? Townspeople put that fuckers head on the judges front door step.
      So long as we tolerate it, we will have to put up with it.

  3. Naked,with a fire extinguisher and a mask.
    And hopefully at least a four stitch plasma leak..
    Good grief, America has fallen a long way

  4. Better than Wyle E Coyote and Tom and Jerry combined!

  5. He deserved it just for wearing a mask

  6. That escalated rather quickly

  7. 0 tolerance = less dumb shit.
    America is finally waking up.

  8. Missing the earlier part of the video where naked man is violent with bystanders.

    1. Standing naked in public with your dong hanging out, is violence. Sexual violence.

  9. PO PO unable to serve and protect, so it is up to us

  10. I doubt even after that lesson the idiot has no clue as to the importance of situational awareness.

  11. The poster is the African reporter that the White House purposely discriminates against.

    1. Yes, Simon is a good man. He knows what is moral and right.

  12. Dumb one after he wakes up will realize that it is not so safe to be like he is and better scoot away fast. Time is changing and the mentals are out, but there are less police, and people are getting sick of it. The rule of Law means something but it has to be equal and we see in the last 6 years it hasn't. Vigilantes will start to take over.

  13. That's the absolute funniest thing I've seen all week, so far!
    This needs to increase 100-fold, because after that, such incidents will all but cease to exist in the first place.

  14. This may speak more to my own limitations, but I think he was just showing off…

  15. What he gets for trying to rock out with his cock out! In public.

  16. I hope his dope wore off before he woke up.

  17. There is a lot to be said for being a vigilante as a secret hobby. I loved it that he just walked away.

  18. Consequences for bad behavior ? Hmmm What a concept ! The law of the jungle is all they understand . Low I.Q. Zero impulse control jobless entitled anti social barbarian parasites need something to keep them from destroying what is left of socity.

  19. The Worm is Turning! Rational Peeps are getting fed up and making changes!

  20. The Bernie Gaetz's of the world are waking up. - Nemo

  21. He Dindu Nuffin!! He was on his way to choir practice... WE WAS KINGZZZZ N SHEEEIIITTT!!!


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